The Book of Thoth Tarot

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It can back-fire dangerously if used improperly or carelessly. It was designed that way, as he had an extremely warped sense of humour and enjoyed laying traps for others, with no care at all as to the final outcome.


The Book of Thoth Tarot is a program for those who wants to get the most of spiritual techniques about divination with Tarot cards. Here we release you the Tarot divination as exactly described in Aleister Crowleys The Book of Thoth for beginners and experts.

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Version 1.2 may include unspecified updates, enhancements, or bug fixes.

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Who ever programmed this was not a native English speaker.

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The Book of Thoth Tarot include 5 different Tarot decks. We explain you how to read the cards and how to make the divination. The program is very easy to use and have a help file inside, you just click on cards and read, you can write your question so to help you concentrate more in the question. Version 1.2 may include unspecified updates, enhancements, or bug fixes.

We find 3 thought relatively to the matter

Caveat, and do not use this as a learning or teaching deck—even in a computerized version, it is still best to avoid it entirely.

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Remember, this Deck was personally designed by Aleister Crowley—Be Careful

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There are many many many grammatical errors.. so much so that it is virtually impossible to understand what its trying to tell you!

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2008-03-29 07:44:17 By Maetel of La Metalle

The Thoth Deck is an excellent Deck, even beautiful in a way, but it is also heavily booby-trapped. It is designed to work improperly for the unwary and can be quite dangerous.

I would advise anyone reading the above review to do the same thing I advise the above review-writer to do: calm down just a bit. Take a breath and realize that yes, Crowley was not tangled by the morals and sense of right-and-wrong that most of us are, but he was not an evil man by nature and was in fact more free than most of us can even conceive of. The Thoth Tarot Deck is complicated for new users to be sure and probably shouldnt be used as a learning or teaching deck. But there is no danger of backfire while attempting to predict quantum probability fields. People should not live and die by the results of a tarot divination. They are, at best, a suggestion of possible events, nothing more.


Crowley was a full Golden Dawn initiate, but he was also expelled from that Order on very solid grounds. He was an expert ceremonial magician but had no genuine interest in whether what he did was right or wrong—and had a deserved reputation for intentionally misleading and/or lieing to inexperianced students and then abandoning them is whatever trouble he had led them into, which he found amusing.

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Remember, this Deck was personally designed by Aleister Crowley—Be Careful

a.dln-a:download_now_button_click; var downloadNowExcludedClasses = [offsite-enabled,offsite-webpage,offsite-visitSite]; function fireTrackDownloadClick(selectorIdlTypeArray, selector, selectedElement, isOffsitePopup) return function(e) var offsitePopup = isOffsitePopup false; var callBack = null; var self = selectedElement; var anchor = null; // get the first anchor inside of the selectedElement var anchors = self.getElementsByTagName(a); if (anchors.length

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