
Prifddinas is the legendary crystal city of the elves and home to the eight clans, each of which controls its own sector and offers a huge variety of activities and services for players to engage in and use.

Chance of obtainingSwamp tarwhile smeltingCorrupted ore.

Inside the area you will be able to catch Urchins. Small Crystal Urchins requires 93Fishing, the Medium Crystal Urchins requires 95Fishing, and the Large Crystal Urchins requires 97Fishingto catch.

TheIthell heraldis found in the centre of the sector and will sell you theClan Ithell capefor 1,000,000gp. There is also a convenient bank box located next to her.

On the north side of the dungeon there is a room filled with Edimmu. You can only pass the barrier to enter this room if you have been assigned an Eddmiu Slayer task.

Inside the Hefin Cathedral in the Hefin Sector.

This huge bonfire can be used to trainFiremakingwithout having to constantly relight your bonfire when it burns out.

Doubles the stock of the Sawmill operators Construction Supplies shop and replenishes stock if its at 0 when the effect changes to Ithell.

While in Prifddinas you will notice two icons in the top left corner of your screen which indicate which sectors of the city are currently affected by the Voice of Seren. The Voice increases the experience and chance of finding golden rocks while skilling in the active sectors and also provides a number of other effects unique to each clan (see table below). Note that the active sectors change every hour on the hour.

Up the stairs in the northeast corner of the tower youll find a chamber containing a Memoriam Device similar to the one found on Frenesake during and afterFate of the Gods. You can use this device to access Serens memories if youve obtained her Memoriam crystals from the city (see table below). Youll also notice some Crystal shards floating around the room and these are remnants of the goddess herself.

Tower of VoicesAmlodd SectorCadarn SectorCrwys SectorHefin SectorIthell SectorIorwerth SectorMeilyr SectorTrahaearn Sector, and theMax Guild.

You can talk to theHarmony pillar farmerto learn more about the pillars and access both the same Meilyr Clan Store and Recipe Shop run byLady Meilyr.

Dilwyncan be used an alternative toXuanfor accessing theLoyalty Shop.

Challenge Mitress Heriaucan be used an as alternative toChallenge Mistress FarainBurthorpefor turning in yourDaily Challengesand toggling max challenges on or off.

Increased chance of obtaining items unique to Prifddinas from the Crystal chest e.g.Crystal tree blossomandCorrupted ore

Provides a chance of attracting a Guthix butterfly while checking health of crops.

He will also give you a Reward or Damage enhancer from the Motherlode Maw (see below) in exchange for 10Crystal motherlode shardsor exchange unfocused or any other enhancer you already have for another with half of the full charges.

HarvestHarmony moss. after drinking a dose ofPerfect juju farming potionwith a fully grown fruit tree in the Meilyr Sector patch to be able to take the crystal next to the northeast Harmony pillar.

The Trahaearn Sector found south-southeast of the Tower of Voices is home to Clan Trahaearn and is the Mining and Smithing focused area of the city.

Provides a chance to create extra scrolls when turning pouches into scrolls using the obelisk.

Uncut dragonstoneRune platelegs (male players only)Rune plateskirt (female players only)

On the northeast side of the sector youll find a large Gem rock which can be mined for both normal and spirit gems ranging fromUncut sapphireandSpirit sapphiretoUncut onyxandSpirit onyx.

On the southeast side of the sector youll find theMax Guildand its garden which can be accessed by players who have obtained level 99 in at least one skill. In the garden youll findElen Anterthwho can be used as an alternative toMaxfor buying aMax cape.

Players with at least level 95 in all skills can reach into this once per day and retrieve one of the items in the table below which are all designed to hep you complete requirements for theCompletionist capeandCompletionist cape (t)faster.

The Iowerth Sector found south-southwest of the Tower of Voices is home to Clan Iorwerth and is the Melee and Slayer focused area of the city.

South side of the building next to the Elder tree patch in the Crwys Sector.

Artisans workshop respect enhancer, Barbarian assault points enhancer, Black knight kill enhancer, Castle wars token enhancer,Champion scroll enhancer, Chimp ice enhancer, Chompy bird enhancer, Dark beast assignment token, Fish flingers points enhancer, Livid farm point enhancer, Mobilising armies point enhancer, Morvrans challenge enhancer, Player-Owned Ports enhancer, andUnfocused reward enhancer.

Follow the tracks from the southern entrance to the city to find a rabbit named Madoc while wearing aLarupia hatLarupia topLarupia legsHunters crossbowLong kebbit boltsStrung rabbit footand with aTeasing stickin your inventory.

This area is found in between the Meilyr and Crwys districts. Unlike most areas this area requires 90AgilityRanged, andStrengthto access. This area also requires using aMith grappleand aMith crossbowto use the shortcut.

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Pickpocket one of each clans worker within 90 seconds while wearing aClan Iorwerth capeand with aNinja impling jarin your inventory.

All content is copyright © 2003 – 2018 by RuneHQ, a Global Gaming HQ LLC company. All Rights Reserved.

At level 94Farmingyou can plant aCrystal acornin this patch to grow your own Crystal tree which you can then harvest aCrystal tree blossomfrom once every 24 hours.

Find all 13 Ravens in the city. One Raven spawns every 13 days for 13 hours starting from 00:00 GMT on October 4th 2014.

Unlock an emote from the Hefin Agility Course and perform it next to the Serenity posts in the Hefin Sector.

Use any divine energy other than Elder on Seren.

At the south end of the garden youll find theMax Guilditself which is housed in a large tower. Inside youll find another bank and Grand Exchange desk,Challenge Mitress Heriau, a Combat portal which can be tuned to teleport you to various high-level monsters, including all bosses, and the Throne of Fame which you can sit on if you have obtained aCompletionist cape.

Use a piece ofCorrupted oreon Seren in the Memoriam Device chamber in the Tower of Voices.

Complete the golden Statue of Rhiannon in the Max Guild.

Just north of the Sawmill youll findLady Ithellwho you can talk to to learn more about the clan and herself. She is also able to createCrystal pickaxesandhatchetsin return for aDragon pickaxeorhatchetand 4,000Harmonic dust. Note that the pickaxe or hatchet can be on taken from your toolbelt and both aGilded dragon pickaxeandImcando pickaxewill also work.

RuneScape ® is a trademark of Jagex and © 1999 – 2018 Jagex Ltd.

Talk to Lord Iorwerth in the cathedral in the Iorwerth Sector and ask him about the World Gate (requires completion ofFate of the Gods).

Provides a chance of obtainingCorrupted orewhile Mining Coal-Runite rocks.

On the northwest side of the sector youll findDaffydwholl give you anImpling checklistand ask you to catch one of every impling in return for 50,000Hunterexperience and the option to either receive double loot or triple experience when catching implings in future.

Airut damage enhancerCadarn warrior damage enhancerDominion tower damage enhancerNihil damage enhancerQbd damage enhancerRush of blood damage enhancerVolcanic damage enhancer, andUnfocused damage enhancer.

On the southeast side of the sector youll find 6 Serenity posts. Balance on one of these and followLady Hefinsinstructions to earn up to 20,000 Agility experience per day. You can also talk toLady Hefinto learn more about Clan Hefin and herself.

Uncut dragonstoneCoal (80) (Noted)Adamantite ore (10) (Noted)Corrupted ore (50)

Best a combined total of 1,000Cadarn magusandCadarn rangers.

In front of the building west ofMorvranin the Iorwerth Sector.

In the dungeons southeast passage youll find aCrystal-flecked sandstonerock which can be mined to obtain 25Crystal-flecked sandstoneper day.

On the northwest side of the sector youll find a fountain called the The Tears of Seren which can be used to recharge all Dragonstone jewellery.

Increases the amount of time it takes for a Harmonium harp to become out of tune.

On the northwest side of the sector youll find stone block which can be sculpted as part of theGod Statuesmonthly Distraction and Diversion.

Activate this to teleport directly to the Tower of Voices via your home teleport.

Complete 8Dark beastassignments fromMorvran.

Wear theClan Iorwerth capeand use theShard of Zaroson Seren, then attempt to attack her.

On the northeast side of the sector youll find an Elder tree patch in which you can plant anElder saplingat level 90Farmingto grow your own Elder tree. Next to the patch youll findSiorwho will look after the Elder tree in return for 25Morchella mushrooms.

Combination potions,Coins (10,000-30,000)Corrupted ore (100)Crystal-flecked sandstone (1-6)Crystal geodeCrystal key, Crystal triskelion fragments, Crystal weapons, Dragon armor, Dragon weapons, Dragon ammo/thrown weapons (10-60),Elder seed, Golden rocks,Harmony moss (1-6), Impling jars,Loop half of a keyPalm tree seedPapaya tree seed, Perfect potions, Rune armor, Rune weapons, Rune ammo/thrown weapons (10-60),Spirit seedStarved ancient effigyTooth half of a key, andYew seed.

Buy all 8 clan capes from the heralds for a total of 8,000,000gp.

There are a number of titles to be unlocked in the city by performing various tasks and these are:

On the northwest side of the sector youll find a Bush and Herb patch, two giant Yew trees which each have several branches that can be cut individually, a Farming Shop run byCoedenwhich sells seeds and seedlings as well as having Choking ivy on its walls, another Bank chest andLord Crwyswho you can talk to to learn more about Clan Crwys and himself.

On the southeast and southwest sides of the sector youll find the Harmony pillars. Each of these pillars is attuned to a random skill each day and you must earn a total of 200,000 experience in this skill to complete the four growth stages of aHarmony moss seedin order to obtainHarmony moss.

South of the oven youll find a building containing four Harominum harps which can be played at 75Craftingfor 80 experience per action andHarmonic dustwhich is used to create your own Crystal weapons and tools. Once youve obtained 100 dust from a harp, it must be retuned and doing so providesConstructionexperience. Outside of this building youll also find a well and sandpit.

TheMeilyr heraldis found in the centre of the sector and will sell you theClan Meilyr capefor 1,000,000gp.

The Cadarn Sector found east-southeast of the Tower of Voices is home to Clan Cadarn and is the Ranged and Magic focused area of the city. It is also where you will find theMax Guild.

On the southwest side of this sector youll find five Seren stones which act in the same way forMiningas Choking Ivy does forWoodcuttingin that they can be mined for experience indefinitely at level 89, but provide no primary resource in return. However, you will occasionally obtainCorrupted orewhich can be smelted in a furnace at level 89 to obtain 150Smithingexperience per ore.

Killing an Iorwerth guard or scout will provide a small amount ofSlayerexperience.

Inside the Harmonium harps building in the Ithell Sector.

Provides a chance forChronicle fragmentsto spawn after killing a shadow creature.

You can speak toAuron Ithellto start the Golden Shattered Heart Distraction and Diversion and help her rebuild the Statue of Rhihannon by collecting pairs of Golden rocks from a number of skilling activities and adding them to the golden plinth beside her.

On the southwest side of the sector youll find a Magic tree in each of the four corners.

TheCrwys heraldis found in the centre of the sector and will sell you theClan Crwys capefor 1,000,000gp.

Next to the Harmony pillars on the southwest island youll find a resource dungeon requiring level 115Dungeoneeringto enter.

Plant a bush in the Bush patch in the Crwys sector and check its health when its fully grown.

The Meilyr Sector found north-northeast of the Tower of Voices is home to Clan Meilyr and is the Dungeoneering and Herblore focused area of the city.

Provides a chance that ore rocks will become temporarily harmonized and not run out of ore when mined.

The Tower has two banks and Grand Exchange desks, one on the northwest wall and one on the southeast wall where youll also findRhobert Dailwho can decant potions for you.

Just west of the Tears of Seren fountain youll find Hafs Staff Shop where you can buyBattlestavesfor 7,000gp each fromHaf(andLunetif youve completed theHard Tirannwn Tasks) and use the Elven grimoire to swap between the Standard and Ancient spellbooks, as well as Curses and Prayers if you have completedDesert TreasureandThe Temple at Senntisten. Doing so will also boost your Magic, Ranged and Defence levels.

On the island south of Lady Meilyr there is resource dungeon requiring level 95 Dungeoneering to enter.

Just east of the oven youll find 6Soft clayrocks (Note: Clay rocks do not deplete during Ithell voice of Seren), aCrystal-flecked sandstonerock which can be mined for 50Crystal-flecked sandstoneper day and a Robust glass machine to turn the sandstone intoCrystal glass. There is also a Tanner just south of the Soft clay who can tan your hides for a price.

The Hefin Sector found north-northwest of the Tower of Voices is home to the Clan Hefin and is the Agility and Prayer focused area of the city.

Finally, north ofLady Ithellyoull findElunedwho can turnCrystal toolCrystal armourandCrystal weapon seedsinto crystal equipment for a price. Next to her youll find the Singing bowl which as mentioned above can be used to create your own crystal equipment assuming you have the correct levels and enoughHarmonic dust.

Blissful shadowCadarn magusCadarn rangerEdimmuIorwerth guardIorwerth scoutManifest shadow, andTruthful shadow.

Uncut dragonstoneTooth half of a keyCrystal motherlode shard (10)

This City/Area Guide was written byJavezz. Thanks toBalista, Sumurai8, RHODARRE, The Cardinal, Rednar, Aw0L, somedude772, RdRanger2020, and Gods Psychic.for corrections.

Summon aLight creaturefamiliar and use its special move, then talk toLord Amlodd.

On the southwest side of the sector youll find the start of the Hefin Agility Course which takes you up to the roof of the cathedral. This is much less click-intensive than any other Agility course and plays out like an interactive cutscene while also offering a chance of unlocking unique item rewards and emotes after completing each lap.

Teleport to the Prifddinas Fairy ring (D J S).

Next to the resource dungeon entrance youll find andWythienwho runs a Dungeoneering Rewards Shop and can be used as an alternative to theRewards Trader.

Uncut dragonstoneDwarf weed seedTorstol seed

Plant aCrystal acornin the Crystal tree patch.

Use aBacon moundon Seren with aChocolate barand loaf ofBreadin your inventory.

Uncut dragonstoneYew seedPapaya tree seedElder seed

PickpocketArianwynnear theCadarn heraldin the Cadarn Sector.

The Ithell Sector found west-southwest of the Tower of Voices is home to Clan Ithell and is the Construction and Crafting focused area of the city.

On the southwest side of the sector youll find a cathedral with a new Crystal chest next to the altar which can be opened with aCrystal keyand offers improved rewards over the chest found inTaverley(see table below). Youll also find Iestin Edern here who is now the newLord Iorwerthand can talk to him to find out more about the Clan Iorwerth and himself.

Afenen, Alfon,ArianwynAuron IthellBriallenChallenge Mistress HeriauCadarn heraldCoedenCrwys heraldDaffydDilwynEifionEilwynnEirlysElen AnterthEluned, Emlyn,Estate agent (Prifddinas)GlouronGorajo hoardstalkerHafHarmony pillar farmerHefin monkHefin heraldIantoIorwerth heraldIthell heraldLady IthellLady HefinLady MeilyrLady TrahaearnLord CrwysLord AmloddLord Iorwerth (Prifddinas)LunetMeilyr heraldMorvranRhobert DailSawmill operatorSior, Tanner,TiwlipTrahaearn herald, andWythien.

Follow the pathway all the way north to reach the citys central hub, the Tower of Voices. Herell youll find a selection of useful features including:

Inside the dungeon, head north and youll find the Motherlode Maw.

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Uncut dragonstoneGrimy lantadyme (5)Crystal tree blossom

TheCadarn heraldis found in the centre of the sector and will sell you theClan Cadarn capefor 1,000,000gp.

On the northeast side of the sector youll find the a Slayer Master calledMorvranwho will assign you tasks if you have 85Slayerand a Combat level of at least 120. You can also talk to him to play theRush of Bloodweekly Distraction and Diversion.

Collect sand from the Sandpit in the Ithell Sector with 10 or moreBucketsin your inventory.

On the northeast side of the sector youll findLady Meilyrwho you can talk to to find out more about the Clan and herself. She also the Meilyr Clan Store which stocksHarmony moss seedsand variousHerbloresupplies, as well as a Recipe Shop from which you can buy recipes for various combination potions, some of which must first be unlocked by finding them whileDungeoneering.

Head to the far north side ofTirannwn, northeast ofLletya, and cross the bridge to find two Prifddinas Guards. If you have completedPlagues End, then theyll allow you to pass into the city. Alternatively, there is a second entrance to the city from the limestone mine to the east.

On the southwest side of the sector youll find a Fairy ring which you can teleport to using the code D J S. There is also a large Summoning obelisk here which can be used to infuse pouches and next to this youll also findLord Amloddwho you can talk to to learn more about the clan and himself, as well as convert pouches into a percentage of their Spirit shard cost as an alternative toBogrog.

Provides a small amount of Magic experience after besting aCadarn magusregardless of combat style used.

On the north side of the sector youll find a cathedral up the stairs containing a large floating Corrupted Seren Stone. You trade with one of theHefin monksto buyCleansing crystalsfor 110,000gp each which can then be used to cleanse the Corrupted Seren Stone forPrayerexperience.

Next to theTrahaearn heraldin the Trahaearn Sector.

Over the bridge on the far north side ofTirannwn, northeast ofLletya.

TheAmlodd heraldis found in the centre of the sector and will sell you theClan Amlodd capefor 1,000,000gp.

Take 10 minutes or more to complete the Hefin Agility Course.

Iantocan be used as an alternative toDiangoinDraynor Villagefor retrieving holiday event items,Treasure Hunteritems and any other promotional items you may have obtained. Behind him you will see the Holiday portal which will be able to teleport you to a Holiday Event when one is on-going.

Provides a small amount of Prayer experience after completing a lap of the Hefin Agility Course.

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Follow the path up the cliff and on your way youll come across the crystal gate from the previous incarnation of Prifddinas which has been kept as a monument. Continue up the path and youll finally reach the newest incarnation of the legendary crystal city.

On the southeast side of this sector youll find a Tree patch and to the south of this a building containing a furnace and four anvils.

Uncut dragonstoneDragonstone helmDragonstone hauberkDragonstone greavesDragonstone gauntletsDragonstone boots

Inside the Herblore Shop in the Meilyr Sector.

Inside the dungeon youll find the Gorajo hoardstalker who you can talk to claim one random Gorajo card per day which provides benefits while Dungeoneering.

Replaces anyBird nestdrops withCrystal geodeswhile Woodcutting.

Successfully completeMorvranschallenge.

The Amlodd Sector found west-northwest of the Tower of Voices is home to Clan Amlodd and is the Divination and Summoning focused area of the city.

On the northeast side of this sector youll find a patch ofFlaxwhich you can pick and in the building to he east there is a spinning wheel and loom.

Next to the House portal youll find a Sawmill and you can talk to theSawmill operatorhere to change logs into planks and buy variousConstructionsupplies. As it is located just a few steps away from a bank box, converting logs to planks is much more efficient here than using theSawmill operatorfound northeast ofVarrock.

Uncut dragonstoneUncut ruby (3)Uncut diamond (3)

Provides a chance to obtain shadow cores from the Hefin Agility Course.

For more information about staff roles and responsibilities seethis area.

Kill a combined total of 1,000TruthfulBlissful, orManifest shadow.

TheTrahaearn heraldis found in the centre of the sector and will sell you theClan Trahaearn capefor 1,000,000gp. There is also a convenient bank box located next to him.

Talk to all 8 clan Lords and Ladies about their clan.

Search the crate against the west wall of the building south of the Seren stones in the Trahaearn Sector.

On the northeast side of the sector youll find a huge rift which can be used to convert Shadow cores dropped by the Blissful, Manifest and Truthful shadows into Light cores. These can then be used to infuse Light creature pouches.

On the southeast side of the sector youll find a giant Spirit Tree andGlouronwho you can talk to unlock the ability to plant a third Spirit Tree of your own at 89Farming.

TheHefin heraldis found in the centre of the sector and will sell you theClan Hefin capefor 1,000,000gp.

Find all 16 Memoriam crystals in the city and add them to Memoriam device in the Tower of Voices.

Uncut dragonstoneFire talisman (5) (Noted)Water talisman (2) (Noted)

On the southeast side of the sector youll find a House Portal and elvenEstate agentwho can change the interior decoration and location of your house, including to Prifddinas for 25,000gp.

Wear a full set of Mourner equipment and talk toLady Ithell.

Uncut dragonstoneLoop half of a keyCrystal motherlode shard (10)

On the southwest side of the sector youll find a Pottery Oven with several Potters wheels which also doubles as a Cooking range.

Uncut dragonstoneRune full helmRune kiteshield

Eat 10 sweet foods in the city e.g. Chocolate products and Fruit pies.

Killing any monster inRush of Bloodwill award a small amount ofSlayerexperience.

Increases Velocity gain while using the Hefin Agility Course.

Behind her youll see two portals which you can tune to teleport you to various high-level skilling area, however you must have at least 15 99s to use the second portal. Youll also notice a number of skill banners which can be unfurled if you have level 99 in the corresponding skill.

This City/Area Guide was entered into the database on Mon, Sep 22, 2014, at 12:09:08 PM byJavezz, and it was last updated on Sun, Sep 03, 2017, at 04:24:09 AM byNumerous One.

Provides a chance for any planted crops to skip growth stages.

Provides a small amount of Ranged experience after besting aCadarn rangerregardless of combat style used.

Complete 200 laps of the Hefin Agility Course.

InsideHafsStaff Shop in the Cadarn Sector.

Eat 50Bananaswhile wearing a Mime outfit,Fairy bannerandFairy shield.

InsideDaffydshouse in the Amlodd Sector.

Please dont contact us with these types of issues.

On the northwest side of the sector youll find a Fruit tree patch.

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On the north side of the dungeon youll also find a Bloodwood tree, random Divine location spawns, Implings, Pawyas and Grenwalls.

The Crwys Sector found east-northeast of the Tower of Voices is home to the Clan Crwys and is the Farming and Woodcutting focused area of the city.

Grow an Elder tree and check its health.

Once you are ready, you can find open applications on the navigation bar at the top of the forums. Or you can clickhere.

AddCooked meatto anIncomplete stewwhile wielding aMud piein the city.

Cast the Cure plant or Fertile soil spell onCoedenwhile wearing aClan Crwys capeSplitbark bodySplitbark legsSplitbark gauntletsSplitbark boots, aSplitbark shieldSplitbark wandandTribal mask.

TheIorwerth heraldis found in the centre of the sector and will sell you theClan Iorwerth capefor 1,000,000gp. As with any of the other clan heralds, she will provide some information on the city, tell you which sector is currently under the effect of the Voice of Seren and also sell youSerens symbol (incomplete)for 1,000,000gp.

One thought on “Prifddinas

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