2018] Best Path of Exile Beginner guide [Extended

Fire / Cold / Lightning / Chaos resistances elemental resistances reduce damage taken when you are attacked with elemental damage. A natural cap is 75% of each resistance but it can be lifted by equipped items, auras, elemental flasks or certain nodes on the passive skill tree. When you are approaching end-game (at least LVL 60-65), make sure you have all resistances except chaos capped at 75% because with uncapped resistances you will die often. If you want, you can invest in Chaos resistance, but from my experience, even having -60% Chaos resistance is not that deadly.

Skill gems are divided into two types active skill gemsandsupport gems.Active skill gems grant the player active skill such as spell, trap, mine, aura, curse or warcry. Skill gems have several tags associated with them that many beginners overlook, below I have added a picture with 3 different active skills and their tags. When active skill gems are linked with support gems, it increases mana cost of the active skill.

Curses some monsters or bosses use curses that reduce your damage, resistances, make you take increased damage etc. Best way to counter curses is to have a flask with curse removal affix on it. Players can also use curses, there are tons of builds for which curses is the cornerstone around which the build is made.

3.) Boss rooms for Shaper, Atziri, Pale Court, etc.

Chance to dodge attacks/spell damage this stat shows your chance to dodge attack or spell. When you dodge damage, you completely avoid it. It is completely different stat from evasion and they can both used together very effectively.

Frenzy charges:4% increased attack and cast speed per frenzy charge and 4% more damage per frenzy charge.

At the beginning of your journey, every character you create will have two basic resources life and mana. These two are pretty straightforward life represents how much damage you can take before you die and mana is used for casting spells and using auras. You scale the amount of life on mana using items with such mods as (+ x to maximum life / +x to maximum mana or %increased maximum life/mana etc) and using passive skill tree mentioned earlier. There is another option Energy shield.

When you register and join the game, upon creation of your character you are given a choice of what league you want to play in. Currently, there are 2 permanent leagues Standard (Softcore version) and Hardcore. Each permanent league also has solo self-found option (In solo self-found mode you cannot interact with other players that means you wont be able to play in a party together or trade).

And below you can see an item with 3 sockets where 2 of them are linked together active skill gem isnotsupported by support gem because they are not linked together.

Let me note, that main color of the sockets on items is biased towards its base type and attribute requirement to equip the item armour items (associated with strength requirements) will most likely roll red sockets, evasion items (associated with dexterity requirements) green sockets and energy shield items (associated with intelligence requirements) blue sockets.

Each charge type gives a different bonus for you:

If you are new to the game and dont want to mess up your first build (which will probably still happen), follow some build guide from our website. Another option is to just mess around yourself and see how things work but sometimes it can get frustrating if you cannot kill monsters/progress further, so be careful with it.

Shock(associated with lightning damage) when affected by shock, the target takes increased damage from all sources.

Each character class starts with different attributes which I listed in a table previously. Attributes are useful not only for meeting requirements but they also provide different bonuses:

Sockets the number of sockets an item can have is determined by its item level for example, item with an item level of 15 cannot have more than 3 sockets. This, however, can be overridden by crafting the item using Voricis crafting bench but usually is not required. I would also like to note that not all items can have the same amount of sockets even with item level higher than 50 only body armors and 2-handed weapons can have 6 sockets, gloves, helmets, and boots can have maximum of 4 sockets, 1-handed weapons and shields can only have maximum of 3 sockets, rings can have 1 socket.

2.) Vaal Side areas (one instance, once you clear it from monsters, you cannot generate new one)

Accuracy accuracy is a stat that determines your chance to hit monsters using attack based skills.

In each of the acts you have to complete mandatory quests to progress; there are also optional side-quests that give you great rewards (skill points) but they are considered mandatory for basically every character.

A little more about defenses Armour will make you take reduced physical damage from hits, Evasion will give you chance to avoid damage completely and Energy shield will give you more effective hp (3000hp + 3000 Energy shield gives you 6000 effective hp).

There are 3 core attributes in Path of Exile Strength, Intelligence, and Dexterity. Equipment such as weapons and armors/skill gems have certain attribute requirements to be used if skill gem requires 100 intelligence to be used, you will have to have at least 100 intelligence to use that skill gem.

To get access to Izaros Labyrinth, you have to completetrials of ascendancy.

[2.3.0] 15 PoE builds for Prophecy challenge leagues

You can also check out our article with some of the most popular or useful vendor recipesHERE.

When leveling your character, sometimes it might be challenging to meet the requirements for certain gems there is an easy solution to that: buy jewelry with attributes from a vendor. There are amulets that give you a good boost to attributes Lapis amulet for intelligence, Amber amulet for strength and Jade amulet for dexterity and there are also hybrid amulets that give 2 of the attributes but in a bit lower numbers. I almost always use them while leveling to be able to use skills that I want and recommend that you do too if you need some attributes. Even in late game, the best way to meet attribute requirements for most builds is using jewelry, so keep that in mind if youre ever lacking them.

Support gems effect on active skill gem

Critical strike chance this stat shows how likely the spell or attack is to critically strike.

Frenzycharges associated with dexterity.

One more thing that sets Path of Exile apart from most ARPGs is itsenormous skill nsisting of more than 1000 nodes, it looks extremely complex if you are looking at it the first time, but dont worry building your character using skill tree is not as hard as it looks.

Some of the most popular buffs in this games are:

[2018] Best Path of Exile Beginner guide [Extended]

Path of Exile wiki page holds all the discovered vendor recipes in the game check them outHERE.

After the challenge leagues end, they merge with standard and hardcore leagues meaning all your characters and items from challenge league go to their respective permanent league (standard for softcore versions and hardcore).

[2.5.0] 25+ Strong builds for Breach challenge leagues

Magic or rare items have affixes (prefixes and suffixes) that are divided into tiers for example, to get

[3.3 Incursion] Shapers Orb Which maps to shape?

[2.6] 20+ Best PoE builds for Legacy challenge leagues

Auras they can boost your and your allies offense and defense (for example added armour, attack speed, added elemental damage etc).

Below you can see some skill gem combinations and their effects.

Instead of 1 projectile, Spectral throw will now have 5 projectiles.

Evasion (associated with dexterity)is another way to avoid damage it is mostly used by ranged characters that do not expect being hit a lot. Combined with Acrobatics keystone in the Passive skill tree, evasion gives you pretty high chance to avoid taking any damage at all, but its one of the most unreliable defensive mechanics (because few unlucky hits can take you out instantly) thats why its not as popular in hardcore.

As I mentioned before, all classes share this tree but each character class starts from the different area of it. Upon leveling up, you receive 1 passive skill point that you can allocate within the skill tree.

[3.1] 20+ Great Starter Builds For Abyss League / War for The Atlas

The same principle applies to all weapons, and to see which color sockets you will roll most of the time, you just have to check attribute requirements on the weapon.

1.) Endgame maps (one instance with 6 portals to it is created)

Your Caustic Arrow projectiles will be slower but will deal much more damage.

Molten Strike will hit 2 additional times after initial hit.

Something to add if we are talking about instances is that for some areas instances cannot be generated repeatedly. Some examples:

These tags are pretty much essential pointers for everyone, even the most experienced players they basically tell us what kind of skill this is and whichsupport gemsare going to work with said skill.

Bleed(associated with physical damage) this is pretty nasty ailment that some monsters can inflict on you. Bleed makes you take physical damage over time. While you are under effects of bleed, you take considerably more damage while moving and a lot of characters die that way. Best way to deal with bleed for most builds is flask that removes bleed in combination with having the presence of mind to stand still while the debuff is on you (if the flask is empty).

[3.3] 20+ Strongest League Starter builds for Incursion League

PoE Currency Guide Currency exchange ratios

You can force-create as many instances of the area as you want it is useful if you want to repeatedly run the same zone for leveling or divination card drop purposes because creating new instance means having it populated with monsters again. To create a new instance, hover over the entrance, hold CTRL key and left click on it. Doing so will bring up instance creation menu where you should choose NEW option. Below I have attached an image of the menu. Just a note: you can also create a new instance of the zone by CTRL-clicking on the waypoint which is associated with a given zone.

Estimated physical damage reduction associated with armour, this stat tells you how much physical damage you are mitigating. The stat can be boosted by certain unique items, Basalt and Granite flasks, Endurance charges and few other options.

While talking about life, I will also give a little explanation about flasks in this game. There are two big categories of flasks recovery flasks and utility flasks. The first ones provide you with the ability to regain health and mana (or both when using hybrid life+mana flask) and utility flasks give you various other buffs such as movement speed, resistances, damage, defense and so on. The way flasks work in this game is that they have charges which are consumed when you use flask. They regain charges when you are killing monsters so you dont have to buy flasks like in other games (Diablo 2 for example).

Ignite(associated with fire damage) when affected by ignite, target burns and takes fire damage over time.

Ailments are very similar to debuffs, but they are mostly associated with damage types physical, chaos, cold, lightning and fire. Each damage type can inflict one or several ailments.

Each charge type provides different bonuses and by default, each character can have a maximum of 3 charges of each type. To increase the maximum amount of charges you can have, you can get certain nodes on the passive skill tree or equip certain unique items. Usually, its a good idea to incorporate some charges in your builds because the bonuses can give you a good boost in damage or survivability.

Besides these permanent leagues, every 3 or 4 months, new challenge league is released. Challenge leagues usually run for 3 or 4 months and most Path of Exile players participate in these leagues because everyone starts from level 1 in a completely new economy. These leagues always introduce new game content and offer challenges that give cool rewards upon completing them. Each challenge league has softcore and hardcore version and also solo self-found versions.

Freeze(associated with cold damage) when affected by freeze, the target cannot perform any actions. You should always have a way to counter freeze because it can be extremely dangerous. Unless you are wearing Dream Fragments unique item or other items that prevent you from being frozen, carrying a flask with freeze removal mod is the best option to counter this ailment.

It also applies to weapons, for example, claws are intelligence and dexterity based, so they will most often roll green and blue sockets when colored with Chromatic Orbs. If a claw has 50 dexterity requirement and 70 intelligence requirement, blue sockets will be rolled more often.

If you have allocated a skill point earlier and want to refund it, there is a currency for that Orb of Regret.Another way to reallocate skill points is to obtain respec points from quests (let me note that there is a finite amount of quests that can give you that).

Path of Exile Gems PoE Builds, PoE Currency guide and other guides

gemsFebruary 22, 2018GuidesLeave a comment

Poison(associated with physical and chaos damage) this ailment makes you take chaos damage over time. Poison ailment is a stacking one, that means there can be more than 1 instance of poison on you. To counter it, take a flask with poison removal with you, but from my experience, this ailment isnt that dangerous to have a special flask for.

In Path of Exile, you use skills by putting them in sockets of your equipment. There are 4 socket colors in Path of Exile Red- associated withStrength, Green associated withDexterity, Blue associated withIntelligence, and White. You can change the color of sockets on the item by using Chromatic Orb on it. Red, Green, and Blue are socket colors that you will encounter all the time but white sockets can be found on some unique and corrupted items.

Flameblast will have less area of effect but considerably more damage.

Blade Vortex spell cast will repeat an additional time.

You will now place a totem that will cast Flameblast instead of casting skill yourself.

Powercharges associated with intelligence,

Since game launched for the public, there has been a huge increase in the amount of Path of Exile players, that also means a lot of beginners. If you havent played an ARPG before, Path of Exile is quite a challenge to start with, thats why we decided to put together Path of Exile beginner guide it will contain explanations of game mechanics, a little bit about classes, skills, endgame bosses and things that were introduced in the past with challenge leagues.

Energy shield (associated with intelligence)is a defensive mechanism that was meta until 3.0. Characters that used Energy Shield as their form of defense relied on it as very high effective hp. Combine that with Granite Flask and Basalt Flask and you still have a good amount of armour with extremely high effective hp. On top of that lots of builds used Vaal Pact keystone in combination with life leech which made these characters able to facetank even the biggest hits and regain full hp in an extremely short amount of time.

Each item in Path of Exile has an item level thats hidden from the eye until you press ALT  key while hovering over the item. Item level is not level requirement for using the item but rather games way to put items in tiers.

Every 10 intelligence gives you+5 to maximum manaand2% increased maximum energy shield

Attack and cast speed these stats show how quickly you repeat attacks or spell casts.

Corrupting blood this one can kill you very quickly if you arent careful and do not have bleed removal flask with you. When you hit a monster with Corrupting blood mod, you get one stack of the debuff per hit and it stacks to a maximum of 20 charges.

Buffs and debuffs are temporary effects on your character that can change its offensive or defensive statistics. You can differ buffs from debuffs by their border (buffs have green border while debuffs have red).

[2018] Best Path of Exile Beginner guide [Extended]

Below you can see a table with minimum item levels for the number of sockets on items:

Currency in this game has interesting concept not only it serves as a medium of exchange but also as a tool for crafting. Every type of currency serves its own purpose, for example, Exalted Orb when used on a non-corrupted rare item with less than 6 mods, will add a random mod to that item, however, Orb of Annulment can be used to remove one random mod from a rare item.

[2018] Best Path of Exile Beginner guide [Extended]

Currently, there are 7 character classes to choose from Duelist, Ranger, Witch, Scion, Marauder, Templar and Shadow. In Path of Exile biggest difference between classes used to be their starting point on the skill tree, but after expansion Ascendancy classes were introduced. After completing Izaros Labyrinth, you will unlock ascendancy class for your character class which takes your build into more specific direction and gives it more power.

Blind when you are affected by blind, your chance to hit is halved and light radius reduced to its minimum value.

First one Flameblast. As you can see it has several tags Spell, AoE, Fire, Channelingthat tell us what kind of support gems would work with the skill. For example, we could link Flameblast with Faster Casting support or Spell Echo, that works with all active skill gems that have tagSpell,we could also link it to Increased Area of Effect Support or Concentrated Effect Support because ofAoEtag, and Fire Penetration Support because ofFiretag. If we tried linking Flameblast with Lesser Multiple Projectiles Support or Greater Multiple Projectiles Support, these support gems would not affect the skill because it doesnt have aProjectiletag, however, they would affect skills likeIce Spear,which hasProjectiletag.

Every area in Path of Exile is instance based. When you enter an area, a new instance is created. It remains open as long as you are in it, in addition, it remains open for more or less 15 minutes after you have left it.

One more important buff mechanic you should know about arecharges they are temporary stackable buffs that your character can generate in several ways. They are visually seen as small glowing orbs of different colors around your character or monsters.

Vendor recipe system allows players to sell items with certain mods, properties or item combinations to vendors in every town for some sort of reward.

[2.4.0][Atlas of worlds] 25 Excellent PoE builds for Essence leagues

Endurancecharges associated with strength,

Onslaught this buff gives you 20% increased attack speed, cast speed, and movement speed.

Endurance charges:4% physical damage reduction per endurance charge and 4% to all elemental resistances per endurance charge,

Damage per second this stat shows total combined damage for given skill taking into account all the different modifiers when calculating it. Be aware of the fact that for some builds or skills this stat is not shown correctly because of the way the given skill works one example would be poison builds that stack multiple instances of poison on the target and only the initial hit damage is shown on the tooltip.

Critical strike multiplier this stat shows how much extra damage you will inflict on the target when you critically strike.

Chill(associated with cold damage) when affected by chill, the target has reduced movement, attack, and cast speed.

There are several kinds of skill points within the tree Regular passive skill points, Notable Passive skill points, and Keystone skill points. Notable passive skills differ from regular ones by being larger and having stronger effects, Keystone skill points, however, have a bigger impact they change the way your character is played. Usually, Keystone skill points have positive effect + drawback, for example, Point Bland keystone skill point makes your close range attacks deal much more damage and reduce damage for farther traveling projectiles. Another example would be Resolute Technique keystone your hits never miss but you cannot critically strike.

Every 10 strength gives you+5 to maximum lifeand2% increased physical damage

[3.2] 20+ Strongest Starter Builds for Bestiary League

When you open up your character panel, there are plenty of different stats; lets take a closer look at some of them.

Every 10 dexterity gives you+20 to accuracy ratingand2% increased evasion rating

One of the unique things that sets Path of Exile apart is its brilliantly designed skill system skills come in forms of gems that are socketed in the items. At the inception of the game, many skills were obtainable only through drops, however now you can buy practically all skill gems from NPCs with exception of few.

There are more ways to avoid damage block(your character blocks incoming attack and does not take damage from it),dodge/spell dodge(allows you to dodge attacks and spells similarly to evasion) these are usually used as extra layers of defense on top of one of the previously mentioned defense mechanisms.

%increased Physical Damage prefix on a weapon, it has to have at least item level of 83. All rare and magic items you can equip can have affixes, including flasks, jewelry, armour and weapons jewels are the only exception and their affixes are not affected by item level.

There are also skill points that look like sockets when you allocate those, you unlock jewel slots. There are lots of different unique jewels you can use in your skill tree, some of which are mandatory for a few builds like Vaal Spark or Golemancer. Most of the time its worth unlocking jewel slots because you can buy/find great rare jewels that boost your damage or survival capabilities. Below you can see how jewel slot looks.

When planning out the build and skills that you are going to use, most important thing is to look at Ascendancy classes because they have a bigger impact than just starting point on the skill tree. At first, check out a list ofactive skill gemsif you dont know what kind of skills the game has, pick some and check them out in the game and if you want, also check builds that revolve around the given skill gem in youtube. We have started adding builds to our website and plan on adding at least one build for each of the most popular skill gems take look at our builds here.

Chance to block this stat tells us how likely we are going to block monster attacks by using shield, staff or dual wielding weapons. When you block the attack, you take no damage from the blocked hit. Certain unique items or nodes on passive skill tree makes your block chance apply to spells as well, therefore, enabling you to block not only attacks but spells as well. The cap for a chance to block attacks and spells is 75%. One more thing you should keep in mind when you block the attack, the game calculates whether or not the attack you blocked would have stunned you, if it would have, blocking animation is played and you are stunned for a moment. Stats like faster stun and block recovery and increased block recovery will reduce the stun duration after block.

Energy shield is like a barrier that absorbs damage before it gets to life for example, if you had 1000 life and 2000 Energy shield, monsters would have to deal 2000 damage to you before they get to your life, so effectively you have 3000hp. But there is one important thing you should be wary of when using Energy shield without some unique items or keystone by default chaos damage can directly bypass it and attack your life while ignoring your Energy shield thats why most Energy Shield builds use Chaos Inoculation (widely known as CI) keystone that turns your build into purely Energy Shield character (The drawback of keystone is that you have maximum life of 1 but you are immune to chaos damage). CI builds were extremely popular but now with the introduction of 3.0 patch Energy shield builds are getting nerfed and life builds are getting buffed.

When you are playing Energy shield builds, you have no option of using life flasks to quickly regain health as you do have when playing life builds. Like other items, there are unique versions of flasks, some are very strong and can boost power of  your build by quite a bit. You can see a few flask examples in the image below, but you can always visit PoE Wiki and see the list of all flasks.

One important quest is theDeal with The Banditsquest in act 2. In this quest, there are 3 bandits that are terrorizing the village that you are asked to take care of. The unique thing about this quest is there are 4 possible rewards that depend on what you do. When you encounter the bandits, you are given the choice of helping him or killing him. If you choo

Blood Rage Blood rage is an active skill which when cast, temporarily gives you attack speed, life leech and chance to get Frenzy Charge on kill, however, it makes you take physical damage 4% of your maximum life or energy shield. You can renew duration of Blood Rage by killing enemies.

There are 3 main defenses that go on top of your life Armour, Evasion, and Energy shield. On top of that, you also have 3 Elemental resistances (Fire, Lightning, and Cold) and Chaos resistance. Elemental resistances start with 0% and as you progress, more resistance is needed for them to be capped (for example your resistances will be -60% when you hit late game and have no +% to x resistance stats on your equipment). Capped resistances is a must for every character that goes into the late game (Except chaos resistance, which even at -60% is not deadly at all).

Another thing that sets classes apart is their starting attributes which you can see in the table below:

Characters start out with level 1 and get stronger as you level up. To finish the main storyline you have to go through 10 acts that are divided in Part I and Part II where you revisit Part I.

Armour (associated with strength) lots of melee characters have armour as their primary source of damage mitigation some combine it with block chance, which is another way to avoid taking damage but requires shield or dual wielding weapons. Also, Granite Flasks and Basalt Flasks are extremely useful when used in combination with armour. In terms of reliability, armour would be the most consistent defensive mechanism.

We have createdcurrency guidewhich explains what each type of currency is used for and some tips and tricks.

Fortify this buff grants you 20% reduced damage taken from hits.

There are three different types of charges:

Skill gems can be socketed in sockets of their corresponding color for example, you can put green gems only in green and white sockets (White sockets can have a gem of any color socketed in them). The maximum amount of sockets one item can have is 6 (Only two-handed weapons and Body armors can have 6 sockets), so naturally, 1 active skill gem can be supported by 5 support gems. However, for active skill gem to be supported by support gem, sockets that theyre in have to be linked together. Below you can see a 3-linked item with 1 active skill gem and 1 support gem linked together.

For new players that are wondering whether they should start out in Standard league or challenge league always pick Challenge league and experience all the cool content firsthand.

Power charges:40% increased global critical strike chance per power charge,

Item level can be very important for several reasons:

3rd Skill gem is a minion gem as you can see it has tagMinion,which means it will be affected by such skill gems as Minion Damage Support or Minion Life Support; it can also be supported with Faster Casting Support or Spell Echo Support. This specific skill gem hashidden attack modifieras well some of the minion skill gems (this included) summon minions who use attacks when they kill enemies, which means it can also be supported by Melee Splash Support, however, does not benefit from Weapon Elemental damage because they do not attack with weapons. Not everything is written on the gem and you will learn these hidden combinations while playing the game but a lot of information can be found just by looking at the tags that are on skill gems.

Maim when you are affected by Maim, your movement speed is reduced by 30%, which can hurt in some situations but there arent many monsters that apply this debuff.

This game is very unforgiving when it comes to poor character defense, so being able to survive is a vital part of the experience. Defense is arguably much more important than offense in Path of Exile and each character must have a way to survive.

Trials to first 3 Labyrinths are found in certain locations, which you can see in the wiki link above and trials for Eternal labyrinth can be randomly found in endgame maps. Each class (except Scion) has 3 Ascendancy classes to choose from you can see the listhere.

Greater Multiple Projectiles Support

Then there are debuffs, that negatively impact your character. Some of the most popular debuffs are:

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