33] Scion Aurabot with Shavronnes – 14 Auras 3 Curses

– Weapon2:Determination (21)+Grace (21)+Haste (21)

– why Shavronnes? because Chaos Damage does not bypass Energy Shield

– with Victarios we have to use Coruscating Elixir every 8 seconds

now to my elreon problem and the chaosres problem:

Or switch weapons and get a Brightbeak with Shield Charge + Faster Attacks + Life on Hit??

Base movement speed + haste aura + qs flasks = +/- 100% movement speed

– [3.2] Guardmancer Scion – 13 Auras + 3 Curse

(yes, flasks help, keep in mind partymembers might have them too though)

– Level 100 (14 auras + low ES regen) –

– no reliable movement skill makes it hard to keep up with fast atkspeed partymembers who use one.

– Chemists Quicksilver Flask of Adrenaline

suggestion by Waechter and urenemy

And we have Zealots Oath for ES regen, so we dont regen life.

– boots: Regenerate Life and Mana or increased Movement Speed

– Gloves:Ball Lightning (1)+Curse on Hit (20)+Elemental Weakness (20)+Projectile Weakness (20)

– pick Unwavering Stance from passive tree

– Shavronnes Wrappings 5L: 100c/100c

Last edited by Waechter on Mar 25, 2018 4:49:21 PM

[2017.08.04] – created for 3.0 (harbinger league)

– Resist Poison / Bleed: Major – Soul of Arakaali / Minor – Soul of Shakari / Minor – Soul of Ralakesh

– pick 2 curses that fit the player you are supporting

Last edited by MMPT86 on Jun 5, 2018 11:50:31 AMLast bumped on Jun 13, 2018 4:43:15 PM

– Gloves: Shapers Touch (or Allelopathy) (not required)

and the stun immunity from the tree (ill get to the chaos res problem later)

Sometimes i remove the cold and the light resistance flasks and use QuickSilver flasks, for a total of 3 QuickSilver with additional movement speed.

– i creat this build in Harbinger League 3.0

– only at level 70 change to AuraBot and pick Blood Magic

– we lose around 1500 ES but we get 13 auras

– Watchers Eye with Purity Of Elements Chaos Resistance +(30-50)% to Chaos Resistance

– Boots: Vitality (21) + Discipline (21) + Enlighten (4) + Purity of Elements (21)

a few things i wanna throw in though:

– Boots:Vitality (21)+Discipline (21)+Purity of Elements (21)+Enlighten (4)

– Weapon1: Ephemeral Edge (or United in Dream) (not required)

– cant play solo (always needs a carry)

– Weapon1: Shield Charge + Faster Attacks + Fortify

– pick Scion for mistake, Witch was better, guess now Scion is good to

– Armour:Anger (21)+Hatred (21)+Wrath (21)+Generosity (20)+Enlighten (4)+Empower (4)(if you use empower you can only run 13 auras)

[2018.06.05] – update for 3.3 (incursion league)

[2017.12.08] – update for 3.1 (abyss league)

Every flask have more than +60% movement speed and be used 3 times, with 5 second duration.

– Weapon2: Prism Guardian (required)

– helmet: reduced aura mana reservation (anger, hatred or wrath so you can run 14 auras)

Base movement speed + haste aura + perfect qs flasks + Ascent belt = +126% movement speedLast edited by MMPT86 on Mar 24, 2018 2:59:04 AM

– [3.2] – [Clarity_Bots] 14 Aurabot ((Low Expense, Strongest Auras)Victarios Influence)

id recomment getting a cheap shaper amu with -5% mana reservation wich are about 30c-1ex or you buy the base for 5-10c and roll till you hit the -res%

– Weapon1 (swap):CwDT (1)+Immortal Call (3)/Decoy Totem (20)

– [3.2] Demis TheBitterLemon, Victarios Max DPS Auramancer // 13 Auras + Triple Curse

– Level 100 (12 auras + high ES regen) –

it is my current setup and works suprisingly well.

– gloves: Commandment of Light or corrupted with curse on hit (if you want 3 curses)

– Belt: Ascent From Flesh (or Bated Breath or Darkness Enthroned) (not required)

try to get a watchers eye with -mana for clarity and chaosres with purity of elements.

+ youre an aurabot everyone needs you

– can become expensive with all items and gems

and even with them you are still in negative life if i put your setup in Mikelats PoE Aura Calculator. (unless you get your enchant on the alpha howl wich is rly luck based or costs another 4-5 ex)

– change one of the rings for one Elreon ring with -8 to total mana cost of skills.

– Amulet: Presence of Chayula (or Shapers Seed) (not required)

– based on guides by Alloxya and Rangaeki_Break

yes, compared to yours you lose 15% movement wich you work around with a movement skill and vulnerability hurts more, although fortyfy should negate most of that dmg.

– or Oskarm gloves with Curse Enemies with Assassins Mark on Hit

– Armour: Shavronnes Wrappings (required)

– you need corrupted gloves with Curse Enemies with Elemental Weakness / Temporal Chains / Vulnerability on Hit

and as long as your AS buff hits them, your partymembers are faster then you unless they use blink arrow.

– Armour: Anger (21) + Hatred (21) + Wrath (21) + Generosity (20) + Enlighten (4) + Empower (4)

– Boots: Skyforth (required for 14 auras)(you can use Sin Trek or Steppan Eard for 12 auras)

Chemists Quicksilver Flask of Adrenaline

– Weapon1: Shield Charge + Faster Attacks + Fortify

(Victario) 13 auras, 5 vaal skills, 3 curses, fortifier

– i appreciate all help, ideas and suggestions to improve this build.

– [3.2] Necro/Scion Victarios Influence Zealots Oath Aurabot – 11 auras 2 curses

– a good shapper amulet will have: +ES / +20% max ES / reduced mana reservation / resistances.

– 1x Watchers Eye (haste=phasing / clarity= -mana cost of skills)

You can remove from weapon1 CWDT + Immoral Call and replace for Shield Charge + Faster Attacks or Fortify.

those are around 2-4ex which is expensive, yet it makes your movementskill cost 0 mana so it doesnt interrupt your reg and it negates having no chayula.

as an example for a setup with shaper amu and the auras + enlighten you need to run the watchers eye+purity of elements heres a link:

– Pick 1 Major and 1 Minor (capture all bosses)

i played with a warchief who used shieldcharge and was barely in range when the totems hit the trashmobs on the map even with an adrenaline quicksilverflask. i cant imagine doing that without shieldcharge.

– Presence of Chayula – since breach is no longer a zana mod the prices for chayula items went up to a insane amount – 560c is the cheapes right now and we are a few weeks in the league.

[2018.05.02] – minor updates (skill tree & PoB)

But i think you gona have mana (or life) problems, because this build only use life and its all reserved for auras.

– Ring2: Shavronnes Revelation (not required)

– i level solo with Frost Blades Skill

– for 1 more curse you can use ring Doedres Damning or corrupted amulet with +1 curse

– change amulet Presence of Chayula (because is to expensive) for one shapper amulet

sry i forgot pob… already add it!

– Weapon1:Shield Charge (20)+Faster Attacks (20)+Fortify (20)(orLeap Slam (20))

– i start this build in 3.0 Harbinger League

– Physical Damage Reduction: Major – Soul of Lunaris / Minor – Soul of Grutkul / Minor – Soul of Tukohama

– Divination Distillate (only work for 1 sec) (no required)

I really like your choice of Scion for Auras as i did the same for this league and i was delightfully suprised compared to my aurabots in the last 3-4 leagues.

– run 14 auras + empower and lose 1k ES (you need a shaper amulet with reduce mana reservation)

if you use a shaper amu you can reduce the level of your enlighten by a lot and therefore reduce the price of your gear by more than half (no chayula no lvl4 enlighten – around 15-20 ex cheaper)

– Watchers Eye with Clarity Reduced Mana Cost -(10-5) to Total Mana Cost of Skills while affected by Clarity

– pick all aura nodes first and use auras on myself

you are using 3 enlighten lvl 4 wich are really expensive.

[2018.03.02] – update for 3.2 (bestiary league)

– to apply curses i use Ball Lightning or Arc with Curse on Hit

– Belt: Wurms Molt / Belt of the Deceiver

– run 12 auras (you dont need Skyforth nor United in Dream, so you get 10k ES and 1K ES regen)

– Chemists Eternal Life Flask of Staunching

– Helmet:Purity of Fire (21)+Purity of Cold (21)+Purity of Lightning (21)+Enlighten (4)

– Chemists Sapphire Flask of Iron Skin

-you got no elreond rings – if you wanna use a movement skill you will break your ES regen cooldown what can be somewhat hard on you douring bossfights or with dmging ground stuff.

It was more damage for the party than the guardian and is more tanky than the necro version of the aurabot.

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