Atziris Disfavour

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Physical Damage:(358.8-376.8)(481.2-505.2)

Adds (220-235) to (270-290)Physical Damage

This page was last edited on 6 May 2018, at 05:30.

Weapon Range:13Requires Level75,158Str,76Dex+2 toLevelofSocketedSupport Gems

This item can only drop from uberAtziriinthe Alluring Abyssand cannot bechanced.

The strongest emerge from suffering. The toughest bear the most scars. The sole survivor claims the greatest of rewards.

Only a fool tries to contain unlimited power.

Various people have reported issues with the ads on here.Make sure to report those advertisements

Now has a 25% chance to inflict Bleeding on hit (down from 100%).

This item can be acquired through the following upgrade paths or vendor recipes:

25% chance to cause Bleeding onHitI do not believe in disguising my disappointment.

Consider helping out in updating the wiki for 3.3.0 – seePath_of_Exile_Wiki:To-do_list/3.3.0

This item can only drop from uberAtziriinthe Alluring Abyssand cannot bechanced.Purchase Costs

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