Feedback from a new player

3.Flasks-Why does the flask effect end when life/mana reaches 100%. Especially with mana where a majority is being reserved, it is terrible to use a flask that is suppose to last for 14s and have it last 2 because 75% of mana is reserved. The divination distillate flask realllly suffers the ill effects of this mechanic, as the benefits are almost always cut significantly short because life/mana hit 100%.

2.)Enemies with reflect-the thorns visual needs to allow the player to distinguish if the enemy has elemental or physical resist. It takes away from the gaming experience to have to try to hover over an enemy before attacking to see which reflect you are dealing with. Also as a ranged character I have died many times because I one shot myself by hitting an off screen enemy with elemental reflect. Im all for difficulty but that seems over the top.

3. As you said: the mana and life flask effect ends when full mana/life is reached. Utility flasks on the other hand (quicksilver, resistance, granite etc.) last the full durarion which can be increased by adding quality. As for 1. you could roll the anti-bleed affix (staunching) and be immune to it for nearly 5 seconds.

wrote:1. A notification on Corrupting Blood would only make sense when giving the enemy some kind of aura. (if you die to it now you most likely will die to it even with sound notification).

1.)Ailments-things like bleed need to be more visually or auditorily recognizable. Espcially with a high AS character, it is very easy to die before the bleed is noticeable.

If you off-screen-oneshot yourself id say its your own fault and it also is the ONLY drawback for a build that is able to cheese everything else. (i would never have removed thornflesh and reflect as an aura, but ok. neon died to it and rage-removed it).

Also another tips, using lower level life/mana enable to benefit from the effect for longer time as it will take longer time to fill-up your life bar. This is really common for mana flasks when you have a lot of your mana reserved for aura etc.

Those are the three big things that I think would add tremendoously to our QOL as POE players.

wrote:Offscreen ele reflect is ridiculously stupid and nonsense. reflect should have a range or sth like that.

Reflect and Corrupting Blood/lines are much weaker now than they ever have been in the past. They explicitly exist (and have existed for years now) to kill glass cannon characters and to force people to slow down and pay attention to the enemies that they are attacking. This includes looking for the existing visual clues, audio clues, reading their tooltip, and so on.

i believe reflect exists just because of temp leagues races, people could get lvl 96-97 with having a squishy dps machine + aurabot in their team. they dont want that happen. okay, but what bad is about splitting roles of a perfect char to a team. A tank + a dps machine + a aurabot. Thats a perfect team.You have great power. Youre right to be proud. Its unfortunate you have to die now, but I will honor you with 45% of my strength.Last edited by Rupenus on Dec 1, 2015 8:22:35 AM

These are QoL changes in the sense that easier, less complex and less involved gameplay would improve the OPs quality of life. QoL is supposed to be about changes that improve life for every player, not just those that believe the game is too hard or too easy.

this oneshot from offscreen made me think a bit. you joined like 1 1/2 month ago and already 6 linked something and chanced a unique. spent several vaal orbs on gear and on maps.

Well, I got back to the game after a year break, have been plaaying like 2 weeks almost every day for a few hours. And I still dont know how recognise what the reflect monster is it, phys or ele, I always point on it with my mouse. Easily distinguish yeah.

Offscreen ele reflect is ridiculously stupid and nonsense. reflect should have a range or sth like that.

Why is it bothering you? A friends help, found himself or RMTed… Its not your busyness how he owned those items

1. A notification on Corrupting Blood would only make sense when giving the enemy some kind of aura. (if you die to it now you most likely will die to it even with sound notification).

as a 1.5 year try hard player. i totally agree with you on this.

But adding more auras to enemies would be bad as they would overlap. Depending on the skill you are using some of us already have a hard time even seeing it because the screen is covered with the skill effect. You just need to be careful here and have a anti-bleed flask with you.

this oneshot from offscreen made me think a bit. you joined like 1 1/2 month ago and already 6 linked something and chanced a unique. spent several vaal orbs on gear and on maps.

While this answer is somewhat valid I cannot help but notice that OP wasnt asking about how to deal with it, he just pointed out that current life/mana flask system doesnt make sense.And worst change is putting almost all bosses in new version of maps into fucking small areas, where you cant kite well or dodge stuff. What a terrible idiot invented that I want say to him: dude flick you, seriously flick you very much.

If I want to be an A**H**** id say the OP is lacking understanding of the game mechanism about point 3, system is fine there is no need to change anything.

why GGG has a moral approach to the builds. you have good clear speed but low survivability, you must die! get punished scrub… reflect! in your face. but why? it used to be, you have no high dps? go to hell until 2.0 comes. After 2.0, the builds are like, you have survivability? good, we devs allow you be able to do every content in the game. why do you bother with my build, if i can kill 82 malachai with 5k health? with my pure light damage ranger i can do every boss but i cant even map with my boss setup. whenever i wanna play maps, its like life a dog on the streets, i can use my 30% potential with crit bow. i have god damn 608 pdps bow, all my 6l is to reduce my damage in order to save my ass vs reflect. you GGG guys think reflect punishes squishy builds? No. reflect punishes pure damage builds. like 100% light damage, lightning arrow; 100% phys damage split arrow. some enjoy tank builds, GGG keeps helping their builds dedicatedly, why do you punish my clear speed freak builds?

Do you have a very nice friend who introduced you to this game?

Guild Leader The Amazon Basin BASIN

2. This is already in the game. Physical reflect aura is one color, elemental reflect aura is a different color. As for you hitting it from offscreen….I think there should be a price to pay for killing monsters you arent close enough to see.

Corrupting blood is like on the 2nd place after reflect that kills and make you wonder what the fuck, so aura even if on top of 1000 skills effect of other stuff wouldnt hurt.

I agree. Players shouldnt be able to deal offscreen damage and thus wont be subject to offscreen reflect. Its a bit ridiculous that its even possible to outrange enemy AI in a modern ARPG.

Maybe he didnt know the right way (read POE way) to use flasks. Surgeon flasks are OP and grant perma immunity / bonus already. Imagine a flask with 14sec effect… !

3-this is very basic mechanism in POE, if you want the effect to last the full time, dont use mana/life flask but the others (e.g. topaz flask)

Besides IMO reflect thing is dumb, is shuold be compleetly removed if there are chances to die from a monster that offscreen. *Fault* *drawback for a build*…stop it already. So if you able to outsmart monsters and kill them before they got close to you to give you a hit with -75% resists and stay alive you must be punished for it with a stupid mod ?

He could also have told you that all your 3 points are somehow invalid.

As for mana flasks. You dont need to use the highest flask available. If you only have 100 mana to spend use a large or greater mana flask. Just be sure they have an itemlevel above 10,12 or 18 depending on the affixes you want.

Do you have a very nice friend who introduced you to this game?

Those are the three big things that I think would add tremendoously to our QOL as POE players.

Divination Distillate also explicitly stops working when you heal up because thats part of the challenge of using the item. Otherwise it would just be free MF for every character.

While this answer is somewhat valid I cannot help but notice that OP wasnt asking about how to deal with it, he just pointed out that current life/mana flask system doesnt make sense.

Hey all. First, I really enjoy POE and think it is a great game. That being said there are a few things that I have encountered that strike me as flawed.

2.)Enemies with reflect-the thorns visual needs to allow the player to distinguish if the enemy has elemental or physical resist. It takes away from the gaming experience to have to try to hover over an enemy before attacking to see which reflect you are dealing with. Also as a ranged character I have died many times because I one shot myself by hitting an off screen enemy with elemental reflect. Im all for difficulty but that seems over the top.

Flask management is very important in PoE. But i dont see that any changes are needed here. (except maybe the surgeons affix but thats a different discussion).Last edited by Ruefl2x on Dec 1, 2015 4:53:30 AM

1-Imho only blood corruption mods should have a visual on the monster, the rest of the ailment thing as you call is not an issue on the character itself, there is already a visual. But having vulnerability curse and high AS against blood corruption is a killer.

wrote:He could also have told youthat all your 3 points are somehow invalid.

wrote:2. Reflect was basically removed from the game. It can only occur as map mod or as an affix for a rare mob (and only the rare mob). The aura on the mob is VERY visible and you can easily distinguish phys and ele reflect.

2.)Enemies with reflect-the thorns visual needs to allow the player to distinguish if the enemy has elemental or physical resist. It takes away from the gaming experience to have to try to hover over an enemy before attacking to see which reflect you are dealing with. Also as a ranged character I have died many times because I one shot myself by hitting an off screen enemy with elemental reflect. Im all for difficulty but that seems over the top.

Hey all. First, I really enjoy POE and think it is a great game. That being said there are a few things that I have encountered that strike me as flawed.

actually, i dont even understand why reflect still exists in the game.

If you off-screen-oneshot yourself id say its your own fault and it also is the ONLY drawback for a build that is able to cheese everything else. (i would never have removed thornflesh and reflect as an aura, but ok. neon died to it and rage-removed it).

3.Flasks-Why does the flask effect end when life/mana reaches 100%. Especially with mana where a majority is being reserved, it is terrible to use a flask that is suppose to last for 14s and have it last 2 because 75% of mana is reserved. The divination distillate flask realllly suffers the ill effects of this mechanic, as the benefits are almost always cut significantly short because life/mana hit 100%.

BTW why are you saying he will die to it even with sound? What made you think so? So you would sure notice it with sound, right? But not he. But you would. You are cool. Are you trying to offend him?

1.)Ailments-things like bleed need to be more visually or auditorily recognizable. Espcially with a high AS character, it is very easy to die before the bleed is noticeable.

But adding more auras to enemies would be bad as they would overlap. Depending on the skill you are using some of us already have a hard time even seeing it because the screen is covered with the skill effect. You just need to be careful here and have a anti-bleed flask with you.

2. Reflect was basically removed from the game. It can only occur as map mod or as an affix for a rare mob (and only the rare mob). The aura on the mob is VERY visible and you can easily distinguish phys and ele reflect.

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