
Show hybrid dexterity/intelligence armour

Highlighting for decently high quality gems.

Low value currency like scrolls, scraps and whetstones are not worth the time picking up. Youre better off maintaining a high clearspeed and buying those from other players if needed. Dont forget that you can get 4 scrolls of Wisdom by vendoring one Orb of Alteration.

Tier 15/16 and unique maps are always highlighted.

Offset for life/mana flasks. Utility flasks are always shown.

List of base types that are popular in the current meta.

FilterCloud will only hide outleveled items with a drop level lower than this. Dont set it too high – check the droplevel of the lowest base thats still useful to you in early maps.

Anything below this is usually not worth the time picking up, unless theres a lot of cards in one spot.

Some base types have multiple uniques that can spawn on them. For example, there are five different unique Two-Stone Rings. Since the filter only sees the base type, Bereks Respite will get the same highlighting as Call of the Brotherhood, even though the former is usually worth about 400 times more than the latter.

Generally, you want to pick up most currency items because theyre small and most of them have a decent value.

Show only weapons of these types while leveling.

You dont have any saved filter configs. Save a filter config, and you will be able to load it (and other saved filter configs) from here.

Strong highlighting for very high quality gems.

Show Life/Mana/Hybrid flasks only if they have at least this much quality.

These maps are always shown, even if they would normally be hidden based on their tier.

Use Shaper voice pack to announce rare currency. Otherwise these will just use the sound for strongly highlighted currency configured in the stylesheet.

In endgame, your flask setup should already be optimal. Some flasks may still fetch a good price though, especially with quality. You can configure the minimum quality at which to show certain flasks.

Anything below this is usually not worth the time picking up, unless youre going for the 5 Uniques prophecy.

Rare Jewels are very likely to be valuable. Magic jewels are usually worthless, unless both affixes are sought after in the current meta and are perfectly rolled. In that case, you may want to regal it and hope for the best.

Show hybrid strength/intelligence armour

FilterCloud allows you to define filtering rules based on the current market values. If the meta shifts and the value of a unique or divination card changes, all you need to do is download your filter again, and it will highlight accordingly.

This rule allows you to define a custom list of items youre looking for for crafting.

Movespeed boots are important in early levels, so it makes sense to pick up magic and rare boots to continously upgrade your movespeed. FilterCloud highlights boots in early levels for you.

Show hybrid strength/dexterity armour

This rule applies to the list of atlas bases defined in the Base Types tab.

Show Quivers while leveling. Select Meta to show only the quivers defined in the Quivers list on the Base Types tab.

Anything below this is usually not worth the time picking up, unless theres a lot them in one place.

Gems with less than this will be hidden.

High value gems that you should pick up regardless of quality.

This is where you tell FilterCloud what build youre using. These settings are most important for the leveling and early map rules. While leveling, youll see only the weapons and armour types you select here, plus any items that have the sockets you need.

Anything above this is valuable, and you should always pick them up.

Anything above this is valuable, and you should always pick them up.

Highlight small items (otherwise shown normally)

Show only armour pieces of these types while leveling.

Your changes will always be saved locally in your browser. But if you want to switch between different filters (e.g. for different builds), or you want to share your filter with others, you can upload them here.

Items worth more than this are very valuable. If you see this highlighting, it\s time to get excited!

Show Utility Flasks only if they have at least this much quality.

Show all rare items during early game. Not recommended.

Once youve reached red maps, you no longer want to pick up white ones. Thats why this filter has an option to hide maps that are far below the map tier they drop in. Some yellow maps are valuable and/or worth running even if youre already doing shaped Strands, so you can define exceptions from this rule.

Gone are the days when you had to hand-craft a loot filter for each build to do efficient leveling. In FilterCloud, you just select your weapon and armour preferences and your required socket colors, and it generates the optimal leveling filter for you.

Anything below this will be hidden completely.

This affects boots (unless covered by highlighting above), helmets and gloves. Only armour types you selected on the Build page will be shown. Normal and Magic armour can be hidden after some point, but Rare are always shown.

Another use for magic jewels is corrupting them and hoping for a good corrupted unique. Unless you specifically go for that though, theyre not worth picking up.

Here you can define offsets for different item types. The offset defines in which level range the item will be visible. For example, an item that starts dropping at level 10, with an offset of 3, will be visible when dropping from enemies of level 13 and below.

Medium value gems that you may also want to pick up regardless of quality.

Only armour types you selected on the Build page will be shown. Normal and Magic armour can be hidden after some point, but Rare are always shown.

Items worth more than this are very valuable. If you see this highlighting, its time to get excited!

Each uploaded filter config can be shared just by copy/pasting the url.

List of Quivers to show for bow builds. This is used when you set Quivers to Meta in the build tab.

Leveling rules will be disabled after this level. In the endgame, finding actual gear upgrades is so unlikely that you shouldnt bother picking up rares and instead maximize your chaos per hour so you can buy your upgrades from other players.

Anything below this is will be hidden completely.

Enable this to show shields for your build. Disable when using two-hand weapons.

Show all fully linked rare boots, gloves and helmets, even if their basetype would normally be hidden.

Show items with Shaper/Elder mods normally. Select Meta to affect only the meta basetypes from the Basetypes tab.

Only weapon classes you selected on the Build page will be shown. Normal and Magic weapons can be hidden after some point, but Rare are always shown. If your build uses shields, they will also be affected by weapon rules.

If you want to use Orbs of Chance, you can add the base type you want to chance here. Note that it may be more efficient to just buy the items from players.

This rule applies to the list of meta items defined in the Base Types tab.

When mapping, you want to stay in the flow and maintain your clearspeed. You dont want to stop and identify items or even take a trip back to your hideout and sort your inventory. Most rare items are very unlikely to be valuable, so you shouldnt even pick them up.

You may also try to Alt/Augment magic jewels until you hit two good affixes. However this requires a lot of knowledge about the current meta and which affixes are valuable / possible on a certain Jewel base.

Rings, Amulets and Belts are rare drops and often important sources of life and resists. You probably want to show magic jewelry longer than other items. Normal jewelry may be great for Essence crafting.

List of base types to show in addition to item classes above.

Always show Shaped maps, even if they would normally be hidden by the rule above.

Crafting only really makes sense with items that have at least ItemLevel 84 or more, to ensure that the highest tier of affixes can roll on them. Some exceptions can be made for Atlas bases (bases with very strong implicits that only drop in certain maps) and for using level-capped Essences.

Highlight rares with five linked sockets. Select Meta to affect only the meta basetypes from the Basetypes tab.

Want to play PoE at school/work, but you dont have your loot filter with you? Just log in with your Google account and upload your filter settings to the cloud, and your filter is available from anywhere.

Highlight items with Shaper/Elder mods on them. Select Meta to affect only the meta basetypes from the Basetypes tab.

Anything below this will be hidden completely.

Abyss Jewels are a bit different. Their affix pool is much more dependent on the item level, so if you want to craft Abyss Jewels, you should make sure that theyre high enough level to do so. This also means that high level magic Abyss Jewels may be very valuable and worth picking up even if you dont plan to craft them yourself.

Ususally, you want to hide identified items because most of the time, these are trash items you discarded from your inventory. Exceptions are Items drop identified Strongboxes or Tempests and Warbands. Warbands can drop magic items with unique affixes that can be valuable for crafting. Unless you specifically go after those though, its not worth the hassle.

This page defines a few sets of base types that are referenced from a number of places in the filter to determine which items to show or highlight (see the respective tabs, its always mentioned there). Feel free to add or remove items as you see fit.

Some base types (e.g. Steel Rings) can only drop in certain maps and are very rare and valuable.

Items worth more than this are very valuable. If you see this highlighting, it\s time to get excited!

Show five-linked rares normally. Select Meta to affect only the meta basetypes from the Basetypes tab.

FilterCloud is designed to only show items that you actually want to pick up. You decide which items you need when you configure the filter, and while you play you can focus on killing stuff instead of sorting through your inventory.

This rule will show all white items that have at least this item level and linked sockets.

In such cases, the filter chooses highlighting based on the most valuable unique with this base type. Some uniques are excluded, e.g. those that can only be obtained via Prophecies or Breachstones, because they cant drop anyway.

Hide white maps dropping from Tier 8 maps. Hide yellow maps dropping from red maps. Tier 10 maps are always shown, and you can add your favorite maps to the exception list below.

You can customize the behaviour of the filter wherever it makes sense, defining your own thresholds and fitting it perfectly to your playstyle.

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Anything above this is valuable, and you should always pick them up.

List of Atlas base types that can only drop in certain maps and have very powerful implicits.

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