Let Go Open Yourself to Divine Guidance

I keep seeing the Blessed card from WOTO deck while reading this! Reminds me of its message. ❤️

Received my new pack of Wisdom Of The Oracles on 7th May. I so looked forward to the arrival. Did first reading for my adult daughter in serious circumstances & the guidance surprised her. Shes been doing amazingly(under those circumstances) yet burdened & alone. I read everything to her from the Guidebook & we both knew it was exceptional and outstandingly tailored for her. Im deeply grateful because it came outside of my motherly care & viewpoint & she recognised that. Shell be returning to her situation in a few days & I feel this is an important something, a little unexpected guidance that weve been calling out for to help her which will have a ripple effect on others. sincere Thanks. ?

Sometimes the greatest adventure is found through surrendering to not knowing and just being.

What do you need to let go of? Write a letter to Spirit/God/ Goddess/ The Universe/ whatever name feels right for you- about your situation. Acknowledge that youre letting go of control and pray for guidance. Whenever I get stuck, I turn to my ownoracle cardsfor guidance, but not until I have released my hold of a desired outcome, and ask with humility for guidance.

Awesome thank you so much this was needed today. Blessed be you

Were not around right now. But you can send us an email and well get back to you, asap.

I read your blog and listened to the meditation this morning in perfect Divine timing. I have known this message for some time, but this morning I am openly receptive.

Thank you, Colette 3 I had my carpet cleaned, today, so my cat and i spent time on our steps listening to your taped meditations. She was only calm when we were listening to your voice in the meditations. Then my directional bird, a sweet raven came to yell at me to get our butts inside just in time,( preventing my cat from freaking out from the noise of the trash collection truck). After I thanked the raven, she quieted and just gently talked to us, but stayed around until I got us both inside. Life is magical and your classes and community make me more comfortable acknowledging and fully seeing and being with its magic. Thank you so very much!

I love Ravens so much they are my special bird too ?

Beautiful meditation, Colette! Thank you!

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okay, so you let go of a desired outcome how is that different from asking and wanting a specific thing and whats wrong with having a desire for a specific thing or situation?

Humility also asks you to remain open and share your own gifts and abilities with the world without placing conditions on what you want in return. It asks you to live by example and put your focus on others. This means, rising above victim consciousness and recognizing that were all in this together; even though each of us is unique, weve all had our own ups and downs.

Humility is that place within you that understands youre not alone and cannot live in isolation. Rather, youre part of a greater system of energyfrom your relationships and community to the Divine and All That Is. You receive information that does not come directly from you or your own personal knowledge, but instead through this greater system. And as part of this web, you also cannot just make things happen on your own, even if you keep trying to manifest and use the law of attraction. (I know, that can be a tough concept to digest.)

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yes they remind us that life is a circus and a big pageant ? to not take yourself so seriously

I find that there is alot of contradiction when asking for what I wantfeels like old religion that I have to give in order to getI need to be of service to others.

I often joke that most of the goals Ive surrendered have had my claw marks all over it. For example, you may have heard me talk about my dream to be a recording artist. I first did intuitive readings on the side while I prayed and prayed for my music career to take off. No matter how much I tried and pushed to make it happen, it just didnt. But, the phone kept ringing for readings. It was clear that the Divine had other plans for me. So, I finally surrendered to just be in service to others. That humility led me to a where I am todaywith a career that not only helps others, but I also love. I get to explore my creative side by making amazing divination systems in the form of oracle cards! And, ironically I did eventually get the record deal after I let it go and I am working on another music CD now too- crazy right?

Heres a great meditation calledHumility

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Great meditation can we download it? Please?

Thanks for the mediatation. You are awesome!!

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Dearest Colette, this was one of the best guided meditations Ive ever done. So much appreciation for your beautiful inspiration.

I grew up with that idealism that I must always give to others before giving or even wanting anything for myself. That way of thinking and being left me empty, it kind of feels like youre saying the same thing with a new age twist on it.

Lovely meditation. I really like your nature vision journey meditations.

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this is what I live for!! Thank you for sharing that they helped your daughter!

On some of the cards there are a number of flags in the top of the picture. Do they mean something special?

Great meditation how do I save this thank you xx

Write down five things youre grateful for every night for a week. And, ask yourself how you can be more of service to others. You might even acknowledge someone in your life youre grateful for. (Perhaps bring flowers to the hardworking barista at your coffee shop, help your neighbor with their trash, or send a card to a family member or friend.)

I hope its okay I ask you here.

there is nothing wrong with desiring something .. its when we become too attached to the form of it. Also holding it as if it had already happened, or that you have it then allows the universe to deliver it in the form its supposed to be in for you. This is not religion I assure you ?

Collette- Thank you for such a beautiful and appropriate message. Xoxo

Awesome, blessing I need , prayer and the blessing and wisdom that came with it. peace and thank you

its confusing I know.. but in hindsight we see how it works we dont decide the form.. we decide the essence

Breathtaking Meditation. Sincere thanks. Wonderful (blog)words as well.

I really needed this email message. Sometimes I like being in control but that is usually when I dont receive my desired outcome. I guess I needed to be reminded that spirit is calling the shots a lot of times for my benefit as well as the benefit of others.

What a great meditation. I used to fly over my Ottawa neighbourhood when I was a child. Some nights I could hardly wait to go to bed and start my dream. I think I thought I was the flying nun. I even remember getting a swoopy feeling in my stomach as I flew around.

Hi Alexandra, FYI u can purchase this meditation in Colettes Mindful Living guided meditations app. They are all just as beautiful. ???

Anything is possible when you open your connection to the Universe

Synchronicity for President!! Exactly what I needed right now! Thank you very much for this article and this beautiful meditation! Love

I love your blog Colette! It always seems to be the perfect message for me at the perfect time! Thank you so much for being you and sharing your experiences and wisdom. I can so relate to the claw marks!

love how the card matched your message internally

The Seer from MSO was one of my cards drawn yesterday. You receive information that does not come from your own personal knowledge, but instead from this greater system. I love the exercises and meditation?

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There really arent words to say how grateful I am for your gift of words and music; meditation and unification! However, I Thank you with a million blessings, Colette. It was so good for me to see myself as part of my neighbourhood, country and the world. Soooo many twinkly lights! You are a shining beacon to all those who need guidance through the dark times and you grow more and more radiant each week. Im beaming love to you and the collective as we are all one! xxx Jen

Another beautiful blog message and meditation, thank you for sharing!!!

Letting go seems so hard sometimes, until I remember (thanks to you) that Spirit has something even better in mind.

I get a kick out of myself thinking Im going to change the universe. What is it they say? When we make plans, God laughs. Just through being in the natural rhythm and flow which exists in the universe is when I feel the best.

With humility, you can maintain your connection with the conscious universe no matter how tough life might seem. It entails letting go of control, surrendering to the present, and being grateful for all of your experiences even the tough aspects of your life. So, if youre worrying about whether youll attain your goal or feeling stuck, humility asks you to bless all of your experiences. With acceptance and a grateful attitude, you open yourself to Divine guidance.

Thank you Colette. I love your cards and your wisdom ?

Thank you so much! One deck in particular that called me as a beginner was the Wisdom of Avalon. Although, I know nothing about the story of Avalon, these cards spoke to me as I watched a review. I was able to precisely indicate the exact message of what I was already feeling from spirit.

Thank you Colette! As I sat down in front of my altar this morning, I heard, Stop trying to make your life happen! Get out of your way, and let your life unfold! And then I saw your email. Perfect confirmation! Thank you for being that confirmation. Just what I needed.

Have you ever had the experience of wanting something to work out sooooo much? You come up with an action plan, make a wish, keep praying, and visualize. Youd even do a rain dance if you had to. Yet, all the signs from the Universe are telling you to let go and stop putting your goals ahead of your relationships and the world around you. When youre tired of all the fighting and youre finally present in the not knowing of the mystery, the Divine leads you to your highest outcome one that is often better than what you first wished for.

I believe if you have faith God will deliver

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Connection is the ultimate realm of intuition and a reminder that you are part of a greater community.

Thank you for the beautiful meditation. Of course, it is exactly what I needed at this moment.

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brilliant post always love it when you come and share ?

you cant you can only stream it but you can purchase it on one of my meditation apps.

Practice being grateful and of service:

You are so generous with your wisdom Colette..Thank you so much

Thanks for the words of wisdom and the free meditation.

I would like to ask you about your orakel card wisdom of the oracle

While reading the blog the words humility and surrender kept resonating along with not knowing Thinking about this I realized that there is often this difference of opinion between spirits will and my interpretation of what this should look like. You refer to it as the form. Letting go means that I am trusting the outcome to something other than my limited vision can imagine. Spirit has a much broader perspective , and a detached one. I love the frame of reference you often refer to in divine appropriate timing. Getting myself out of the way. allowing, releasing the outcome all very challenging to my creative soul. Dr. Joe Dispenza says the HOW is none of my business. I know that I extend a lot of energy sometimes trying to figure everything out on my own. Recently I serendipitously met someone I didnt plan on; who has family connections to a factory in India where they print and manufacture scarves. How interesting! As it wasnt really appropriate to discuss my business with her at that moment I decided to contact her about meeting to discuss a collection of artisanal designs I have been working on having created. As is turns out she lives in Toronto which would make things much easier to communicate and collaborate. Her suggestion that we meet after she returns from travelling, not until June. I shared that I had already had some prototypes printed by another company and her response was that they will make a fool out of you. Didnt elaborate on that comment. So in the meantime, I am fortunate to be gainfully employed assisting an emerging entrepreneur develop her business. Eighteen months since that door opened and I learn a great deal from being connected to this uncharted journey. So grateful to be a part of a larger story, and to be trusted, and appreciated, valued and paid regularly which an upward climb to rebuild my financial infrastructure from the ground up. Still I feel inspired to explore this other pathway and to see where it leads. My day job is not my destiny, but I do believe that it was good orderly direction to have accepted the position and to take time to make sound decisions while I do have an income source rather than trying to make it work, and happen . Sometimes it can be as easy as having the right connection(s) appear when not expecting it. Spirit is playing a part and my part is to be present to receive the gift when it does. So on that note; I am at peace and am no longer applying pressure. If it serves the best interests of all concerned; the next steps will be revealed in divine appropriate timing. So Off to work I go!!! As always, your blogs allow me to question my motives, and to think about how I might approach a situation from a new vantage point. So appreciate the opportunity to share

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