Oracle Cards

FIRST, LISTEN FOR WHOS ASKING YOU TO DANCE.Decks are as individual as the people who use them, and one persons favorite deck is another persons flea market leavings. So its important to recognize what will ring your chimes, zing your intuition and induce you to keep practicing your Art on a daily basis.

So youre in the neighborhood, and youve got your buddy. Lets decide what youre going to do together.

And remember that expert readers know that cards are a world of their own. Each deck is its own domain. Now that youve entered your new neighborhood, shall we meet the neighbors?

How to Design Your Own Oracle Card Spreads

So the question is: without someone telling you this is how you do it, how do you dance with your new deck? And how do you choose from the dozens of new decks out there?

A lot of decks have medieval themes, which lend themselves right off the bat to three layouts: a church, a castle, or a jousting field. In the church layout, try asking questions about what penance might clear a challenging situation, or what blessing might be bestowed by an action. For the castle layout, maybe the questions are what moat do people have to cross to get close to you? How do you let down a drawbridge to cross from one part of your life to another? What meaning can you give to each of the rooms? And if you decide you want to try out the jousting field, ask what two solutions or situations are battling it out for your attention?

But Tarot now has to make room on the shelf for its New Age cousins. With the advent of the Spirituality and Metaphysical movements since the 1960s, people are creating countless decks that have nothing to do with the standard Tarot archetypes. Faeries, angels, dragons, Zen Buddhists, vampires, Steampunk and Goth aficionados all have cards dedicated to their realms of thought, and theyre in no way derivative of Tarot. Moreover, because there is no tradition associated with these modern creations, theres no standard way to read with decks like these.

Psychic Tips for Professional Readers

PEOPLE GO TO THEME PARKS FOR A REASON. WHATS IT LIKE IN YOURS?The fact that you dont have the same imagery that every Tarot deck is expected to have means you can interpret your decks worldview in wonderful and unique ways and one of the best ways to do that is to design your own spreads for using it. If your deck has a particular theme, play with it! Let it expand the possibilities.

Certified Professional Tarot Reader

I want you to take some time before you go shopping for your new divination partner. Close your eyes, and imagine perfect deck.How does it feel in your hand? Is the deck small and compact, or large enough for lush illustrations? Are the colors saturated or pastel? Indeed, is the deck in color at all, or do you groove to black and white? Is the deck designed around traditional artwork, photographs, or collages? Who is populating the deck humans, animals, mythical creatures, or something else? Does it have major and minor groupings, or are all the cards stand-alone? Is the feel of the deck light or dark?Each of these questions will help you find a deck into which you can dive deep, and come up with all kinds of interesting stories for the future.

So you have your three categories of subjects. What about how to frame the question? There are lots of different ways to read, just as there are lots of different spreads to use. But generally, questions fall into two distinct categories.

With Tarot decks, its sensible to learn and understand the traditional meanings of each card years, decades, even centuries of thought and conjecture underlie all the symbols and pictures. But when its a new deck, without a history, that means all paths are open. And your path can be as individual as you are.

In the 21st century, multitasking is vital for most of us; in the 19th it wouldnt have been thought of. Ditto todays methods of commerce, consumerism, communication and employment. Which cards in your deck will signify these new ideas and modalities? Heres an example using a standard Tarot card: the eight of wands is often read as speaking about communication. In my Tarot deck, it talks about the Internet now along with traditional interpretations and it works; the deck understands that has to be part of its purview. Making the stretch to work with these ideas in your deck can do wonders to deepen a reading.

Fast forward youve gone shopping, youve looked and felt and thought and weighed your options, and youve chosen your deck. Youve brought it home, broken through the shrinkwrap and lifted the box cover. Youll find your cards, a few introduction and about cards telling you about the designer, the thoughts behind the deck and a book.

I see readings as a sacred opportunity and responsibility to help you get the very best out of your life with every tool we can create for you. When we work in a session together, co-creating your best future, its energy well spent and what you learn about yourself and discover about your future possibilities and opportunities will benefit you for months and years to come. Book your

Id love to have readers out there who use non-Tarot decks share their ideas. Please tell us what kind of deck you use; why you chose it; and what kind of readings help it really shine for your clients.

Try talking to the cards without the benefit of other peoples ideas. Crack open your deck, and fan it out. Study the singular back design. Then turn them over, so that they all face you, approachable and eager to play. Which cards draw you? What groupings do you see initially? Do the cards suggest reading them in order, as the deck was designed, or do you perceive new ways of categorizing them? Think about your deck and its makeup the way little kids figure out a new toy they turn it over, look inside, shake it to see what sound it makes, maybe even taste it. Be as adventurous and curious as they are. Your particular insights are what will make the deck truly yours.

Next time you go to a psychic fair or holistic expo, take a look at the tools that the intuitives are using. Youll see crystals, and scrying balls, and angels, and runes, and all kinds of other paraphernalia. But regardless of what else they use, most readers will have Tarot cards with them.

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And then theres that deep third category, spiritual direction. Here, you might simply choose a certain number of cards, and allow them to help you download messages from your own guides or angels.   You might ask the deck to pull together the meaning behind a group of occurrences to see if there is a spiritual lesson you might be missing. Or you might simply ask what do I need to know to grow today? and see who shows up for a celestial Play Date with you.

Pull up a chair and grab your teacup, my dears; were going to have a little chat I call the Deck-a-Dance. And Im going to give you seven dance steps to use so that you can twirl on the dance floor (or the reading table!) with the best of them.

Now that you know your deck and you have an idea of how to ask for information, lets figure out how to get the best and the most information.

Psychic, Tarot & Channeled Readings

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Even a NASCAR deck could work, if you thinking is turbocharged: what do you need to do to tune up your life? Where does the oil need changing, in terms of what makes life easiest for you to deal with? Where do you always get a flat tire or run out of gas?

Ive been a psychic, medium and channel since 1973, and am honored to be featured in Robert Schwartzs breakthrough series, YOUR SOULS PLAN and YOUR SOULS GIFT. My professional credentials include Certified Professional Tarot Reader, membership in the American Tarot Association and ordination as a nondenominational minister through the Sanctuary of the Beloved. Im also the author of CLEAN OUT YOUR LIFECLOSET and THE PSYCHIC YELLOW BRICK ROAD.

This kind of wild playtime is where you go from dilettante to diviniation diva when you dont automatically go to a three-card layout or the ubiquitous Celtic Cross ten-card spread, the possibilities for exploration are absolutely endless.

The first category is calledDETERMINISTIC (sometimes called PREDICTIVE).For example, you might want to know if you should buy this carwhich boyfriend/girlfriend is better for you should you take that job? These are rather typical fortune telling questions, and while they have their place in an advisory capacity, they are not always empowering, in my opinion; dont always go for the yes/no answers in a session. Instead, stretch your possibilities, and be ready for the alternative you dont already know exists.

Thats because of all the divination systems in use today, Tarot is the most well-known. Its a fair bet that most people outside the metaphysical community have at least seen a deck (think of movies likeLive and Let DieorPractical Magic), even if they havent used one themselves. Tarot decks have been in vogue in the spiritual community for centuries. And today, there are literally thousands of volumes, courses, and instructors for discovering the ins and outs of those familiar 78 keys to wisdom.

I prefer questions that areFACILITATIVE.For me, these are the empowering structures that help you understand your life, and show you a series of choices across the board so that you can explore every option. These leave choice and free will to you, and teach you how to best fulfill your dreams by reaching for the positive and the expansive.

NOW THAT YOU KNOW WHERE THEY LIVE, INTRODUCE THEM TO YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD.Your neighborhood is the 21stcentury, and there is so much that has changed, even in simply the last few decades! Its mind-boggling how much the original divination decks never addressed that are everyday challenges for us. Thats why its valuable to take time to introduce your deck to modern life: the internet, social media, the shifting family landscape, the tasks that are important to us today.

FIND A SPECIFIC TEACHER CARD FOR YOURSELF.This is yet another case where you are not only ALLOWED to break the rules but youre actively encouraged to do so. In a traditional Tarot deck class, youre usually assigned a Significator court card for yourself by gender, age, and/or hair and eye color. But to me, that doesnt take into account your preferences, your personality, or those of the beings in your new deck.  Face it what good is being assigned a card by hair and eye color when your deck is populated with crystals, aliens, or a bunch of bald guys with sunglasses? (No, I havent seen that deck yet, but its probably in the pipeline.) Instead, actively engage the beings in the deck.  Literally let your energy sink into each card. You are going to feel a pull to one card, one image, that feels like it wants to open up your mind and imagination. THAT is your BFF for the deck. Remember: the more energy we give an idea, we bring it into being as a thought-form. If there is one image, one being that reaches out to you, sit down with he/she/it/they and see what they have to say.

WHO LIVES THERE?Traditional Tarot decks are kind of like 1950s suburbia but instead of everyone having a front lawn and a back lawn and a basketball hoop in the driveway and a station wagon, everyone has Major Arcana and Minor Arcana and court cards and four suits. But thats not always the case with the new non-Tarot-based decks, so check yours out. Does it have an alternative set of divisions families, or colors, or affiliations? Look at the faces (human or Other) in the illustrations, how the creatures are placed, or how they present themselves. What personalities do you sense in each one? Dont fall into the easy trap of simply overlaying typical personalities given in a Tarot deck. Instead, dive in and find out whats unique about your decks denizens. Divination decks are different vive le diffrence!

Are you ready for a shock?Put the book down. And dont open it.

The second question category, emotional wisdom, helps us understand WHY we do what we do, and gives us some direction on how to shift our life experiences. Examples of this might bewhy do I always seem to choose unsupportive relationshipshow can my spouse and I communicate betterwhat sort of employment might fulfill me more than my current job?Notice that in these situations, you get tools to make changes, rather than being told this is the change you need to make without your decisional input.

Depending on how you intend to use the deck, the meanings and groupings you see may shift and change as your questions flow from one category to another.

WHAT ARE YOU SEEKING TO LEARN?There are three main paths that a deck can illuminate. The first are the everyday (physical/mental) options and choices for our practical lives. Its what I call the Everyday Tour Bus: house, car, job, kids, finances,Okay, God, you put me here, what the heck am I doing next?

So here you are in the neighborhood. Youve hung out for a little while and said hello. If youre like most people, there will be that certain someone that will turn out to be your best buddy. Lets go pick out your decks BFF.

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DONT READ THE BOOK FIRST. MAKE YOUR INTRODUCTIONS.Now mind you, I have nothing against instructional books. They are usually written carefully and, indeed, lovingly by the person who collaborates with the artist on any deck. They can be wonderful treasure troves as you get to know your new metaphysical partner. But if youre trying to hone your own ability to dig out meanings and gifts in your own personal deck, reading the book first might stifle your flights of fancy.

If the deck primarily depicts flowers, form a plant with the layout. What are you planting? What do you need to fertilize your future? What bugs problems, stumbling blocks, challenges might be eating away at your time, your resources?

So there you have it how to welcome Divination and Oracle decks as a new part of your Metaphysical Tool Box and get the very most out of your time with them. Are you inspired?   I hope so! So go to either your brick and mortar store or your click and order emporium, and start looking for your new Lightworker partner.

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