Playing Cards Fortune-tellings for Android


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Find out what the future holds, causes of conflicts and solutions to your problems with this state-of-the-art card reading app. The largest database of spreads, awesome meanings, amazing decks. Playing Cards Fortune-tellings is an app designed for both amateurs and fortune-telling experts. The best magical features.It is an amazing experience that changed my divination practice. Alex, fortune teller.Unique features that you wont find in any other app or even cartomancy books:1. The Subconscious Mind cards selection mode. Its more than just random card selection. Now you direct your energy and extrasensory abilities chosen by the cards.2. Card pair (combinations) meanings. Over 2,000 meanings of the Playing cards.3. Meanings depending on the LIFE sphere. Love, work/career, health, spirituality. For upright and reversed cards!4. The Constructor to design your own spreads. Create your own spreads and tell fortunes. Change the background, delete cards, use significators, add text – your capabilities are unlimited.5. The Fortune-telling Diary. You can save all your predictions to view them later to compare with reality, while all the cards will still keep their meanings!6. The Spread interpretation or Analysis. Each fortune-telling session is followed by a detailed statistical analysis and general interpretation based on the cards.7. The Fortune-telling Calendar. The embedded lunar calendar will indicate how accurate the predictions are at each specific day.8. The card of the day. What will happen to you tomorrow? Count on your good luck.9. Over 120 spreads. 7 spread categories with previews and descriptions. A spread gets available for fortune-telling with just one touch.10. Three card spreading out modes.11. Music and sounds. Naturally, they can be disabled in the settings.12. Seven decks. Classic and traditional old playing cards decks.13. Posting a picture of your spread in your social network accounts and forwarding it to your email.14. Selecting a Significator. Press on S and get four options of selecting a Significator: Randomly, from a list, based on the querents date of birth (the one whose fortunes are told), based on the querents looks. After the Significator is selected, you can drag it to any empty area so it doesnt distract you from the spread and the rest of the cards.15. An extra cards. Press on the button + at the end of your fortune-telling session, if the question you asked hasnt been answered or needs clarification or an additional question has been asked, and now you can pull several more cards (up to three) and get additional meanings. The interpretation of the spread is recalculated based on these extra cards. Extra cards can be drag aside so they dont distract you from the rest of the cards. 16. Tutorial and video instructions.17. An individual cards reading sevice and answer to your most burning question from Fortune-teller (paid service).Support email Content rating: Everyone


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Playing Cards Fortune-tellings for Android

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