POE-ItemInfo by

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Included updates from the TradeMacro. Most importantly the

Included some of the new uniques. More will follow once the wiki situation is sorted out or at least better.

Many of these features are user-adjustable in the settings menu or corresponding i files.

All new general item mods should be included (mostly new T1 mods)

For the benefit of fellow developers, dont leave out any detail!

NO (!) new map/divination card info yet. Also waiting for the wiki here.

NO (!) support for Elder/Shaper mods. Waiting on GGGs advanced tier info for the clipboard, for now.

Updated Divination Card locations with wiki information.

Essence mods are not marked in any way, so the script will treat them as a regular mod or mark them as unknown.

Updated Uniques and Divination Cards with wiki information.

Updated Uniques according to v3.2 patch notes and preview information.

This score is calculated by counting number of weeks with non-zero commits in the last 1 year period. So if 26 weeks out of the last 52 had non-zero commits and the rest had zero commits, the score would be 50%.

Roll ranges and roll tier classification for rare/magic equipment

Just to make sure we are getting authentic reviews

for fast hideout travel (via chat command), faster stash tab selection and more

Keep up with changes to POE-ItemInfo!

NO (!) support for Elder/Shaper mods yet

ItemInfo itself brings the following features:

For the benefit of fellow developers, dont leave out any detail!

Added Gem Quality information for the three new v3.2 gems.

Affix overview on all items, in particular:

grew out of smaller scripts. It is included in the even bigger PoE-TradeMacro (see


Crafted mods are marked ingame, but not in the data visible to the script. The script recognizes a few crafted mods, but will treat the majority as regular mods or mark them as unknown.

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A recent AutoHotkey version. You can get AutoHotkey from

This score is calculated by counting number of weeks with non-zero issues or PR activity in the last 1 year period. So if 26 weeks out of the last 52 had non-zero issues or PR events and the rest had zero, the score would be 50%.

Maps: infos such as the 3-1 vendor recipe result, bosses, layout and possible divination cards

The script is not always right. Take it as a helper, not as dead certainty.

Updated and rewritten information for maps.

Currently extended, updated and curated by aRTy42 and Eruyome (TradeMacro)

now have a tab in the settings menu.

No spam, ever! We will send you weekly update emails

Roll ranges for uniques, flasks and jewels

Fixed most cases where long mods with linebreaks would cause issues.

Extended, updated and curated by Slinkston and Bahnzo from Oct 2015 – Apr 2016 (

See AUTHORS.txt for contributor info.

Use the typical version which is v1.1.xx, donotuse v2 fromOther Releases.

1 = Dont Recommend 2 = Satisfactory 3 = Recommend 4 = Strongly Recommed 5 = Outstanding

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