Potions:Conjure Bag Spirits, Dr. Buzzard Spirits, Graveyard Dust Spirits, Voodoo Candle Burning, Conjure Doctor Spirits, Conjure Man Spirits.

Occultism is participation or involvement with fortune telling, magic practices, spiritism, or false religious cults and teachings.Contact with the occult may have occurred in childhood. Occult involvement can come from previous generations(Deut. 5:7-9). Check yourself out with the following lists:

We break curses of witchcraft, magic, Ouija boards and other occult games; kinds of fortune telling, palm reading, tea leaf reading, crystal balls, Tarot and other card laying; astrology, birth signs and horoscopes; the heresy of reincarnation and healing groups involved in metaphysics and spiritualism; hypnosis under any excuse or authority; rock music, including acid, hard and Jesus rock; transcendental meditation, yoga, Zen and eastern cults and religious idol worship; martial arts, including Judo, Kung Fu and Karate; water witching or dowsing, levitation, table tipping, body lifting, psychometry (divining through objects), automatic writing and handwriting analysis; astral projection, soul and out-of-body travel, and other demonic skills; cults that deny THE BLOOD OF JESUS CHRIST and philosophies which deny THE DEITY OF THE LORD JESUS. We renounce occult literature and will destroy such books, going to fortune tellers, reading horoscopes, believing in reincarnation, and psychic and occult contact. We break demonic holds of psychic heredity on our family line.

Devils, Spirits, Saints, Roman Catholic, Satan, Native Religions, Krishna, Ancient Idols, Hinduism, Buddhism, Zen

Charismatic witchcraft, witches, warlocks.

Inability to work with other Christians.

Deut. 18:9-12:Mediums and seances, communicating with the dead or spirit guides, water-witching or dowsing with forked sticks or other objects for water, oil, minerals, underground sewer and water lines, etc.

7. False Religious Cults And Teachings

False love, sweetness, sentimentality.

1. Deliverance From Witchcraft And Occult Symbols!

Spirit of error, spirit of the world,, aborted spirit.

Rejection by Christian brothers, sisters, pastors.

Wicca, Goddess Worship, High Priestess / Priest, Book of Shadows, Denying DEITY OF JESUS CHRIST and HOLY SPIRIT, Pride, Occult Power, Converse With The Dead, Initiatic Ties, Ungodly Ties, Illegal Drugs, Diana, Ardia, Hecate, Herne, Cernunnos, Pan, Goddess, Horned God, Pythonness, Spirit of Divination, Hermes, Perverse Spirit, Familiar Spirit, Spirit of Divination


7. Ex-Satanist (Black Witch or Setian)

Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Book of Mormon, Joseph Smith, Baptismal Covenants, Priesthood Blessings, Temple Oaths and Covenants and Temple Marriage, Melchizedek and Aaronic Priesthoods, Patriarchal Blessing, Mormo, Moroni, Spirit of Priestcraft, Spirit of Bishopric, Perverse Spirit, Lying Spirit, Spirit of Error, Seducing Spirit, Spirit of Whoredoms

But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed(Galatians 1:8). Urantia, Eckankar, Jehovahs Witnesses, Christian Science, Rosicrucians, Mormonism, Bahai, Spiritualism, Scientology, Swedenborgianism, Christodelphianism, Inner Peace Movement, Spiritual Frontiers Fellowship, Association For Research And Enlightenment, Religious Research Foundation Of America, Edgar Cayce, Jean Dixon, Arthur Ford, Ruth Montgomery, soul travel, Eckankar, astral projection.

Christian Science, Mary Baker Eddy, Science and Health, Pride, Key to the Scriptures, Denying GODS CREATION, Denying THE DEITY OF JESUS CHRIST and THE HOLY SPIRIT, Occult Healing, Hermes, Spirit of Divination, Perverse Spirit, Lying Spirit, Spirit of Error, Familiar Spirit, Spirit of Double-mindedness, Confusion, Spirit of Divination

Ruler demons over workers, pastors, families, churches, camps.

False positive thinking, metaphysical faith, soulish faith.

False tongues, prophecy, interpretation, demonic gifts.

General Catholic Demons, Benediction Services, False Religious Rites, Unction, Mass, Parts of the Mass, Sacred and Ritualistic Articles, Holy Days, Allegiance to Pope, False Religion, Religious Orders and Patron Saints.

4. African, Haitian And Black Voodoo Spirits

Proverbs 3:5-7:Palm Reading, Crystal Ball, Cards, Tea Leaves, Handwriting Analysis, Ouija Boards, ESP, Telepathy, Kabala, Horoscope, Voodoo, Pendulums, Astrology, Fortune Telling, Star Gazing, Clairvoyance, Clairaudience.Anything that predicts your future or advises your life (Isaiah 47:13; II Kings 1:1-4).

Touch me not, inability to give or receive love, conception in lust.

3. Demons Associated With Different Organizations

Terror, Superstition, Confusion, Anger, Depression, Retaliation, Lying, Deception, Fear, Doubt, Self Doubt, Insecurity, Worry, Greed, Despair, Intense Hatred, Viciousness, Violence, Loneliness, Emptiness, Pride, Stubbornness, Horror, Destruction, Ego, Delusions of Grandeur, Deep Blood Lust, Selfishness, Deep Hurt, Pain, Sorrow, Oppression, Death, Ancient Power, Deception, Sexual Perversions, Coldness, No Mercy, No Remorse, Lust, Addictions, Death, Low Self Esteem, Mind Control, Familiar Spirits, Rebellion, Unbelief, Delusion, Selfishness, Seduction, Suicide, Incest, Occult Study, Transcendental Meditation, Demonic Rituals, Necrophilia (Sex with Corpses), Torture, Eastern Meditation, Chanting Prayers, Astral Accounting, Conjuring up Ghosts, Ritual Murder, Altered State of Consciousness, Sexual Perversion, Obscene Orgies, Blood Brothers, Horror

Witchcraft, occult, antichrist, familiar spirits, divination.



Mormonism, Jehovah Witnessism, bloodless religions.

Education- parapsychology, Dungeons and Dragons, folklore, mythology.Entertainment- rock music, lewd or occult movies or TV.Government Agencies- (both state and federal) Federal Reserve System.Lodges- origins in witchcraft, Masons, Demolay, Eastern Star, Jobs Daughters.Religions- Protestant, Catholic, Cults (World Council of Churches).Recreations- games with demonic influence.Travel- soul travel, astral projection.Home Life- mind control, Jezebel and Ahab.Business- witchcraft promises promotions, forecasts based on astrology readings, sales power (soul power) pyramid power.Law Enforcement- using psychics and hypnosis.Psychiatry- almost 100% using some form of witchcraft.Medicine- Hippocratic oath, sorcery, tranquilizers, pain pills.

Mind control, blanking, blocking, binding, confusion.


We bind and order demons to return to senders escorted by angels to destroy seats of witchcraft. The demons are commanded to confuse, and sow terror and panic in the hearts of witches and wizards. We have power over the demons through Jesus Name. We command the demons to attack their works, destroy each other and to shake the kingdom of evil.

False prosperity, love of money, think and grow rich, money by faith.

Deliverance From Witchcraft And Occult Symbols!

Hypocrisy, lying, deceit, deception, delusion, compromise.

Despondency, despair, defeat, hopelessness, morbidity.

Commanding angels for riches, imaging, visualization.

False charismatic movement, false partial gospel .

Financial poverty of workers, pastors, churches, camps.

Watchtower Bible and Tract Society, Governing Body of the Watchtower, New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures, Baptism, Arian Jehovah-God, Denying Resurrection, Denying DEITY OF JESUS CHRIST and THE HOLY SPIRIT, Perverse Spirit, Ra-Hoor-Khuit (Horus), Lying Spirit, Spirit of Error, Seducing Spirit

Witchcraft and Voodoo Spirits:African Voodoo Spirits, Haitian Voodoo Spirits, Southern Voodoo Spirits, Python Serpent Spirits Of Voodoo, Voodoo Fire Walking Spirits, Hoodoo Spirits, Voodoo Spirits, Sickness By Voodoo, Death Spirits Of Voodoo, Fear Of Voodoo Spirits, Spirits Of Superstition And Voodoo, Witchcraft And Voodoo Icing.

Playacting, theatrics, affectation, pretension.

Black witchcraft, white witchcraft, blind witchcraft, bewitchment, witchcraft, spirits that misinterpret THE WORD, serpentine, marine, sea horse, water, python, leviathan, mermaid, goat, voodoo, juju, obia, crab, viper, poverty, immorality, seduction, talisman, fortune telling, astral gemstone, crystal ball, shadow reading, tarot card, ouija board, always wanting to eat, fluctuating between joy and sorrow, sleep walking, talking to yourself on the street, immorality, drugs, alcohol, chronic depression, fatigue, confusion, emptiness, accidents, disorientation, affliction, cage of poverty, material adversity, DNA bondage, soul ties, jealousy, loss of self control, reputation and position, divination, Jezebel, whoredom, seduction, murder, idolatry, vices, manipulation, domination, idolatry, ancestral worship, sexual sin, spiritual fornication, palm reading, reincarnation, sorcery, divorce, quarrelling, immorality, fibrosis, barrenness, promiscuity, failure in GODs work, spiritual harassment, hypocrisy, deceit, fear, double mindedness, worry, anger, hatred, bitterness, resentment, deception, lies, infertility, covetousness, occultism, sexual perversions, addictions, reading stars, palmists and related spirits.

Shedding innocent blood, psychic, witchcraft, seeking forbidden knowledge, casting spells and curses, cults, demonic societies, rituals and manipulations, drinking blood, consumption of witch doctor material, pride, murdering the innocent, false humility, abominable filth, bloody covens, lies, robberies, witchcraft lancing, prostitution, cannibals, ensnarement, allegiance to spirit masters, water spirit cults, cutting the body, palm reading, spiritual husband or wife (demon marriage), reincarnation, sorcery, dedications, covenants, marriages, vows, promises, blood guiltiness, satanic priesthood, tokens of covenants, lack of knowledge, weak spiritual foundation, spiritual blindness, lack of communication with GOD, traditions, false religions, heresies, evil thoughts, worry, fear, infirmities, sicknesses, deception, materialism, accursed things, dedication to marine spirits, sacrifices, ancestral covenants, libation, occultic practices, presented to the sun, dedicated to gods, occultism, sexual perversions, addictions, cosmic powers, palmists, native doctors, idols, altars and related practices.

Astral Projection, Astrology, Blood Pacts, Channeling, Clairvoyance, Cursing Parents, Divination, Dowsing, Dungeons Dragons, E.S.P., Eckankar, EST (The Forum), Fetishism, Fortune Telling, Gurdjieff, Homeopathy, Homosexuality, Hypnotism, Incubi or Succubi (Sexual Spirits), I.U.D. (Women Only), Kabalah, Martial Arts, Levitation (Table Tipping), Materialization, New Age, Occult Books, Ouija Board, Pacts With Satan, Palm Reading, Pornography, Psychic Healing, Psychic Surgery, Rosicrucians, Sado-Masochism, Satanism, Seances, Silva Mind Control, Swedenborg, Tarot Cards, Telepathy, Witchcraft, Transcendental Meditation (TM), White or Black Magick, Voodoo (or Santeria, Camdoble, Palo Mayombe)

Spiritual pride, ego, vanity, pre-eminence, haughtiness.

Jezebel, Ahab, passivity, destruction of family priesthood, luke warmness.

ESP, PK (psychokinesis), telepathy, clairvoyance, Coloradans psychic powers, second sight, hypnosis, self-hypnosis, remote influence of the sub-conscious mind of others, auras, metaphysics, mental science, self-realization, visions, trances, dreams; superstition, witchcraft; black, white, and neutral magic, charms, good luck items, fetishes, runes, amulets, talismans, mascots, medals, crux ansanta (ankh), birth signs, spells, incantations, potions, sorcery, curses, materialization or apport, apparitions, ghosts, poltergeists; magic healing thru wart or burn charming, powwow, spiritualism, psychic spirit or metaphysical healing, Christian Science healing, rod or pendulum diagnosis, trance diagnosis, acupuncture, yin-yang.All books, literature, music, etc. dealing with occultism.

Demons Associated With Different Organizations

Spiritual Warfare Training ManualandDeliverance From Voodoo And African Cursesby Ivory Hopkins, Pilgrim Ministry of Deliverance, P.O. Box 81, Harbeson, DE 19951

Evil eye, third eye, Masonic eye, all seeing eye.

Perverse Spirit, Lying Spirit, Spirit of Error, Seducing Spirit, Denying THE DEITY OF JESUS CHRIST and HOLY SPIRIT, Spirit of Divination, Initiatic Ties, Pride, Hermes, Pythoness, Occult Power, Agreements

Rejection between deliverance workers, pastors.

Witchcraft, Voodoo, Occult, Curses, Superstitions, Hoodoo, Root Working, Love / Lust Magic, Black Magic, Conjuring, Spiritual Baths, Spiritual Anointing, Special Prayers, Seal of Moses, Burning Candles, Casting A Spell, Breaking A Curse, Attraction Oil, Mind Control, False Love, Lust, Binding Emotions, Lovers Oil, Tying Up Sex / Nature, Sorcery, Aphrodisiacs, Lovers Powder, Witchs Ball Charm, Bondage, Binding Curse, Curse To The Seventh Satanic Power, Incantations, Jinx Your Lover, Seven Knots Spells, Seven Day Candles, Master of Love, Chicken Charm, Magic, Control, Demonic Soap,Hands That Shed Innocent Blood, Heart That Deviseth Wicked Imaginations, Feet That Be Swift Running To Mischief, A False Witness That Speaketh Lies, He That Soweth Discord Among Brethren, A Proud Look, and Spirits Of A Lying Tongue

Rada is African spirits of Voodoo, and Petro is American Voodoo spirits used during the time of slavery. Erzulie Erzulie Ge-Rouge – A petro goddess of violence causes the body to go into terrible paralysis, finger nails draw blood, half groan and half scream.

False religions, religious cults, eastern religions.

As you can see from the above lists, there are many things in common with the cults. Each cult has it own distinctions. You can see the familiar handprint of Satan.There is also a parallel between Mormonism, Masonry and Magick.

Rejection in womb, of self, of others.


Santeria, African Nature Spirits,Macumba,Voodoo, Obeah (African Magic), Creole Voodoo, Witchcraft, Vodun Spirit, Caribbean Folk Religion, Loa, Zombie, Spiritism, Demon Cult, Zombis, Shamans, African/Catholic hybrid religion, Juju, Egyptian Magic Current. Also seeDictionary of Cults, Sects, Religion and The Occultfor listing of Macumba, Santeria and Voodoo.

Masonic Lodge, Blood Oaths and Covenants, Shriners, Temple Oaths, Melchizedek Priesthood, Masonic Communion, Scottish and York Rites, Worshipful Master, Masonic Initiations, Initiatic Ties, Baal, Jah-bal-on, York Rite Royal Arch, Tubalcain, Baphomet, Knights Templar, Perverse Spirit, Dagon, Set, Molech, Lilith, Spirit of Priestcraft, Spirit of Error, Seducing Spirit

Groups denying existence of Heaven or Hell, Catholic Church and Paganism. Religions using the Bible but denying or omitting THE DIVINITY OF CHRIST and the Atonement of His Precious Blood. Far eastern religions such as I Ching, Unification Church (Moonies), Islam, Zen (Hindu), Tao, Hinduism, Buddhism, Hari Krishna (ISKCON), Bahai; teachings such as transcendental meditation, reincarnation, karma, yoga, idols, incense.

Denominational spirits, separation, infighting.



Table Tipping, Levitation, Necromancy, Automatic Writing, Divining, Second Sight, Spirit Guides, Auras, Hypnosis, Mental Science, Water Witching, Dowsing, Superstition, ESP, Psychokinesis, Telepathy, White Magic, Metaphysics, Trances, Runes, Self Realization, Visions, Black Magic, Medals, Witchcraft, Good Luck, Fetishes, Incantations, Charms, Talismans, Mascots, Apport, Amulets, Birth Signs, Spells, Wart Charming, Ankh, Sorcery, Curses, Psychic Powers, Potions, Poltergeists, Acupuncture, Burn Charming, Pendulum Diagnosis, Yin-Yang, Ghosts, Trance Diagnosis, Birth Stones, Metaphysical Healing. Clairvoyance, Coloradans, Psychic Powers, Apparitions, Powwow, Spiritualism, Christian Science Healing.All books, literature, music, etc. dealing with occultism.

Satanism, High Priestess / Priest, Pride, Satanic Bible, Book of the Law, Necronomicon, Book of the Coming Forth by Night, Denying THE DEITY OF JESUS CHRIST and HOLY SPIRIT, Occult Power,Dedications, Covenants, Contracts, Commissions or Pacts with the Devil, Initiatic Ties, Ungodly Ties, Illegal Drugs, Abortions, Infant, Child or Adult Sacrifices, Sex Rites With Demons, Lucifer, Belial, Satan, Leviathan, Lilith, Molech, Kali, Incubus or Succubus Spirits, Legion, Deaf and Dumb Spirit, Pythoness, Spirit of Divination, Hermes, Perverse Spirit, Familiar Spirit, Seducing Spirit, Spirit of Bondage, Spirit of Anti-christ, Spirit of Fear, Spirit of Divination, Secret Occult or Demonic Names, Occult or Satanic Books or Artifacts, Astral Projection, Triggers

Breaking Curses Of Voodoo and Witchcraft:Creole Curses In Worship, Family Line Curse Of Voodoo, Curse of Seeking Help From Voodoo Or Witchcraft Workers. Roots in Love and Roots in Lust Potions causing Curse of Roots in marriage, finances, health, childbirth, miscarriage and sexual relationship.

1. Breaking Curses Of Voodoo and Witchcraft

Pornography, Blood Transfusions, Seduction, Rebellion, Country Music, White / Black Magic, White / Black Witchcraft, Astrology, Signs of Zodiac, Self-Help Programs, Self Hypnosis, Principalities, Powers, Authorities, Kingdoms, Rulers, Strongman, Strongholds, Imaginations, High Things, Disobedience, Occult, Soul Ties, Valium, Serex, Phenobarbital, Anesthesias, Fantasy, Lust, Bankruptcy, Poorness, Lack, Loss, Need, Greed, Covetousness, Counterfeit, Disco Lights, Nimrod, Scouting, Ritualism, Symbolism, Demonology, Death and Hell, Love Potions, Lotus, Oral Sex, Confusion, Forgetfulness, Poverty, Failure, Serpents, Scorpions, Dirtiness, Orneriness, Divorce, Halloween, Ghosts, Jack-0-Lanterns, Goblins, Barrenness, Sterility, Diseases, Mind Occult, Foul and Evil Spirits

Catholicism, occult, Masonry, religious demons.

Crystal Ball, Tarot Cards, Drugs, Liquor, Cocaine, Marijuana, Uppers, Downers, Wine, Rum, Black Candles, Strange Incense, Paraphernalia, Broken Cross, Black Book, Dungeons and Dragons, Satanic Bibles, Ouija Board, Role Playing Games, Horoscope, Smurfs, Occult Books, Charms, Voodoo Pendants, Devil Images, Pornography, Books On Supernatural, Idols, Mexican Figurines, Aztec Demon Gods, Buddha Lamps, Satanic Symbols, Alcohol, Magic Herbs, Roots and Portions, Shrines to Demons, Amulets, Mystical Mottoes, Pickled Remains of Unborn Babies, Meditation Tapes, Crystals, Books and Videos, Phallic Images

We break curses, spells, hexes, etc. sent upon us by enemies who seek to harm, kill or wreck havoc physically, emotionally, and spiritually. We break curses of uttering a wish of evil against one; to call for mischief or injury to fall upon; to execrate, to bring evil upon or to; to blast, vex, harass or torment with great calamities. Curses of forefathers, on prosperity, flaming darts, etc. Jesus Christ became a curse on the cross and blotted out the handwriting of ordinances against us. We break legal holds and remove legal grounds.

Marassa -Divine Twin, Papa Marassa, Mama Marassa, Baka -Animal Spirit, Banda Spirit -Dance Spirit, Cama Kembe -Pain Spirit, Cev Al Chwl -Voodoo Possession, Baterie Maconnique -Spirits in the drum beat that calls them into a person, Gagnin Loa -Voodoo spirits that enter the head, Wanga -Voodoo Charm, Houngan -Voodoo Priest, Mambe -Voodoo Priestess, Garde -Protector of those in Voodoo, Gran Maitre -Voodoo Creator God, Colliel -Voodoo Necklace, Massissi -Homosexual Spirits, Reler -Voodoo Song that calls demons in a person,Zombie Spirits, Les Morts -Familiar Spirits of the Dead, Ogoun -Guardian, Laver Tete -Voodoo Baptism, Maori -Creator Demon, Manga Marassa -Voodoo Ruler of Child Birth, Baron Samedi -Death Spirit, Nan Boubloui -Voodoo Ruler over Male and Females, Erzulie -The Rada Goddess of Love, Rada Gods -Voodoo Gods of Peace and Love, Petro Gods -Voodoo Spirits of Violence that caused the slaves to revolt.

Spiritism, New Age Group, Medium, Channeler, Guru, Urantia Book, OAHSPE, Aquarian Gospel of Jesus Christ, Dictations, Denying DEITY OF JESUS CHRIST and THE HOLY SPIRIT, Pride, Occult Power, Converse With Dead, Initiatic Ties, Hermes, Pythoness, Spirit of Divination, The Light, Perverse Spirit, Lying Spirit, Spirit of Error, Familiar Spirit, Spirit of Divination

Strife, contention, bickering, quarreling among brethren.

We break legal holds and grounds back to Adam and Eve. We break control, soul ties and curses. We renounce Satan and his kingdom of evil. We hate Satan, demons and evil works. We come against Water Spirits and Witchcraft Attacks In Dreams. IN THE NAME OF JESUS CHRIST, LORD, MASTER AND SAVIOR, we pray and take authority over the forces of evil. We command the demons, their families and works to come out as your name is called. Amen.

We forgive our ancestors and others that have practiced witchcraft that would affect us. Please forgive us for practicing witchcraft. We close doors opened to Satan through contact with witchcraft, occult and similar activities. We renounce you and your kingdom.

Ruler of Witchcraft, Death by Hypnosis, Gods Eye, Karate, Martial Arts, Third Eye, Judo, Kung Fu, Snake, Mongoose, Cat, Cobra, Lust for Dominance, Swan, Lust for Power, Spider, Open Doors, Rappings on Wall, Foundation, Black Mass, Satan Worship, Multiplied Curses, Jezebel, Ahab, Female Dominance, Yielding Male, Evil Eye, Occult Fears, Black Arts, Luv Knot, Devils Foot, Indian Kachina, Conjuration, Occult Symbols, Serpent Charmer, Omens, Prognostication, Pass Thru The Fire, Augur, Rebellion, Stubbornness, Parapsychology, Yoga, Hearing Noises, Psychic Portraits, Macabre, Phrenology, Numerology, Great Seal, Alchemy, Calling Evil Spirits, Baptism in Witchcraft

Self idolatry, we are gods, worship of man, fear of man.

We confess as sin and renounce contact with occult, witchcraft, Satan worship and false religion, and sins of ancestors. Through ignorance, stupidity or willfulness we have sought supernatural experience apart from GOD. We forgive enemies, false prophets, diviners, lairs, witches, and individuals working in concert with evil spirits and forms of spiritual activity; Satanic covens of witches and wizards; persons in witchcraft and sorcery; casting spells, potions, enchantments and curses; psychic prayers, witchcraft control, and anyone who has cursed us.

Devil on the Runby Nicky Cruz, Dove Christian Books, Melbourne, FL

2. Procedures For Renouncing Strongmen From Various Cults


Enchantments, Witchcraft, Soothsaying, Magic, Sorcery, Divination, Wizardry, Necromancy, Charming, Observer of Times, Astrology, Idolatry, Sacrificed to Devils, Worship of Devils, Star Gazers, False Prophets, Rod Became a Serpent, Wise Men, Chaldeans, Curious Arts, Graven Images, Pass Thru the Fire, Dreamer, Doctrines of Devils, Unfruitful Works of Darkness, Heeding Seducing Spirits, Ate Sacrifices of the Dead, Sold Themselves to Do Evil,Forbidden practices in the Bible cover occult practices in general; other types of occult practices come from these.

8. Common Demon Bondage Between Various Cults

Fortune Telling, Ouija Board, Cards, Good Luck Charms, Seances, Edgar Cayce, Jeanne Dixon, Mind Control, Witchcraft, Four-leaf Clover, Rabbit Foot, Wishbone, ESP, Transcendental Meditation, Yoga, Hypnosis, Incense, Pendulum, Palm Reading, Automatic Handwriting, Pierced Ears, Horoscopes, Signs of the Zodiac, Voodoo, Magic, Levitation, Water Witching, Tea Leaf Reading, Secret Organizations and Lodges, Eight Ball, Smoking and Chewing, Tobacco, Dipping Snuff, Drinking Alcoholic Beverages, Kabala, Handwriting Analysis, Strychnine, Arsenic, Gene / Chromosome Damage, Crystal Ball, Tarot Cards, Psychic Readings, Sorcery, Drug / Pharmakia, LSD, Rubiks Cube, Clairvoyance, Telepathy, Parapsychology, Enchantments, Potions, Ankh, Peace Sign, Star of David, Five Pointed Star, Artifacts, Tatoos, Owls and Frogs, Snakes, Self Realization, Deja-Vu, Martial Arts, Buddhism-Zen, Hinduism, Taoism, Yin and Yang, Confucianism, Acupuncture, Hare Krishna, Bingo Gambling, Playing Cards, Gambling, Reincarnation, Arthur Ford, Ruth Montgomery, Divining, Psychocybernetics, Mind Over Matter, UFO, Trances, Dolls, Idolatry, Psychometry, Psychic Predictions, Clairaudience, Second Sight, Auras, Metaphysics, Mental Science, Visions, Superstition, Fetishes, Runes, Amulets, Talismans, Satanism, Indian Witchcraft, Sun or Moon Worship, Spiritual Healing, Italian Horn, Indian Religions, War Paint, Maize Fertility, Christian Science, Omens, Karma, Healing Mediums, Hex Signs, Jesus Rock Roll, Poltergeists, Irish Witchcraft, Gypsy Science, Rappings, Conjuration, Haunted Houses, Fantasy, TV and Shows LikeMerlin,Walt DisneyandRosemarys Baby, Fiction, Tolkien, Incantation.

Spiritualist, Medium, Satanist, Witch, New Ager, Cultist, Witch Doctor, Satanic High Priest, Psychic, Sorcerer, Spiritism, Psychic Power, Exorcism, Superstition, Prostitute, Psychic Channeler, Sorcery, Hypnotism, Astrologer, Fortune Teller, Palm Reader, White Witch, Reincarnation, Gurus, Inner Visions, Mystic Auras, Astral Travel, Witchcraft Coven, Para-Science, Magician, Clairvoyant, Exorcist, Astrological Psychology, Seers, Soothsayer, Palmistry, Phrenology, Telephathy, Mystical Charm, Talisman, Shaman (Priest Doctor), Psychic Church, Reincarnation, Power of Death, Satanic Signs and Marvels, Angels of Darkness

Magic, Witchcraft, Seances, Black Magic, White Magic, Black Mass, Paganism, Magical Shield, Astrology, Occult, Palmistry, Demon Lyrics, Satanic Power, Eastern Religion, Dark Arts, Occultism, Spiritualism, Witchcraft Powers, Demonic Guidance, Zombies, Psychic Gifts, Psychic Phenomena, Spiritual Slavery,Heavy Metal Rock Music: Party Metal – Recreational Sex, Chemical Abuse; Thrash Metal – Violence, Death; Black Metal – Sacrilege, Blood Rites, Blasphemy, Black Magic, Demonic Adoration

Common Demon Bondage Between Various Cults

Domination, control, manipulation, dictatorial.

Rejection of deliverance and all groups involved in deliverance ministry.

San Lazarro(Saint Lazarus), Santa Barbara(Saint Barbara), Erzulie within Catholic Devotions to Mary, Elegua(Trickster), Obatala(Father of the Santos)

Eastern Mysticism, Visualization, Another Jesus, Witchcraft, Lucifer Worship, Ascended Masters, Man is God Doctrine, Numerology, Reflexology, Dragons, Lord Maitreya, Networking, Reincarnation, Paganism, Anti-semitism, Sun God Worship, Psychic Powers, Holistic Health, Shamanism, Human Potential, Crystal Powers, Parapsychology, Mystery Teachings, Globalism, Universalism, Atlantis and other lost worlds, Signs and Wonders, Goddess Worship, Hypnosis, Divination, Wizards, Swastikas and other Occult Symbols, Karma, An Occult Hierarchy, Nature Worship, Jewish Kabbala, Vegetarianism, Yoga, Altered States of Consciousness, Magic, Perennial Philosophy, Tarot Cards, Spirit Channeling, Psychic Forces, Seances and Mediums, Color Therapy, Mandalas, Initiations, Trance States, Astrology, Rune Stones, Aryan / Aquarian Race Theory, Mantras, and Jungian Archetypes.

African, Haitian And Black Voodoo Spirits

Christian fantasy, falseness, false love.

Baka, Banda, Assator, Asson, Acon, Batterie Maconnique, Cambe, Kembe, Charge, Chauffer, Chev Al Chwl, Colliel, Dessounin, Gagnin Loa, Garde, Gove, Gran Maitre, Mambo, Mange, Mascarron, Massissi, Les Mysteres, Paquets Congo, Reler, Renvoyer, Ramasser, Saints, Verser, Wanga, Haitian Voodoo, Black Voodoo, Witchcraft, Crossroads, Conjuration, Demonic Ritual, Papa Damballa, Mistress Erzulie.

False shaking, quaking, crying, putting on a show.

Chanting Spells, Ancient Rituals, Deep Trance, Demonic Sing Song, Child Sacrifice, Human Sacrifice, Animal Ritual Mutilation, Drinking Blood of Animals, Child Molestation, Fortune Telling, Demonic Healing, Necromancy, Transfer of Spirits, Hexing, Sexual Intimidation, Unquenchable Revenge, Homosexual Molestation, Carnally Minded, Saying Lords Prayer Backwards, Burning Incense, Smoking Pot, Barking Like Dogs, Rape, Perversion, Satanic Ritual Sex, Ritual Abuse of Children, Pornographic Exploitation, Physical Mutilation, Ceremonial Murder, Ritual Sacrifice, Channelizaton, Witchcraft, Murder, Torture, Sell Your Soul, Pray to the Devil, Perform Magic, Conjure Lust, Destruction of Enemies, Seduction, Satanic Pregnancy Ritual, Mystical Meditation, Unlock Secrets of the Mind, Magical Incantations, Robbing Graves, Killing Their Children, Rape of Daughters and Wives, Blood Rituals, Death Pacts, Chanting Incantation, Blasphemy, Sacrilege

Apostate religion, almost fooling the very elect.

False preachers, teachers, evangelists, prophets, apostles.

Anthroposophy (Waldorf Schools), Children of God (Family of Love), Freemasonry, Church Universal and Triumphant (Summit Lighthouse), Elizabeth Clare Prophet, I AM Movement, Liberal Theology, Lodges (miscellaneous bloodless religions), Peoples Temple, Process Church, Rastafarianism, Roman Catholicism, Tara Center, Theosophical Society, Unitarian Universalists, Unity, Way International, Wicca, Worldwide Church of God and Other Cults, The Way, Subud, Latihan, Association for Research and Development, Spiritual Frontiers Fellowship, Religious Research Foundation of America

Rejection by husband, wife, mother, father, children.

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