Psychic Basics

Interested in learning about the most popular mediums in the national eye? Youre in the right place! The famous psychics in this article are known around the world as being the most gifted psychics living today. Many of them may have originated in the United States, but their prominent gifts have traveled the world. These []

Am I psychic? That is a common question to ask when you believe you might have psychic abilities. But, what are the signs of being psychic? Here, we outline the top ten factors that point to a potential psychic gift. So get ready, because youre about to discover the truth. ​ 10 Signs You Have []

Do you often wonder what the future has in store for your life? Many people turn to a psychic in order to help chart a path forward in issues related to romance, finance and more. But are psychic readings accurate? How do you know if the information from the reading is true and reliable? Lets []

Dreams have long been a source of wonder and curiosity. What do they mean? Are they prophetic? What are they trying to show me? There are many reasons that you might dream about a number or series of numbers. Most often, numbers in dreams are trying to tell you something or bring you a piece []

Youve probably seen clairvoyance depicted in television and movies. Most of the time the clairvoyant is over the top and comes across as a little overdramatic (if not a little bit crazy). While some depictions are far-fetched, some are reflective of what its like to be a clairvoyant psychic. A psychic with clairvoyant abilities may []

Psionic energy is an area of energy that relates to psychic powers. Psionics, the study that seeks to understand psionic energy and how people use it, looks at the relationship between electronics and psychic powers, both of which play an essential role in this form of energy. ​ What is Psionic Energy? Psionics can be []

We all strive to be the kind of person who cares about and considers the feelings of others. But some people are born with abilities beyond simple kindness. Called empath psychics, these folks are able to connect with the emotions and feelings of others on a deep, powerful level. Do you often feel an instant []

Its possible your current life might not be the first time you have made a journey across this earth. Most of us have many past lives, and in each one there were significant relationships. Its also highly likely that you will meet those past life connections in your current life. Maybe a past life lover []

Dreams are a manifestation of your subconscious. They occur during the REM (Rapid Eye Movement) part of sleep, and most of them are not remembered by the time you wake up. Some dreams are just a reflection of the events of the day, while others are more meaningful. If you have recurring dreams or dreams []

Want to learn about Medium readers? Youre in the right place. Mediums, also sometimes known as psychic mediums, have a powerful gift that can potentially connect people in the physical world to a loved one in the spiritual world. But, what does a medium do, and how can one help you stay connected to your []

Wondering how to find a psychic? Youre in the right place! Not every psychic youll find on the street has the same level of ability. Some will only be able to give you a fraction of the picture. Others are just misleading their customers with cold readings and guesses. Those who want the chance at an []

What is the difference between mediumship and channeling? Both abilities consist in communicating with entities from another world, but there are a few differences. It is possible for a person to possess both abilities, but most psychics or mediums tend to focus on one of these abilities. Here is what you need to know about []

To be human is to wish. Everybody desires at least some improvements to their life such as more money, better health or the love of that special someone. But can your dreams really come true simply by wishing? Absolutely! Lets take a look at how to make a wish come true. ​ The Power of []

Did you meet someone you already seem to know? Maybe their everyday gestures are familiar? Or maybe you cant shake the feeling that you have a specific memory of that person. There are plenty of ways to know that this person is a past life lover and possibly here to help you. Finding this past []

Interested in becoming a medium? Youre in the right place. Some people who are interested in the spiritual world have experience with communicating with the dead or being in touch in some way with spirits. Others may have an interest in learning more about the spiritual world and opening themselves up to contacting people who []

Psychic meditation is a tool to use to hone your psychic abilities. Whether youve only recently awakened your psychic gifts or youre a practiced intuitive reader… Psychic meditation can help you dial in deeper to your abilities and enjoy clearer visions while you work. Meditative states allow you to open and focus your mind to []

Many would argue that everyone is psychic to some degree. Some people can tap into their psychic abilities from a young age and can fully develop their talents as they get older. But it can take many years before others realize that they have any abilities or before someone starts receiving psychic messages or signs []

Oracles, seers, witches …these are some of the words used in the past to describe people who see the future. Nowadays, the words psychics and mediums are often used to talk about people who possess the gift of precognition. ​ Seeing The Future It is important to understand that there are different ways to see []

Divination is the practice of seeking out knowledge of the unknown (often the future) by looking for inspiration from the forces around us. The roots of the practice are unknown, but people have been practicing various forms of divination for thousands of years. Some forms have become so popular that youve seen them represented in []

Have you ever known something was going to happen before it actually occurred? Maybe you knew the phone was about to ring seconds before it did. Perhaps you had a sudden thought about a long-lost friend, only to run into him or her just hours later. While coincidences do occur, sometimes a more profound effect []

Infants and children are far closer to the spiritual realm than adults. Babies often seem captivated by invisible entities, which lead parents to think theres something else going on. After a few months, this ability usually fades. For some kids, though, the ability to tap into the spiritual plane never fully retreats. These psychic children []

Its not unusual for an empath to hear that they need to toughen up or not take things so seriously. But that is almost impossible to do because these types of people feel emotions so intensely. This ability to empathize with others and take on their feelings creates a unique situation regarding relationships. If you []

Have you ever thought about something right before it happened, then asked yourself Am I psychic? Although some people assume that psychics are just making it all up, or worse, that psychics are somehow a force for evil in the world, many others argue that every person has some degree of psychic ability. Getting to []

Spirit guides are souls that are in your life for a reason. They can help you get you through some of the most difficult times in your life. You may have one, or you may have a few guides. Everyone has at least one guide who is with us, all the time, from birth until []

The question of are mediums real or fake? is a complicated one. There are some frauds out there, but does that mean everyone who claims to have psychic abilities is a liar? Ahead well give you some evidence that suggests not every psychic medium is a phony. In fact, most of the mediums are probably []

People who have psychic dreams experience their dream state much differently than others. How many times have you sat down with your friends to discuss astrology or ready your horoscope and realized that you had dreamed certain aspects of it already? When you have psychic dreams, they are more vivid, and when you wake up, []

A crystal ball is an iconic symbol of fortune telling. TV shows and movies have a long history of depicting gypsies, witches and supernatural beings peering into a crystal ball in order to access the secrets of hidden realms. But you dont have to be a wizard or sorceress to perform a crystal ball reading. []

Whether youre entirely new to the psychic world or not, there are a lot of terms to get to know. Youll want to learn the meaning of words like psychic, medium, and more, for example. Lets take a look at the definition of the word medium. Perhaps the most important thing to know is that []

Karmic relationships sound exotic and maybe even a little exciting. The truth is that these types of relationships can be anything but easy and can often cause an abundance of emotional pain. While most people try to avoid a karmic relationship, on their way to finding their soul mate, its not uncommon to have at []

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