Starting to hate PoENo more donate GGG

The Wiki provides you with a complete list of div. cards and their drop location for the most part.

Thats not the only reason. Ive noticed how a lot of the more casual players get completely discouraged by farming Burial Chambers. There are so many guides and people recommending Burial Chambers and its such a dumb idea.

A more casual player who will run maybe 10-20 maps at most with a 5min/map build every session will still get at least one if not multiple cards per session. He can clearly see how hes making some progress and will actually feel rewarded by the game after each session.

Channel – Tabula Rasa = Divine Orb

Starting to hate PoE….No more donate GGG

Ive mentioned some examples of potential maps with somewhat common drops but this might not be enough choice for some players. What Id recommend is to check the following two websites to figure out a map that could potentially be better suited:

If you want to work on your long-term motivation, keep yourself posted by updating a loot spreadsheet. It helps keep track of your ACTUAL findings. It really is a nice thing to do and gives you nice breathers in between temples.

Set up multiple loot filters for a proper Chaos recipe rotation of items (Grimro has a nice video about this on his YouTube channel), then simply alch and go. No use in getting salty over not finding exalted orbs. In fact, you make a lot more money from currency drops in general than you do from finding a couple exalts.

Pen – Biscos Collar, The Chains That Bind = 6L for crafting on good base items/Divine Orb

Those maps drop div cards that you can turn in or trade. They drop regularly enough that you earn a steady profit instead of burial chambers where a casual would be lucky to find one or two The Doctors if they farm it all league.

Channel – Tabula Rasa = Divine Orb

Wall of text in every post. Learn to use the enter key so it can be readable once in a while maybe?

This wont happen if he only runs Burial Chambers. Its very likely for him to not see a single Doctor card for an entire week and throw away the game after that.

I am one of those players who does not make much currency. I play that game only since a few months and I am still struggling with a lot of lack of knowledge. May you please explain in details (Like you are explaining to a newbie, what I am) what you meant by that and how I could use it to my advantage?

Pen – Biscos Collar, The Chains That Bind = 6L for crafting on good base items/Divine Orb

I am one of those players who does not make much currency. I play that game only since a few months and I am still struggling with a lot of lack of knowledge. May you please explain in details (Like you are explaining to a newbie, what I am) what you meant by that and how I could use it to my advantage?

wrote:Those maps drop div cards that you can turn in or trade. They drop regularly enough that you earn a steady profit instead of burial chambers where a casual would be lucky to find one or two The Doctors if they farm it all league.

Ty for posts. Your posts pointing that im still more lucky than others. 😀 😀 😀 Last league made 3 six links with 500 fus. 😀 😀 😀 But 0 exalts, so there was my RNG better than ex drop. D 😀 😀 This league start 1 Dtor only. Agen RNG gaved something to start faster. Yea, but my friend RNG is f…cking to good. He get so many drops only in one week and overall currency was 50 ex in 1 and half week. All of he, cos we are racing all leagues, who will get faster Headhunter and more currency, so i was pissed off on my RNG. Tought something isnt right, he gets so good drops in one week but i can get nothing in 3 weeks. 😀 😀 😀 provides you with information about their prices. This can also give you a sense of how common/popular a card might be but dont forget about the layout of a map because if the layout is awful you might end up going insane after 20 maps.

The difference between The Doctor from Burial Chambers and lets say Channel for Humility/Tabula Rasa is just one thing. Humility drops are way more common but have a lesser payout.

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