The Awakening Supporter Packs

Go look into Star Citizen with its (IIRC) multi-thousand dollar spaceships despite not only not being in open beta much less released but also has pulled in something like $70M+. I think that they might trump Grinding Gear Games by an order of magnitude or ten.

The Final 16 are set, so enter your

Because if this doesnt, then the dudes running this racket are the cancers of gaming in the worst way… optional or not.

Because if this doesnt, then the dudes running this racket are the cancers of gaming in the worst way… optional or not.

If thats your idea of cancers of gaming then Id love to hear what you have to say about Roberts Space Industries. For that matter Id love to hear what you have to say on lifetime subscription packages or even multi-year subscription plans for MMOs. If you think that getting a crap load of free stuff, much of which is time-limited, and the option to be part of the creative process of the game is that bad then what you have to say about other things ought to be pure gold. 😀

Spin it how you will, this kind of thing shouldnt be happening.

Prepare for towns to be flooded with apparitions…

A $1100 supporter pack… are they serious? I hope it buys you unlimited access to anything in the cash shop, a key to every single beta they will ever release and any of the real life swag they include in the future.

I didnt know career income needed spinning.

I didnt know career income needed spinning.

a few dollars here and there + buying stash tabs isnt a scam. Some how being convinced to drop 100s of dollars on the other hand has got to be a very special mind game GGG played.

[]chris_wilsonLead Developer [score hidden] 1 hour ago

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Prepare for towns to be flooded with apparitions…

Edit: Incidentally, the $260 support package is also a pay cost for points and get a bunch of free s*** deal. The lower-priced ones cost more than the cost of the points you get, but then theyre $30, $60, and $130 respectively, and I get the feeling that those price tags wont hit your outrage meter for some reason.

Logic is the antithesis of faith, else why is it that faith defies logic while logic denies faith?

Regarding supporter packs in PoE, I understand some may not like my criticizisms… doubly so if they are invested in such things. But I my mind asking fans to consider giving 200, 500, 1000, 1100 dollars is beyond ridiculous, especially the value they provide for your support. They should be showering you with a dragons hoard of digital swag. I have read over the packs and all I can see is scam.

A $1100 supporter pack… are they serious? I hope it buys you unlimited access to anything in the cash shop, a key to every single beta they will ever release and any of the real life swag they include in the future.

Seriously, thanks for your support. This is going to mean awesome things for PoE.

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Yes because having a disposable income makes it immune to being wasted on things that dont provide a value that is equal to what was spent. The whole I have extra money argument is nonsense and is a weak crutch to lean on.

Gamefaqs has allowed profanity. Though swearing/cursing in a post is a likely sign of a simple, uneducated mind.

1. Supporter packs werent ready to be put up for sale right away. Its only a week late after 2k invites sent out. Beta sign ups are at least over 20k, so theres still many without it.

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I mean, the game is completely F2P, even the expansion these supporter packs are for, and theyre still asking for money. Why on earth should they have an income? What a bunch of money-grubbing scumbags.

Gamefaqs has allowed profanity. Though swearing/cursing in a post is a likely sign of a simple, uneducated mind.

Also, I dont think youve really looked into the matter much. Consider this if you will. The Highgate package includes 11,000 points for use in the cash shop. Were you to buy those points outright youd pay $1,100, the exact same price as the support package. So basically you are, in effect, complaining about Grinding Gear Games selling a huge mega-coin package and giving players the following things for free:

2. Many people want to play beta for new content, not to help with testing. Pretty sure GGG said that they didnt want people burning out on new content before its officially released, therefore the limited invites. Thats understandable, people freaked out for no reason. I love the game, but honestly dont care much for the beta. Ill play it once or twice at most to plan a new build and get used to new fights. Thats it and then Id wait for official launch to do serious farming.

Whats even more ridiculous than that absurdity is the $30 supporter pack. Can you believe that s***?

Expansion Announcement Tomorrow + Delve Supporter Packs Ending

Some people in this thread are worried there wont be many Highgate supporters.

Having just woken up and checked the sales page, I am speechless. There are a lot of Highgate supporters and its growing rapidly. There will be piles of Divination Cards added by the community, dont worry!

Dont get me started on Star Citizen. With how much that game raised from donations and then turn around and sell ships for 200-2500 dollars. That is a damn joke and another example Devs hurting gaming rather than helping.

Honestly, why not just offer a buy into the beta from the beginning like they did during the original closed beta? They gave away how many keys, when even just a $10-$30 supporter pack would have achieved the same thingand made them more money.

A $1100 supporter pack… are they serious? I hope it buys you unlimited access to anything in the cash shop, a key to every single beta they will ever release and any of the real life swag they include in the future.

Because if this doesnt, then the dudes running this racket are the cancers of gaming in the worst way… optional or not.

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