The Kings Divination Sample

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What Makes a Crossroads aCrossroads?

The first step is with the self and on the mundane level. Follow that up with being true to yourself and you cant go wrong.

Success is possible for you, just avoid making mistakes. Allow yourself to be confident. Modesty and humility wont help you right now. Embrace what you have and show it off.

Your life is rather split right now. Theres the relationships section of your life which is entirely separate from your success section of your life. Both hold importance to you but you are slightly leaning towards needing more people in your life. Youre probably feeling lonely or isolated right now. Youve allowed yourself to get into that position so dont be surprised that its happened. Youre responsible for your heart so take responsibility for it. Conquer those people-related fears and move forward.

The Kings Divination is also largely impersonal so it doesnt get sassy like other divination methods do. It tells the truth as it sees it, firm and sincere but not unkind.

As someone who has purchased multiple readings from you and gotten a Kings Divination reading, I can say from personal experience that it is totally worth the minimal cost to add it onto a standard divination order!

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Witchcraft for the Everyday and the Extraordinary

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A post shared bySamantha Davidson(@thiscrookedcrown) onAug 12, 2016 at 2:43pm PDT

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Delusions rule over you right now. Get rid of the false illusions you allow and cleanse your spirit. Youll want to be ready for whats coming and separating yourself from toxic and negative things will only help you move forward.

The Myth of Buying Your First Tarot Deck

Class is in session! Essentia of Crown Witchcraft sign ups are nowopen!

You Shall Not Pass! A Defensive ProtectionSpell

The Kings Divination is an additional option to my etsy readings (the cards + divination option) and adds a different perspective on things.

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The Kings Divination SampleReading

The Kings Divinationreveals that your most immediate concern should be getting organized. Youll want to review your schedule and make sure that youre getting back on track. Not just because you have stuff to do but because you want to. For personal empowerment and to be able to cleanse yourself from the muck and negativity youre surrounded by right now.

Free Twitter Tuesday Tarot Readings

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Binding Bad Habits (Spell Saturday 27)

I adore non-cartomancy divinations. I even created my own system known as The Kings Divination.

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Heres a sample of what a reading using my personal divination method known as the Kings Divination looks like.

7 Magical Things to Do When You Want Love (But Dont WantRomance)

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Personal, Beauty, & Household Spells

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The most important aspect right now to consider is yourself. You are your most powerful tool. Your instincts, intuition, and self is key to your whole future right now. You are your best motivation and best friend. Remember to listen to yourself. Listen to your heart and spirit. It will guide you where you need to go.

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Breaking or Casting Curses, Hexes, & Bad Luck

Your relationships with others are very important right now. Allow yourself to trust your heart to others. Dont lock up your heart tightly. Allow yourself to meet people and befriend those around you. In doing this, youll gain great personal power and enrich your life. It will make things much more vibrant and pleasant for you.

Introducing a New Series: SpiritDestinations

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Spirit Walkerby Samantha L. Davidson.

The Kings Divination SampleReading

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