Two More Multicolour uncommons

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Magic Market Index for Aug 10th, 2018

My hope (a very dim dying hope) is theres a handsize matters or a discard matters theme going on in set as we have a nerf discard effect on Ajanis Last Stand, and Nicky B discards things.

Orzhova – From cradle to grave and back again.

Magic Market Index for Aug 3rd, 2018

Doesnt the Dimir one put you +2 cards on yur opponent, give you an evasive threat, and serve as a strong candidate for Gravedigger? Seems good to me.

Post in the DCC! Its a fun and easy way to get your designs evaluated. And everyone has a chance to win.

DracDisc is probably going to surprise a lot of people with how strong it is.

its probably not enough of an impact on turn 6.

Treasure Cruisin Modern Big Red

I hope we get more of the draft archetypes today

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And once again, for the umpteenth time, Dimir gets the shaft.

Both solid but neither looks nuts to me. The mana dork would be pretty bad were it not for the sac ability, but of course having a 3-drop that is powerful in the late-game is a solid deal. 6 for a 3/3 flyer is pretty abysmal, but drawing a card is a nice add, and sometimes the discard will be relevant. I think theyre both in the low B range, with the disciple a bit better imo.

Doesnt the Dimir one put you +2 cards on yur opponent, give you an evasive threat, and serve as a strong candidate for Gravedigger? Seems good to me.

For a minute I thought Symbiont cost 3CMC and thought it was going to be an auto four-of in every UB deck for the rest of its Standard period.

My problem with the Dimir signpost (is that what we call this uncommon cycle?), is that it doesnt actually serve as an engine for any sort of archetype. The Gruul guy helps you fix/ramp to bring dragons into play, Selesnia rewards you for playing enchantress, Azorius rewards you for playing artifacts and supports skies, Rakdos provides a sac outlet for those goblin tokens, but what exactly does the Dimir one support? Will we be seeing more discard effects? This has always been my over-all problem with Dimir: Design never quite knows how to nail this flavor with work-around cards, out of fear of creating an infinite combo out of the interactions or something.

You got Scarab God in Amonkhet, what more could you possibly want? This thing is pretty clunky, I agree.

My problem with the Dimir signpost (is that what we call this uncommon cycle?), is that it doesnt actually serve as an engine for any sort of archetype. The Gruul guy helps you fix/ramp to bring dragons into play, Selesnia rewards you for playing enchantress, Azorius rewards you for playing artifacts and supports skies, Rakdos provides a sac outlet for those goblin tokens, but what exactly does the Dimir one support? Will we be seeing more discard effects? This has always been my over-all problem with Dimir: Design never quite knows how to nail this flavor with work-around cards, out of fear of creating an infinite combo out of the interactions or something.

But my hope is half-hearted on that.

And once again, for the umpteenth time, Dimir gets the shaft.

The Scarab Godis fantastic but I was more referring to the color combination as it pertains to the entire library of Magic cards. If you build a cube you will notice certain guilds have an overabundance of awesome cards to choose from (Azorius) while others are underwhelming at best. Once you get passed the top 4 or 5 cards in Dimir, the quality starts to drop precipitously.

Silas+SidarSaskiaVirtus+GormKynaiosNabanAryelMizzixKazuulTymna+KraumSidar+TymnaAyliGwendlynPhelddagrif 4LilianaKaervekPhelddagrif 3MairsilScarabChildPhenaxShireiThadaDepalaCircuKytheonGrenzo 2PhelddagrifReyhan+KraumToshiroVarolzNinOjutaiTasigurZedruuUrilEdricWortZurgoNahiriGrenzoKozilekYisanInk-TreaderYisanBragoSidisiToshiroAlexiSyggBrimazSekKuarMarchesaVish KalIroasPhelddagrifEpharaDereviGlissaWandererSaffiMelekXiahou DunLazavLin SivviZirilanGlissa

Doesnt the Dimir one put you +2 cards on yur opponent, give you an evasive threat, and serve as a strong candidate for Gravedigger? Seems good to me.

Awful for standard but ticks all the boxes for limited – evasion, card draw AND can even nab a card potentially. That being said

You got Scarab God in Amonkhet, what more could you possibly want? This thing is pretty clunky, I agree.

Doesnt the Dimir one put you +2 cards on yur opponent, give you an evasive threat, and serve as a strong candidate for Gravedigger? Seems good to me.

Yeah perfectly reasonable. Not constructed playable, but a very solid limited card for sure.

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Awful for standard but ticks all the boxes for limited – evasion, card draw AND can even nab a card potentially. That being said unless M19 is slow its probably not enough of an impact on turn 6.

Its obviously still too early to say for sure, but Im convinced that it is. After almost all the commons are spoiled (I think we have something like 83 or 88 out of 110, depending on whether we get 5 or 10 taplands), there are almost no good aggressive two drops, several great 1/3s, very good removal spread across all mana costs, no mechanic that revolves around attacking and an obscene amount of incidental life gain. Looks like anotherDivinationformat to me. My early call is that the Dimir uncommon is perfectly playable.

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