Which Is The Best Flask Setup For Atziri?

d2jsp ForumsPath of Exile Which Is The Best Flask Setup For Atziri? Share Your Setup Please

lol , atziri is soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo easy

Doing it with 1 HP is insane o.o im not having problems with the lightning… but with the fire. the blasts… fuck.

quicksilvers are essential if you are relying on movement speed so atleast 1 is mandatory imo.

lol , atziri is soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo easy

In split phase granites help alot since pretty much the only way you will die is by getting hit by spears (fbs+stormcalls shouldnt be too hard to dodge)

if using tornado shot you might be hitting her despite not aiming at her

what flasks you guys use while fighting Atziri? Im struggling with her and idk what can be changed…

Quote (lxxgatmanxxl Jan 15 2016 12:01pm)

Quote (IsolationYears 15 Jan 2016 11:45)

someone posted a video of someone doing it with 1 hp, so its worth watching, practicing and trying to not get hit

someone posted a video of someone doing it with 1 hp, so its worth watching, practicing and trying to not get hit

I got 4.1k hp atm, lvl 86 ranger and her split phase is driving me crazy (no im not shooting the mirror atziri)

get curse immunity somewhere if you are going to curse (or just use a curse that doesnt hurt you if reflected, like capped res under ele weakness) then get movement speed on another flask or use a QS and skip a health flask.

Forgot to say, Im using puncture in her split phase, so im pretty sure I am not hitting the mirror one =p

e// sounds like you lack movement speed. Blink arrow can be quite useful for dodging the flameblasts as well. Mirror arrow helps with tanking the spears if thats a problem.

Depending on the build ofc, but I never tank flameblasts or storm calls so I use 3x life flasks, atziri flask and granite and sometimes 2x life flasks+atziri flask+2x granite. If you have a taste of hate thats most likely better than granite/life flask.

Why traps? Atm I am running puncture without it. Im having a hard time trying to avoid the blasts… the bigger one gets me most part of the time.

Im trying to find out what is best: if I use instant recovery flasks, common ones or flasks that grants more HP but takes more time to heal… what is the best?

e/ for builds with good suistainability (heavy regen/leech) and tankiness, id go with 2x rubys+taste of hate/atziri+life flasks and just tank flameblasts and dodge stormcalls.

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