33 — Righteous Fire Juggernaut — All Content

4. Immortal call is not recommended for general usage, but Im still experimenting with it, because its nice for traps and while fighting izaro the immortality duration is more than enough to get back to full charges again. Should I use it or just forget it definitely? Maybe if I get an enduring cry belt (atm I dont have any sockets left for it and it doesnt seem that important to have for labs).Well, if you are able to get charges back in time all the time, then its fine to use it.

8. Any other lab related RF stuff making life easier?

7. Aside from getting the recommended 20/20 and 21/20 gems, what would be the next affordable upgrade in my gear?

PS: Dont get scared, Im a curious man, but Im not waiting all my answers from a single person, so feel free to contribute your bit.

Also another thing get a witchfire brew it is pretty much a huge dmg increase and it is up 90% of the time it almost doubles dmg delt by rf.

Now the cool thing about rf is the higher the life pool the more dps you get from the skill.

bad. Especially given how easy most content is with it.

For end game content, you need life, the more life you can get the better, more endurance charges that go with the ascendancies for the extra damage, for gems purity of ice is a nice thing, since elder has a ton of cold damage and shaper also has cold damage skills.Last edited by Nosferat on Jul 7, 2018 6:19:28 PM

I wouldnt say that its the best route for everyone. But i personally find that my survivability is good enough, and id rather have the extra damage.

My point is, the 2 support elder helm can be more easily crafted or bought for 2-3 exalted, so Im think Im going for it now. If there were no miscalculations.

To have both of them running at the same time, you need either +1 to curses on a gear, some corrupted amulet or something, or you take the 4 extra points from the passive tree to +1 additional curse on enemies.

The damage increase against bosses is indeed negligible. And it comes at a cost of survivability, since you have to give up four or five %life nodes, and bonuses from a third Purity aura.

2. Cant figure out why orb of storms is at level 17?

2. Cant figure out why orb of storms is at level 17?Thats when the benefits stop. You can level higher if you want.

1. About the jewels. Life recovery watchers eye is like 20+ ex on standard, so it is out of question so far, but is the might of the meek worth it? It would give me 300 life and like 100 regen for the price of 2 damage mod on a jewel.

1. About the jewels. Life recovery watchers eye is like 20+ ex on standard, so it is out of question so far, but is the might of the meek worth it? It would give me 300 life and like 100 regen for the price of 2 damage mod on a jewel.Its defensively better, but offensively worse than a good two modded jewel. If you need 5 int, then its straight up better. A good three modded jewel beats it though.

Tho its sad to hear that Im at a point where the next upgrade is from blindly spamming two-exalted essences (standard prices..), even the 20 ex watchers eye sounds much more affordable.

4. Immortal call is not recommended for general usage, but Im still experimenting with it, because its nice for traps and while fighting izaro the immortality duration is more than enough to get back to full charges again. Should I use it or just forget it definitely? Maybe if I get an enduring cry belt (atm I dont have any sockets left for it and it doesnt seem that important to have for labs).

as strong as the LLRF one I ran in Abyss (Ahfacks Guardian build). A bit pricey to get proper gear for. I started Incursion league about 3 weeks into it. Rolled a THICC JUGG to farm lab with, and bought pieces for this build here and there until I had what I needed to respec into RF. Admittedly the stuff Im rocking right now aint all that great, but for the 12-15ex Ive invested so far its not

6. Im still experimenting with my flasks, need some affixes changed, but is there any specific flask really good for izaro/ traps which is not included in the guide? Also, what do you think about divination distillate? Life regen and max resistances are insane and the rarity/quantity is just nice to have anytime.Basalt and Rumis are good defensive flasks. Forbidden Taste is really good on hard hitting bosses. It heals you to full instantly. You should be using that in-place of regular hp flask. Distillate stops working when your life pool is full, so i dont see it being that useful.

Thanks for you answers, now Im all clear.

So in short just go for life increases to buff your damage and life regen to mitigate the life loss and bolster your defense. Alot of the time you can get the build to not degen going this route.

But if you want to go towards endgame content, I would say try and focus on life+endurance charges as flammability will become meaningless in high tier fights.

2. Cant figure out why orb of storms is at level 17?Thats when the benefits stop. You can level higher if you want.

6. Im still experimenting with my flasks, need some affixes changed, but is there any specific flask really good for izaro/ traps which is not included in the guide? Also, what do you think about divination distillate? Life regen and max resistances are insane and the rarity/quantity is just nice to have anytime.Basalt and Rumis are good defensive flasks. Forbidden Taste is really good on hard hitting bosses. It heals you to full instantly. You should be using that in-place of regular hp flask. Distillate stops working when your life pool is full, so i dont see it being that useful.

You can run only 1 curse at a time as basic. If you have flammability, you cant run despair aura as well, they will basically overwrite each other, as in you have flammability, you hit the flask, witchfire brew will overwrite your flammability with despair aura.

3. Im using bloodgrip for the bleed mitigation, I think its allright for lab, isnt it?

1. About the jewels. Life recovery watchers eye is like 20+ ex on standard, so it is out of question so far, but is the might of the meek worth it? It would give me 300 life and like 100 regen for the price of 2 damage mod on a jewel.Its defensively better, but offensively worse than a good two modded jewel. If you need 5 int, then its straight up better. A good three modded jewel beats it though.

thanks for the help, silly question Why would you need +1 to curse and which is better for low tier map farming brew or curse. Then when when it comes time for end game bosses what would be the better set up as far as gems that would be of use?

Heres what Im working with at the moment:

was bored and was looking through the tree and any thoughts on sacrificing life for dmg nodes Ex. explosive impact? or would the health loss be worse

Then later, both supports and the horror essence, but now its just a whole other level.

Currently lvl 85. Aiming for lvl 92.

3. Im using bloodgrip for the bleed mitigation, I think its allright for lab, isnt it?Its a good starter amulet. Your marble amulet is better though.

Last edited by alpihun on Jul 8, 2018 8:17:59 PM

5. Is Fortify that important? Im not using it now bc of having orb of storms and shield charge together to make place for the immortal call. If I lose immortal call I could include it along with culling strike (nice to have against izaro third phase). I would lose the crit on my shield charge which doesnt seem that big of a deal in labs. – but again, having no place left for portal/lightning warp swap is just really incovenientI dont use it, but it depends how much damage you are taking. Id try running without it and see how you fare.

Thanks for this guide! Been a while since Ive used a proper life-based RF build. This is easily the strongest one Ive used in a temp league,

6. Im still experimenting with my flasks, need some affixes changed, but is there any specific flask really good for izaro/ traps which is not included in the guide? Also, what do you think about divination distillate? Life regen and max resistances are insane and the rarity/quantity is just nice to have anytime.

5. Is Fortify that important? Im not using it now bc of having orb of storms and shield charge together to make place for the immortal call. If I lose immortal call I could include it along with culling strike (nice to have against izaro third phase). I would lose the crit on my shield charge which doesnt seem that big of a deal in labs. – but again, having no place left for portal/lightning warp swap is just really incovenientI dont use it, but it depends how much damage you are taking. Id try running without it and see how you fare.

Basically your hp scales the dmg the skill words it like this you burn for 90% of your life per second, also burn enemies for 90% of your life per second. So the more health you can actually get the more dps you will do which is why kaoms heart is a must have for the build 500 flat life. What dmg nodes do is make the % of life burned rate higher which you need balance life regen and damage or else you kill yourself.

From what I understand you also benefit from +% elemental damage and +% fire damage which I am not sure it applies to you being burned for it or not, but I do know it increases your kill time.

7. Aside from getting the recommended 20/20 and 21/20 gems, what would be the next affordable upgrade in my gear?Essence crafted helmet with burning damage or conc effect.

3. Im using bloodgrip for the bleed mitigation, I think its allright for lab, isnt it?Its a good starter amulet. Your marble amulet is better though.

7. Aside from getting the recommended 20/20 and 21/20 gems, what would be the next affordable upgrade in my gear?Essence crafted helmet with burning damage or conc effect.

Ive played some RF back then in 3.0 so I think Im okay with the usual mechanics and my tree is got to be fine too (but you can check it).

was bored and was looking through the tree and any thoughts on sacrificing life for dmg nodes Ex. explosive impact? or would the health loss be worse

For low map tier farming, 2 curses+speed flasks would be ideal, everything melts away fast. For high tier maps,and end game, witchfire is ok but its more for the increased damage over time effect, high end bosses have extreme resistances so your curses will have only a tiny effect on them.

PS: With some playing around in PoB, I found out that a helm with both conc effect and burning damage has the same damage as the horror + either of them. Considering that I have an increased aoe gem in all the cases (it just feels clunky without it).

4. Immortal call is not recommended for general usage, but Im still experimenting with it, because its nice for traps and while fighting izaro the immortality duration is more than enough to get back to full charges again. Should I use it or just forget it definitely? Maybe if I get an enduring cry belt (atm I dont have any sockets left for it and it doesnt seem that important to have for labs).Well, if you are able to get charges back in time all the time, then its fine to use it.

Overall, Im really pleased with this set up. Thanks again!Last edited by psyonix on Jul 8, 2018 1:38:06 PM

Yet Id like to ask a few questions because Im building this char only for uber lab runs so some changes are required/ useful.

Last edited by alpihun on Jul 7, 2018 6:12:03 PM

5. Is Fortify that important? Im not using it now bc of having orb of storms and shield charge together to make place for the immortal call. If I lose immortal call I could include it along with culling strike (nice to have against izaro third phase). I would lose the crit on my shield charge which doesnt seem that big of a deal in labs. – but again, having no place left for portal/lightning warp swap is just really incovenient

It gives around 25% more damage against trash. Which is helpful for high tier Breaches, Abysses, and Incursions. Especially if the map has +40% Monster Elemental Resistance mod. Flammability is even more effective in that case.

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