It is advisable not to allow anyone whose life is questionable to lay hands on you or to pray for you. Objects that have undergone divination to target a person or group of people are buried on their properties. Demons are loosed to accomplish the divination.

After praise and worship, enter into prayer and spiritual warfare. You could lead the congregation in a prayer of salvation before the spiritual warfare.

Writings of Ojo Thompson, Baton Rouge, LA

GOD has an inexhaustible storehouse of weapons in His Heavenly Armory. GOD spiritually positions His people to use these weapons. THE WORD OF GOD is a weapon. As a weapon, prophecy may deal with evil associations and conspiracies, governmental heads, occultic tokens and devices, false gods and demons, occultists, water spirits and demonic altars. Pray about the covering of darkness, heaviness to be lifted, satanic princes to be bound, breaking enemys worship to Satan, and scattering and bringing calamity on GODs enemies. Use the weapons of praise and worship, the power of THE NAME OF JESUS CHRIST, applying THE BLOOD OF JESUS CHRIST, natural weapons applied against earthly enemies in spiritual battles, and GODs vengeance against His foes.



Part of this lesson came from a book written in Nigeria that I dont have the title and author. If you do, please let me know.

Curses come from ancestors, other people and groups of peoples (nations). Curses come from Africa, and African ancestors, languages, cultural background, idols and nationality. For instance, St. Lucia has the Caribbean curses and America has the curses from abortion (shedding innocent blood). Lead the people in a prayer to forgive peoples for specific sources of curses from ancestors and nationalities, and break the curses.

There is captivity to sin, culture, tradition and demonic manipulations. Satan and his subordinates are the enemy. Territorial spirits (princes) are spirits of darkness that rule over cities and territories. Activities include false religions and heresies, evil thoughts and worry, infirmities and sicknesses, anger, hatred, bitterness and resentment, deception and lies, infertility, and covetousness and materialism.

Evil consumption is associated with witchcraft, occult, cult and other demonic societies. Food may be contaminated by demonic rituals and spirits. Drinking blood, and consumption of witch doctor material, such as holy water, brings bondage. You must be discerning, vigilant and submit to deliverance.




Satanic powers (fallen angels and demons) are rulers of darkness of this world, territorial spirits, powers, spiritual wickedness in high places, principalities, and elemental spirits. Weapons of the enemy are fiery darts, accusation and consistency.

Deliverance From Voodoo And African Cursesby Ivory Hopkins, Pilgrim Ministry of Deliverance, P.O. Box 81, Harbeson, DE 19951

The serpent is the symbol of water spirit worship. People have allegiance to their spirit master over their natural family. This gives legal rights to the demons over that person and their family.

Black witchcraft operates through the combination of juju and voodoo. The original arts of witchcraft in Africa came from Kofi-Manu of Ghana. The masters and founders of black witchcraft in Africa are Wizard of Ingoni of East Africa, and Ezemu of Upuluku and Orunmila of Nigeria. Demonic experiment station, enemy detention camp, evil marks and remote control are used.

Sleep is a war front of demonic manipulation and attacks.It is a well known fact that no psychic and witchcraft power can dominate anyone that is not physically asleep except the person is living in sin.There are three categories of people: possessed, oppressed or ignorant of the witchcraft attacks.

Blind witchcraft includes always wanting to eat, fluctuating between joy and sorrow, sleep walking, talking to yourself on the street, periodic demonic attacks, and prone to immorality, drugs, alcohol and chronic depression.

Shedding innocent blood, psychic, witchcraft, seeking forbidden knowledge, casting spells and curses, cults, demonic societies, rituals and manipulations, drinking blood, consumption of witch doctor material, pride, murdering the innocent, false humility, abominable filth, bloody covens, lies, robberies, witchcraft lancing, prostitution, cannibals, ensnarement, allegiance to spirit masters, water spirit cults, cutting the body, palm reading, spiritual husband or wife (demon marriage), reincarnation, sorcery, dedications, covenants, marriages, vows, promises, blood guiltiness, satanic priesthood, tokens of covenants, lack of knowledge, weak spiritual foundation, spiritual blindness, lack of communication with GOD, traditions, false religions, heresies, evil thoughts, worry, fear, infirmities, sicknesses, deception, materialism, accursed things, dedication to marine spirits, sacrifices, ancestral covenants, libation, occultic practices, presented to the sun, dedicated to gods, occultism, sexual perversions, addictions, cosmic powers, palmists, native doctors, idols, altars and related practices.

Attacks in dreams include witchcraft initiation curses, spells, arrows and fiery darts. Interpretation of dreams comes from research, experience and testimonies. Demonic prosecution may involve death or financial adversity.

GODs army is The Hosts of Heaven (angels) and the Christian Church (saints). The saints are to be faithful with no hypocrisy or deceit. Hindrances are sin, lack of knowledge, weak spiritual foundation, fear, double mindedness, spiritual blindness and deafness, and lack of communication with GOD. Weapons are THE VOICE OF THE LORD, THE WORD OF GOD, THE BLOOD OF JESUS CHRIST, and The Word Of Our Testimony.

White witchcraft uses talisman, fortune telling, astral gemstone, crystal ball, shadow reading, tarot card, ouija board and so on to determine forbidden knowledge.

Witchcraft steals, kills and destroys, and takes the spirit out of the body of the witch. Cults feed on witchcraft. Characteristics of witches: like blood, operate as dogs, are proud and like to curse. Activities of witches: murder the innocent, use false humility and abominable filth, have bloody covens, coordinate lies and robberies, pursue in the spiritual realm with witchcraft lancing, use prostitution to sell families and nations, are cannibalistic, ensnare, and operate as unclean birds and beasts.

Sources of captivity are accursed things, curses, idolatry, culture, dedication to marine spirit, sacrifices and witchcraft, and ancestral covenant, libation and occultic practices.

The little known arena of spiritual warfare is in the dream realm. GOD speaks to us in the still small voice.And after the earthquake a fire; but the LORD was not in the fire: and after the fire a still small voice(I Kings 19:12).

Repent for ancestral sins, dedications, covenants, marriages, vows, promises, blood guiltiness, devotions and satanic priesthood. Deal with tokens of covenants. Enter into spiritual warfare.And there came one of the seven angels which had the seven vials, and talked with me, saying unto me, Come hither; I will shew unto thee the judgment of the great whore that sitteth upon many waters(Rev. 17:1).

Black witchcraft, white witchcraft, blind witchcraft, bewitchment, witchcraft, spirits that misinterpret THE WORD, serpentine, marine, sea horse, water, python, leviathan, mermaid, goat, voodoo, juju, obia, crab, viper, poverty, immorality, seduction, talisman, fortune telling, astral gemstone, crystal ball, shadow reading, tarot card, ouija board, always wanting to eat, fluctuating between joy and sorrow, sleep walking, talking to yourself on the street, immorality, drugs, alcohol, chronic depression, fatigue, confusion, emptiness, accidents, disorientation, affliction, cage of poverty, material adversity, DNA bondage, soul ties, jealousy, loss of self control, reputation and position, divination, Jezebel, whoredom, seduction, murder, idolatry, vices, manipulation, domination, idolatry, ancestral worship, sexual sin, spiritual fornication, palm reading, reincarnation, sorcery, divorce, quarrelling, immorality, fibrosis, barrenness, promiscuity, failure in GODs work, spiritual harassment, hypocrisy, deceit, fear, double mindedness, worry, anger, hatred, bitterness, resentment, deception, lies, infertility, covetousness, occultism, sexual perversions, addictions, reading stars, palmists and related spirits.


And GOD blessed them, and GOD said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fouls of the air, andover every living thing that moveth upon the earth(Gen. 1:28).And he that was dead came forth, bound hand and foot with grave clothes: and his face was bound abut with a napkin. Jesus saith unto them,loose him and let him go(John 11:44).


IN THE NAME OF THE LORD JESUS CHRIST, we forgive our African ancestors, and Africa for languages, cultural background, idols and nationality that caused sins to be committed that have cursed us. We break the curses from our ancestors and Africa in THE NAME OF THE LORD JESUS CHRIST: LORD, MASTER AND SAVIOR and take authority over the forces of evil.

Bind and overthrow the prince of darkness over the location. Start with Satan and work your way down to the person. Break and frustrate covenants entered into of conditions, bondage, tokens and terms. Blot out the handwriting of ordinances with THE BLOOD OF JESUS CHRIST.

IN THE NAME OF THE LORD JESUS CHRIST, we take authority over demonic spirits: spirits that misinterpret THE WORD, serpentine, marine, sea horse, water, python, leviathan, mermaid, goat, voodoo, juju, obia, crab, viper, poverty, immorality, seduction and related spirits; the prince of the power of the air over this area; power of darkness in the water: Queen of the Coast, Queen of the Ocean, Queen of Heaven and other demonic queens; demonic princesses and weddings; and cover demonic umbrellas that deflect the preaching of THE WORD and ourselves with THE BLOOD OF JESUS CHRIST.

Initiation into water spirit cults comes through idolatry and ancestral worship, sexual sin and spiritual fornication. Examples include cutting the body, drinking blood, palm reading, having spiritual husband or wife (demon marriage), reincarnation, witchcraft and sorcery. Effects are divorce, quarrelling, immorality, fibrosis, barrenness, promiscuity, failure in GODs work and spiritual harassments.

If you feel that you have been demonically attacked in dreams, enter into prayer and counter attack. GOD may wake you up to pray against incoming attacks of the enemy. Work out your salvation with fear and trembling.And from the days of John the Baptist until now the kingdom of Heaven suffereth violence, and the violent take it by force(Matt. 11:12).

Typical witches are Jezebels, whores, seductive, murderesses, promote idolatry and vices, and manipulate and dominate husbands, families and nations. Witches can repent and get saved.Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live(Ex. 22:18).

Obatala -God of the Crossroads, Ogoun Paname -God of Sex and Childbirth, Ogoun Baye -God of the Sun and Fire Spirit over Fire Walkers, Ogoun Badagris -God of Magic Cemeteries and Death, Ogoun Ferei -God of Power and War, Ogoun Shango -God of Serpents, Dadal -God of Fertility, and Loco Roi Nago or Nago Piman -Ruler over Ancestry.

Set the captives free from curses on the family, being presented to the sun or dedicated to gods, occultism, sexual perversions, addictions, reading stars, using cosmic powers, going to palmists and native doctors, and having idols and altars.


We fight that His Will be done, obedience to GOD and JESUS CHRIST, to execute judgement written by GOD against the enemy, to set the captives of the Devil free, to recover what the enemy has stolen, and to destroy satanic coverings over families, churches, peoples and nations. Powers of darkness and demonic yokes are exposed, bound and destroyed.


We break the power of darkness under the earth, witchcraft dream attacks, covens and tokens of power, curses and covenants in THE NAME OF THE LORD JESUS CHRIST: LORD, MASTER AND SAVIOR and take authority over the forces of evil.

Work this lesson withGhana WitchcraftandExposing Caribbean Witchcraftin theWitchcraft Deliverance Manual. There is related information about Africa there that is not repeated here. This lesson contains information about Nigeria, Africa and Santeria.

Bewitchment includes casting spells and curses. Effects include mental and physical fatigue, confusion, emptiness, accidents, disorientation, affliction, demonic cage of poverty and material adversity, DNA bondage and soul ties, jealousy, and loss of self control, reputation and position.

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