s for download

Licence: Author permissions/comments;


These 20 cards depicting Egyptian Deities were part of an early original card deck created for theEgyptMageprogram. (Divination with the Deities of Egypt)

DECK DESCRIPTION……Decks with the double hash () are from the Pysol card sets.

The file-names and card-sizes are correct for using withCardMage. Just add the four inverted (upside down) Aces and then give them their correct file-names before installing the deck.

I looked all over the Web for a cool-looking free printable deck of tarot cards and couldnt find a good one. So I made my own. It has taken me 2 years to finally complete all 78 cards…although I still dont consider the deck to be finished. I hope you have as much fun using these as I did making them!

Downloads sizes(in pixels):………………Format:jpgs

remember to give due credit to the Authors.

The card graphic are very large, but will print out to a standard tarot card size.

In 1993 US Games Inc. gave permission to Paul Caskey to distribute the Rider-Waite Tarot Cards across the Internet.

It is believed that the deck is not copyrighted. Please visit the website for more information.

Author:If you use the cards in your project, dont forget to drop us a mail to keep us informed. Maybe some day well add a section with links to projects that uses the Cardpics cards!

Many rare and out-of-print card sets have been restored byPysols AuthorandT.Kirkand other Authors/Artists. Also included are several MahJong tile sets.

Author/Dominatriox:You can find here some items related with electronicTarotand card decks Ive made. Please, do not hesitate to send me an e-mail with any question, suggestion or whatever you want about this stuff, provided in order to help other card orTarotdesigners.

As you might guess, this is a Tarot with images of Hollywood film stars, past & present. The 78 cards are both full colour & black+white photos.

(Short & sweet licence – says it all.)

Size:Average approx: 326 x 625 pixels.Format:jpgs.

Suggestion: If you use these cards, for any purpose, please credit Krysia and provide a link to her site.

Many thanks to Mr Kossatz for making these card images available and licencing them under the GPL. (General Public Licence)

As there are four separate downloads comprising 78 Cards, the Divination texts, and the Introductory texts, the link on the left will open the Experimental Tarot download page in a separate window.

Krysia has several download options for the cards (6 print-ready Tarot sheets). There is also a PDF booklet for the divinatory meanings.

Author Permissions: This deck is for non-commercial use only.

These were the Classic Rider-Waite Tarot card images made available on the internet back in the 90s. They were updated in 2001 byPaul Caskey.

Alternatively; A monotone deck of the Colman-Smith Tarot (no cardback) with smaller sized cards can bedownloaded from here.

The court cards have the king/queen/jack images in a central square surrounded by a wide border. Nice design.

Nice deck. Individual card images and more info. are at the website.

Dispite the (valid) opinion of historians that this deck was not designed by Mantegna, and neither does it conform to a 78 card Tarot deck, various copies of the original engravings have been made over the centuries and it has generally become known as the Mantegna Tarot. The actual original deck dating from around 1470 CE has not yet been discovered.

If I can find an alternate download I will post it here. (Sept. 2008)

Regular 52 playing card deck. No Joker.Size: 54 x 75 pixels.

…….They can be used when Tarot cards arent handy.You can download the 22 trumps, more than enough cards to get you started — for free! If you like these, you can receive all 78 cards …

Stephanie has two downloads, one for the Brushes and one for the card Images. Card images are black and white.Size: 674 pixels X 1037 pixels.

If you use them in your projects, free software, or web designs

Author:Oxymoron………Source code included.

These 78 cards are available on thewischikwebsite for individual viewing plus information of how they came into the possession of the website owner. The original (physical) cards were coloured but the ones for download are in very attractive tones of black/white/grey direct fromwischik. Very clear/appealing images.

The cards downloadincludes two versions of some cards, so you can choose the images you prefer. Note: The cardback is a separate download from the website.

Please do not re-package any of the brushes contained in any of the sets and attempt to pass them off as your own – I work hard on these!

Do visit Krysias website for more info. about the cards and download options.

Full 78 card deck (Rider-Smith- Waite). The individual cards plus divinatory text can viewed/downloaded at the website. Ive zipped the 78 cards for this download.

Virtual Instant Ideas!Author:Mark Elroy.TarotTools

Website for more info & the individual card prints.

The Hollywood Tarot – Creating Your Own Deck:Webmistress.Melanie Bacon

Full Licence details plus download urls for the cards were at Pauls site.

This PySol cardset was adapted from Patience 2.25 (Atari ST).

Create &Downloadyour own Tarot Deck ONLINE – create & Save one card at a time. Drag & drop images to the template card. Not a lot of images, butthis feature is ideal for creating a number of cards with the same backgrounds; nice photographic ones.

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

…..The modified deck (this download), (C)Katzmiff 2002

Download(html page) of 93 original pencil drawn tarot card images.Size:148x196pixels.

Size: 73 x 97 pixels. Court cards are very well done monotones. Please visit website for more info.

Illustrations of this deck are public domain.

52 playing card deck with Jokers and 6 card backs. These card images were created form the SVG cards byDavid Bellot(free under the Creative Commons Licence).

in which case the altered graphics would then become yours. But as

This site also has free Patterns & Tutorials for PhotoShop. The playing card brushes are for a standard 52 card deck, plus joker and card back.

The download is free because all persons concerned ENJOYED creating the deck………dbut they didnt have time for dealing with publishing & distribution.

NOTE: File download has no extension. (RISC = old British OS)

Released under the GNU licence, included with download.

When I get around to it Ill do a fractal deck – until then heres 20 fractal images which may inspire someone else to create one.Size: 71 x 96 pixels.Format: gifs.

Free to do what you like with themexceptclaim authorship of these originals, because I might still use them for a Fractal deck.

From Adobe Reader, set it like this:

Card Size:322 x 216pixels. (Wider than the height – i.e. landscape)

The PDF file can be printed on 8.5 x 11 paper if you use the right print settings.

These are Greyscale prints of the 22 Marseilles Trump cards from the Tarot

These images are for non-commercial use only. Youre not allowed to change them and make sure you give me credit.

They are now free software (July 2004); you can redistribute and/or modify them under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

The SVG Deck. AuthorsJesse Fuchs and Tom Hart.For Windows and MacOSX.

PhotoShop Playing Card Brushes&Images.AuthorStephanie Shimerdla.

Regular 52 playing cards plus two Jokers, upright & reversed Aces, one cardback. (59 images in all). This is the regular deck used inCardMage.

The images are quite modern-day but the meanings are both poetic & indepth, planetry correspondances are also given. MrKossatzcomes across as a philosophical thinker and it is reflected in his cards.

Also includes accounts from people who have made and produced &/or published their own decks. Very informative…..Website:World of Playing Cards

Regular 52 playing card deck plus two cardbacks.Size75 x 99 pixels.

Dominatrix Card Templates & Programs

Around 100 + Listed Tarot decks for viewing – full 78 card decks. If you have the time & patience every card can be downloaded, but do remember that they are commercial decks.

The Marseilles Deck 1896 (Source: Sacred Texts website)

Most FREE card decks are for personal or non-commercial use only.

Guidelines for producing small editions of hand-made Playing Cards.

Feature with instructions for creating your own set of Tarot o sets of black and white card prints are available forDownload.Choose between the 1910 Coleman-Waite or the Vacchetta deck of 1893. Both decks have been updated and modified for easier colouring.

Samvados site is an Overview of the deck with detailed meanings plus downloads for the full Tarot deck.

A most unusual deck of frogs, but with an adult appeal.

Freeware Esoterica – download page for free Card decks / images

The Colman-Smith Tarot Overview & DownloadAuthorSamvado Gunnar Kossatz

.(1)DownloadFREE Playing Card Font.Luc Devroyessite.

Download images are rather fuzzy. Clearer images are here atTrionfi.

Licence, GPL.Version 2, June 1991.These card Images can be modified under the terms of the licence which can be seen/read at the website.

Five tarot decks can bedownloadedfrom this page, 3 decks have the full 78 cards, one has 15 cards (Simple Oracle), and the Marseille deck 22 trumps. All decks have been designed or re-designed by Dominatrix for theOrphalese Tarotand are Web Editions.

The cards are displayed with four to a picture and can be downloaded by right-clicking each 4-fold picture and choosing Save Image As… from the mouse context menu.Card Size:242 x 354pixels.Format:jpg.

Inner World Tarot.Author/Artist:Vince Cabrera

Regular 52 card deck – no joker(s), no cardback.

Variously described as a humanistic deck or a cosomological deck and even an astrological deck, it has five sets of ten cards.

Regular 52 playing card deck plus 2 cardbacks. Greyscale & black & white images. You may, or may not, wish to colour this deck.Size: 60 x 93 pixels.

There are site-pages for the Major Arcana and the Four Elements where you can view the cards and choose to view the texts associated with them .

.However, they are for personal use only.

Clear images, size can be increased.

Auto-Rotate and Center: Off (no check in box).

Downloadfor full 52 decks of Playing cards at this site. Created for software authors or to use in other projects. Includes source code.

The authors have made two downloads available -Large size75x107 pixels andSmaller size150x215 pixels.

NOTE:There are two downloads for the PDF, the single download generates an error when opening it. To download a working version of the PDF (plus all the cards) click the appropriate link on the left. If you want to Print the PDF contents please make a note of the following instructions advised byLoretta M Yeowho sussed it out.

NOTE: The following notice appears on every page with the card images,

If you have a valid or legal disagreement with any content on this page, or you are the Author/ Artist and

Licence for this deck is of course GPL and may be modified under the terms of the licence.

The Frog Tarot:Author/Artist:Lillie.

Check out this in progress tarot deck at BellaOnline. Each card can be downloaded as it is released. There are also reqular tarot-related postings here – info & tutorials etc. Browse the archives for earlier posts & card releases. Very attractive deck.

52 card deck with cardback and two Jokers. Orginal card images which suggest divinatory meanings for the cards. Delicate / colour-coded designs. Note: The court cards are modified images from theOxymorondeck.Size: 71 x 96 pixels.

A non-tarot Divination deck byValerie Walker.


They are available for commercial or non-commercial usage.

No copyright-but as with the Rider-Waite deck,modern reproductionsmay have copyrighted the two words Mantegna & Tarot being used together.

Virtual clipart/cartoon style Tarot. 78 cards brightly coloured and nicely designed. Primarily created for SVG viewing but also available in png format. The cards can be viewed singly aspngsorsvgswith their meanings & comments, or there is an index page containing all the cards with a link to their meanings. Authors name appears to beDamian Cugley .Image Size: 262 pixels x 360 pixels.NOTE: No copyright notice on this site, but if you browse the pages there is some indication that the cards are (or were) being used for online readings.

This original deck is a collage. The cards have a broad spectrum of images which cover; the unexpected, the everyday, the arresting, the cute, the appealing and the thought-provoking. A cool deck.

This tarot is a strangely beautiful fusion of assorted imagery which successfully incorporates both Native American and mythical images. The cards echo Pamela Smiths (Rider-Waite) depictions for the Major Arcana. They have a mystical, magical, quality and are set within wide shadowed golden frames.

This deck contains 32 cards, the Major Arcana, the Four Aces, and all by itself, the 2 of Cups. At present the author has no plans for including all the Minor Arcana, but if enough people were to email/contact her……..who knows (?!).

This in-progress tarot has whimsical and delightful images of Frogs!

The website is in Dutch with some english, please visit if you wish to see her other work or to download the cards from there.(My favourites are The Sun & The World)

If you have Windows, use Winzip to extract the compressed folders & files.

You can alsodownloadblank templates for Tarot cards and Playing cards, several Solitaire programs (some with saucy cards), and WinFool for Windows.

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Licence included with download.

Licence, GPL.Card size:Approx. 112 x 176 pixels.Format: gifs

This PySol cardset was adapted from kdegames 1.0 (KPoker).

This will give you the first page (the single-page cover) and the left half of each of the other pages.

Download each card individually from the website if you would like to create a Hollywood Tarot deck for yourself.

Card size:250 x 350 pixels.Format:jpg.

Download the antique Italian deck from Turin, Italy. Designed in 1893 by artist Giovanni Vacchetta, a rare and beautiful deck, with images borrowed from mythology and classical art. These are high quality black and white images of all 78 cards for you to print or decorate as you please.

(i.e. Briefly, if you change the images and use them in some project of your own you must extend the same rights of modification & redistribution to everyone else. But copyright to yourmodified images will remain with you).

Return to Freeware Esoterica Card Page

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Licence included with download.

Copyright (C) 1998Markus F.X.J. Oberhumer

The DeadGirl (cool) Tarot.Author/Artist:littledeadgirl.

This Tarot deck … is a unique and inspired attempt to rework traditional Tarot imagery. Created from found images, original drawings, computer graphics and contributions from virtual and r/t friends around the world

Sadly theseClassic Rider-Waite Tarotcards are no longer available as Paul Caskeys Rider-Waite website was taken offline May 2008.

Regular playing card deck. Includes Joker and cardback.

The images are rather fuzzy but the design is a bit different from regular decks.

Trionfi favours a solution in which the Mantegna Tarocchi engravings were produced around 1475, in which the engraving artist was the German printer Sweynheim, who engraved after motifs, which were mainly collected from possibly various sources, mainly bought in a book + engraving store in Venice by the poet Ludovico Lazzarelli, who before 1475 used partly the same motifs already for 2 manuscript productions in Urbino – in different compositions than the 50-elements-Mantegna-Tarocchi.

Pip-cards are unusual, court cards have single upright images. This deck can be used for spreads which use both upright and inverted (upsidedown) cards.

Catharinas Tarot Trumps.Author.Catharina

A tiny deck with sharp clear images.Size:43 x 64pixels.

Please visit the website for more info. and view other decks of a similar nature. Featured (commercial) deck is called Bright Ideas

Cardback designed by Regis. All gods & goddesses are depicted on thrones accompanied by one or more items usually associated with them.Size: 71 x 96 pixels

Terms of use: These brushes are – and shall always remain – FREE.

Involved in the production were probably persons connected to a later Pope, Pope Sixtus IV.

.(1) Info. for creating a collage Tarot deck plus advice re. publishing. On the Menu page click the ARTICLES icon and browse.Arnell Andossite.

Visit website for colouring info (important), & for viewing or downloading the cards individually.

Feel free to use for personal or professional purposes.

Most (if not all) of the images have been derived from royalty-free, royalty- free used-with-permission, personal, and web-found images.

The site is laid out similar to the Experimental Tarot above, with pages for veiwing the cards plus texts, and there are three downloads for the Tarot deck and Divinatory Texts etc, hence the download page will open in a separate window.

Visit the website to view/download the Individual cards and accompanying text. Very thorough Tarot card info. at this site. No copyright.

This PySol card set was originally adapted from the game Briscola by Niccolo Rigacci.1998

An attractive richly coloured deck with images based on the Egyptian Mamluk suits of Coins, Polo Sticks, Cups and Scimitars/Swords. The suits have different coloured / textured backgrounds, the Diamonds have green velvet – see pic.

Free printable Tarot Cards. Full 78 card deck with alternate images for 14 cards.

The majors are Rider-Waite (8 is Strength, 11 is Justice), the minors are Marseille-style frog-pips. There is full colouring throughout the deck. The major arcana cards are quite enchanting, so too are the minor arcana court cards. (See the knights!).

If you know of a Free Tarot deck that can be included here pleasee.m.a.i.l me.

Much more info. plus an ongoing online divination/spread Manual (eventually to be another free download) at his Website. Thank you Vince – much appreciated.

Full 78 card deck in a contemporary style with clear images and pleasing colours. Primarily intendedfor people to create/make their own physical deck.Size: 215 x 297 pixels

accompany decks under the GPL & GNU licences.

Card size: 300 x 420 pixels.Format: jpg

(Loretta recommends World of Tarot, the program is on CD (not free) but very comprehensive and customisable, and includes nine card decks).

The author doesnt make it clear (well, not to me…) in what way his deck can be used after its been downloaded. However the cards are copyrighted and the physical deck is retail, so to err on the safe side I would say that this deck is forpersonal and private use only.

stated above, the Author of the original images must also be credited,

The deck comprises all 52 cards along with black and red Jokers, and blue and red backs. All the cards have rounded corners and are 4-colour and 16-colour sprites.

The download contains the licence (in English) which is as follows,

Cardpics is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This is actually a reproduction of the Rider-Waite Tarot, but due to copyright issues concerning the words Waite and Tarot, it has had to be been renamed.

Copyright (C) 1997Jochen Tuchbreiter

Card size:244 x 220…….NOTE: I believe it may only be Free for personal use.

Make your own Hollywood cards. For fun but NOT for profit, for your own personal home use, dont even think about making any money on these because neither you nor I own the rights to any of these peoples names or faces.

Website Author states:- Here you will find a library of various magic-related clip art that I have found around the web. Please note that eCardTricks does not claim copyright to any of the clip art found in these galleries.

I have zipped them up for this download, but strongly recommend visiting the website for any further info and possible updates to the deck. It would also be nice (mandatory in fact) to discover the artists real name & accord her due credit!

Ongoing research into the history of Playing card, Tarot & Oracle decks. Here you will find many images & information of both modern and very early decks, plus links to card collectors. A very good site to visit.Highly Recommended.

The cardset is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

Ideal if you cant afford an expensive deck & want to make/print a copy for personal use.

The Full Marseilles Deck. From wischik (WiseChick?).

A high resolution contemporary deck of photo quality. Beautifuly blended images, with some translucant effects. A few cards are pics of people, i.e. Brad Pitt, other cards like Judgment, are stunningly evocative.

Under no circumstances claim the card images as your own.

A strange and whimsical tarot. The suits are Pencils, Floppy Disks, Hammers, Silly Hats, Miscarcarna (which include Protractors), Major Arcana, and Meta Arcana.

Card size:300 x 200 pixels. (Landscape).Format.jpgs

The download file is named, pysol-cardsets_4.40.orig.tar.gz

Size:approx. average: 231 x 394. DPI:96

Court cards have full length figures – a quaint olde worlde deck ….

This download contains the 50 greyscale images of the Mantegna deck, they are the prints of a copy made by a16th century Cologne artist Johann Ladenspelder. More information can be found atthis link.

A regular 52 playing card deck plus 4 cardbacks. No Joker.

These images may be used freely except that you are not allowed to charge money for them, neither are you allowed to remove the copyright notice which appears in the lower-right corner of each image.

This is an online tarot reading site. Included here because the deck is custom and the card meanings are pithy, earthy, and to the point. Probably set up in the nineties to judge by the wording, but definately worth a visit – an enjoyable one!

22 Tarot Trumps – a brain-storming deck. These 22 Major cards are free.They are part of a full 78 deck which can be purchased (a donation…). The cards are high resolution full colour photo quality and depict very modern contemporary images. The traditional trump names have been changed but are recognisable – very apt renaming.

Regarded by many to embody the Western Mystery Tradition, this is a black & white deck. The colouring of the images should be undertaken as an exercise in order to assimilate the depth of each card – one might say a spiritual excerise.

Special Note:If you haveCardMage version 3.0(it installs custom decks) and you would like to use this deck, you will have to design the two jokers yourself and the card sizes would have to be reduced to 71 x 96 pixels.

The 1910 Deck. (Source: Mystic Games website)

Licence: A Free downloadable deck…. Free for fun..

Copyright (C) 1998Markus F.X.J. Oberhumer

NOTE:Distribution or commercial use forbidden.

and your images may then come under the same rights or licence

The Experimental Tarot.AuthorSamvado Gunnar Kossatz

NOTE: Ive zipped the deck for download, if you go to the website you must download the card images individually.

This site has adownloadfor TarotCall, afreeprogram which can be used with any, or all, of thefree7 to 10 card decks available at the site. The decks (plus the TarotCall program) can be downloaded all at once or separately. Please note that TarotCall only works with Windows Internet Explorer.

DownloadFREE Card Font containing symbols for French, German, Swiss & Latin cards, plus links to other Card and Chess Fonts. AuthorGyula Zsigri.Licence in download.

Free. The B.O.T.A Tarot deck . Paul Foster Case.FromThe Tarot Instuitute.

52 playing card deck with 4 cardbacks.Size:106 x 169 pixels.

Full 78 card deck based on the Rider-Waite design. The images have been repainted in watercolours and have a soft dreamy appearance which (for me) encourages a calm serene contemplative approach.

Permission is granted for some of the decks to be modified / altered,

There are some meanings (annotations) for a few of the cards, maybe they could be expanded (&/or newly created) by those who connect with this deck. The author/artist created them back in 2001. For something quite different go take a look at them.

Regular 52 playing card deck:.Size: 71 x 96 pixels.

Card size: 188 x 270 pixels.Format: jpg.

Then, in the main Adobe Reader screen, click on Rotate Clockwise two times to make the images up-side down. Now you can print pages 2-15 with the same settings as before, and youll get the other halves of the pages.

Cards are large-size for sending to your printer and creating physical decks

have ojection to the presentation of your material here,please advise me and I will ammend or remove it.

The 25 tattwa cards. (Doorways to the Astral Plane.)Size:120 x 120 pixels.Formatgifs.

This site has 13 Spreads for using the Tarot, with pretty good descriptions for the cards.

This download file contains more than50 Playing Card decks, created for use in the gamePysol by Markus F.X.J. Oberhumer. A Solitaire program with an enormous amount of games.

Every card set is in its own folder with author(s) copyright included, and nearly all are under the GNU or GPL Licences (please read if you are unfamiliar with them) which means they can be modified and redistributed under the terms of the licence.

A Book of Dreams with Pictures and Words:Online divination reading plus you canDownloadthe Vee-deck cards in PDF format. It contains ten pages of eight cards each, including cards which arenot part of the original vee-deck; (browse site for card variations) some of the original cards have been retitled. These pdf cards are for you to print, cut out, and mount on heavy card stock. All 56 cards are Major Arcana.Size: 155 x 297 pixels.

These card images are distributed as freeware, meaning you can use and distribute the deck as you wish, provided that you do not charge anything for doing so. If you use these cards as part of a commercial product or for commercial purposes you must clearly state that they are non-commercial freeware and give credit to the artist/author. Modifications to the images are not allowed without prior written permisson of the author.. Licence is included with the download.

as the original. See examples in the copyrights which

The Aquatic Tarot.Author/Artist:Andreas Schrter1995-2002

Size59 by 79 pixels. Cards are free for any non-commercial use: just credit me with the design.

But please browse the site for updates, this author may add a permission notice.

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