Aqueduct Farming for Divination Card Humility to get Tabula Rasa

It can also drop in these map areas:

Aqueduct Farming for Divination Card Humility to get Tabula Rasa

I farmed Aqueducts until I was around 8 levels over the area in both normal and merciless, I ended up with three cards. Naturally accrued enough currency for the remaining cards by going through act content.

– You can use only a single AoE skill, and swap out one or two gems ignoring color restrictions before you enter a boss room for massive single-target DPS.

– You can put in Blood Magic and add an extra aura/herald, reserving 100% of your mana

Because of the div cards though, the Tabula is much cheaper to trade for if you want to try that.Guild Leader The Amazon Basin BASIN

I wasnt even thinking about the drop penalty. If you farm this area in Merciless, you wont have a drop penalty. And its decent experience until you get too much higher level than the area. I did trun in Humilty cards in the Torment league, so it is farmable. But not really for your current character. Youd most likely want to use the Tabula on a new character.

Only because a specific item has got a chance to drop in specific areas does not mean it will have higher chance to drop that specific item unique to its drop location,it just means that among the thousands of random things that can drop,the thing you are after has a chance to drop as well ON TOP of everything else.

Any one of the above uses I say is more useful than what a rare 5-linked chest can offer. Theres a number of uniques that are close contenders though.IGN: Ikimashouka, Tsukiyattekudasai, DontCallMeMrFroyoLast edited by gilrad on Dec 20, 2015 12:29:57 AM

Humility can drop in these world areas:

First of all this is not Lineage 2,grinding a single area or specific mobs for anything other than levels in general is a bad idea because every mob has got a huge drop table of random things so RNG can be too nasty.

aqueducts- run it for a few levels but dont over do it your not going to drop a lot of humility cards here unless very lucky.

– If youre melee and dont have Fortify linked, you can get 20% damage reduction (sure you can link it to something like leap slam, but that doesnt offer nearly the level of consistency you get from putting it in the main attack skill).

channel map- this is where the real humility drop. ive had 3 humility drop in 1 run before.

First of all this is not Lineage 2,grinding a single area or specific mobs for anything other than levels in general is a bad idea because every mob has got a huge drop table of random things so RNG can be too nasty.

Humility can drop in these world areas:

This game sucks. Its said by a person who has played this for more than 3 years.

Secondly, about how many runs would I have to make to get all 9 divination cards? Is there the same chance to drop if I were the adequate level for all three difficulties, and tried it on normal vs. merciless? Because Im gonna need a 6L. Or at least a 5L, with the exact correct colors.

Ehhhhmmmmm, NO. I can have a Tabula Rasa once a day easily only farming the cards in Channel. Some cards are easy and some not, Humility is the easy.

Second of all there is a thing called drop chance penalty,if you are too high of a level for the area,the chance to find stuff will decrease – for specifics visitthis site

It can also drop in these map areas:

– If youre melee and already have Fortify linked, you can put in life leech for even more defense, or one of the many available damage gems.

As for whether its worth it, hell yeah its worth it. Assuming a five-link is the baseline, that sixth link can basically be more damage or more defense, depending on what you have available. It could even enable some shenanigans with a secondary attack if youre using a 2h-weapon.

TL;DR RNG can be painful,you grind levels,not items.

TL;DR RNG can be painful,you grind levels,not items.

Guild Leader The Amazon Basin BASIN

First off, is this a good idea? Since I know Tabula Rasa has no mods or any benefit whatsoever besides have 6L white sockets, is it still a good idea to use it?

Its the only 6 link many people have, especially in a temp league. Some builds can handle the lack of mods and defense on it. Others cant. I dont know how many runs. Quite a few though. Not sure if they can drop in normal, so you might try in cruel. The wiki might have that information.

Only because a specific item has got a chance to drop in specific areas does not mean it will have higher chance to drop that specific item unique to its drop location,it just means that among the thousands of random things that can drop,the thing you are after has a chance to drop as well ON TOP of everything else.

Second of all there is a thing called drop chance penalty,if you are too high of a level for the area,the chance to find stuff will decrease – for specifics visitthis site

so just level up farm aqueducsts a bit then switch to channel map when u can for more xp and getting your set finished.

tldr- dont expect to farm humility with reliability before channel map.


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