Farming div cards (Create a list with me

Some exceptions, though, Humility being one of them.

Some exceptions, though, Humility being one of them.

I currently am in the making of a video about div cards farmi ng in ssf. Id love to include some of your data. I did not work on it for a few weeks cuz i quited in bestiary but might get it up in the next weeks.Clawbased supp + carry guide

But i really dropped in to tell you that Ive tested a lot of cards, with my IIQ runner (153 IIQ in Standard, yes, that is with the IIQ gem), and found out that MOST valuable cards are not farmable. With your 47 IIQ, you have do run three times as many runs as I did. And… I… Ran… A… Lot…

Yea its kinda hard to farm most cards. Its more about useful farmeable cards for selffound since those players have quiet a good use for some div cards. Gonna change titleClawbased supp + carry guide

Molten strike brightbeak nonsense guide

Well that means 400c less to craft gear which means 200 chaos recipe for 10 unique maps. I think farming them is much faster.Clawbased supp + carry guide

But i really dropped in to tell you that Ive tested a lot of cards, with my IIQ runner (153 IIQ in Standard, yes, that is with the IIQ gem), and found out that MOST valuable cards are not farmable. With your 47 IIQ, you have do run three times as many runs as I did. And… I… Ran… A… Lot…

Good luck and wish you all the best!Last edited by ClownPooh on Jun 14, 2018 2:06:28 PM

The Beastcard -ACT 9 Belly of the Beastarea.

I felt obliged to write the post because when i searched for the same info to make a decision of if it is worth the time to farm i did not find any so hopefully this will help some of you.

For selffound player farming div card is not too special since i need 10 unique maps for challenges just as an example. for divine orbs you farm tabula etc.For unlocking unique maps, start running regular maps with the Perandus Zana mod. Cadiro seems to sell an awful lot of unique maps. In ~ 100 maps With Perandus on them, I have gotten somewhere around 10 unique maps from him.

I dont know if this will be helpful but still want to write a post.

I had a mediocre clear speed (4-5min for a run) with Whirling Blades as a movement skill and 30% increased MS boots (no Quicksilver flask).

For selffound player farming div card is not too special since i need 10 unique maps for challenges just as an example. for divine orbs you farm tabula etc.Clawbased supp + carry guide

And by farmable, I mean able to farm without loosing I_NOs sanity. Or in other words, worth my God damn time.Straw Polls will save humankind! It is known!Last edited by Phrazz on Oct 1, 2016 2:00:56 AM

Molten strike brightbeak nonsense guide

Overall it took me 6h 22min to get all 6 cards, i timed all of them (1:36, 2:52, 2:53, 4:31, 6:21, 6:22), so basically it is 1 card per hour.

Some exceptions, though, Humility being one of them.

SpoilerParticipating is easy. Whenever you think about farming for a div card just stop the time meanwhile and leave some informations below. I will insert them into the list.

Add drops:Rain of Chaos x13 The Hermit x2 Essences x71 The Dragon x4

Alongside i got 1 Oath and 1 Hunger, ~20 tier 1 maps, 6-8 low-mid tier uniques (like Princess Sabre, Mortrem Morsu Claw, Kitavas Thirst Helmet, etc.) and bunch of currency.

Molten strike brightbeak nonsense guide

Add drops:The Catalyst x17 Essences x46 Diviner Strongbox x1

I started farming Belly of the Beast area at lvl 75 (too late, i know) and according to my calculations i had 25% div card drop penalty (2,5*(75-(63+2))) but i had 11% IIR so its -14% total, i guess.

Sidenotes:Essences do spawn on the left side. Vaal areas on the right side. Masters on both. Run on the right side to see all.

Or just post the result of sets you complete like which map you got from encroaching

Last edited by incredibie on Oct 4, 2016 5:42:30 AMLast bumped on Jun 17, 2018 10:54:30 PM

Which means that you have like 66% higher droprate not 300%.

Even though this is my only 3,5 league and i dont have that much experience playing PoE i still think this was worth my time, i liked the area and the drop itself.

Molten strike brightbeak nonsense guide

Creating a list of farmable divination cards with useful side informations

For selffound player farming div card is not too special since i need 10 unique maps for challenges just as an example. for divine orbs you farm tabula etc.For unlocking unique maps, start running regular maps with the Perandus Zana mod. Cadiro seems to sell an awful lot of unique maps. In ~ 100 maps With Perandus on them, I have gotten somewhere around 10 unique maps from him.

Molten strike brightbeak nonsense guide

Molten strike brightbeak nonsense guide

SpoilerTry to give informations like:

SpoilerArea:The Aqueduct act4 lvl67 / channel t3 map / waterways t13 map

Results:The Putrid Cloister x1 Whakawairua Tuahu x1 Caer Blaidd Wolfpacks Den x1

This league (Incursion) i decided to play on SSF, so had few options on how to get the needed chest piece and instead of chancing and prophecy gambling i went for div cards farming.

And by farmable, I mean able to farm without loosing I_NOs sanity. Or in other words, worth my God damn time.

Use:Level20 gem / Divination card challenge

Did you find something interesting while farming for the card of your desire

SpoilerArea:All outdoor act 2 areas except for southern forest

And by farmable, I mean able to farm without loosing I_NOs sanity. Or in other words, worth my God damn time.

But i really dropped in to tell you that Ive tested a lot of cards, with my IIQ runner (153 IIQ in Standard, yes, that is with the IIQ gem), and found out that MOST valuable cards are not farmable. With your 47 IIQ, you have do run three times as many runs as I did. And… I… Ran… A… Lot…

– Yo leader what do we do with all of our currency?

You have 150% ~ iiq so you are at ~250.

I do have 50% ~ iiq so I am at ~150.

Add drops:Essences x47 The Dragon x4 The Fox The Hermit x1Clawbased supp + carry guide

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