Core Exercises

Act of Treasonreally makes or breaks this deck. When you get two or three Acts and a couple sacrifice outlets, you easily crush all opposition. Stealing their creature, hitting them with it, and then tossing it into the graveyard is a huge swing, and all for three mana. What makes it even more powerful is that most people at the table wont wantAct of Treasonyou can often spend early picks on actual removal, then get what is effectively removal much later in the draft.Reassembling Skeletonis the next best, as it offers an infinite supply of bones to pick, and the enablers drop off after that. Still, like the life gain deck, if you get a good mix of these two categories, your deck will run smoothly and be powerful. One note is that black-red is a little bit more committal, as you can end up with more awkward cards in your deck if you dont get there, so keep that in mind. If the deck isnt open, you may have to abandon ship, as half-measures dont work as well as in life gain.

This is only a partial list, as there are atonof ways to gain life in this set. Thats a very real upside to drafting this deck, as you wont lack for ways to enable your powerful cards. One of the ways to evaluate the various themes is by difficulty, and life gain is not a hard theme to land. Thats one of the reasons I believe its going to be a loud theme, as it will be present in just about every draft.

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Core Set 2019 Releases This Weekend! Celebrate the release of Core Set 2019 at Draft Weekend July 1415. Find a store near you to join in (or attempt to thwart) Nicol Bolass dastardly s…

When drafting a core set, there are a few fundamentals you want to keep in mind. Core sets are a great place to get into Limited, as they are a great mix of solid cards that play in a straightforward manner and themes that offer a more intricate drafting experience.

Like life gain, this deck is comprised of payoffs and enablers. Here, the strategy involves sacrificing creatures for fun and profit, ideally creatures the opponent played. This is a much more specific theme, as sacrificing creatures is much harder to set up than simply gaining life, but there are some very nice payoffs here.

On October 5, well be releasing a new learn-to-play product aimed at helping new players, well, learn to play!

The Multiplayer Brawl Championship is coming to Grand Prix Richmond!

Now that we have that out of the way, lets focus on some of the specific themes that stand out. While there are themes in every two-color combination, some are louder than others, and Ive selected three of the most promising to discuss today.

Heres a good mana curve to strive for:

Luis Scott-Vargas plays, writes, and makes videos about Magic. He has played on the Pro Tour for almost a decade, and between that and producing content for ChannelFireball, often has his hands full (of cards).

Spells arent usually counted as part of the curve, though cheap removal can make up for a lack of early drops.

You can also draft this deck without being specifically white-black, as some decks will play one or two white enablers and payoffs in something like white-blue, or black ones in black-green (or any other combination using white or black). The strength of the life gain deck is how flexible it is and how low the opportunity cost is.

The one-shot payoffs (Thudand Blood Divination) arent as exciting as the recurring ones, but both types are quite powerful. When you have ample amounts of fodder, these cards are absurd, and you can easily overpower the opponent. Where they get really busted is when you haveAct of Treason, which is by far the best of the enablers.

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Gaining life can be pretty sweet, but its not usually a great goal in and of itself. You can gain as much life as youd like, but if youre behind on board, you will eventually fall. However, that changes when you get rewards for life gain, and there are plenty of those in M19. A life gain deck seems very real, and its pieces can be divided into two separate groups.

This deck is the most normal of these decks, as you dont really need an excuse to play solid artifacts in your deck, and most of these payoffs function pretty well even with a low artifact count. The deck looks geared toward evasion and value, which lines up with how white-blue tends to function in most sets. Sometimes youll be a little more aggressive, and sometimes youll just have three Scholar of Stars and try and keep trading with the opponent.

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Want to draft Dominaria? Thats easy. Want to draft Dominaria well? Thats a bit harder. Here are the cards you should be looking for, in roughly the order you should be picking them.  T…

The payoffs are a good place to start, because if they arent worth it, then the whole deck isnt worth it. Luckily, these are, as they are a good spread of threats and answers that pay you generously for gaining life.Ajanis Pridemateis the most powerful incentive, as it can get out of control quickly, but any of these cards is a sufficient enough reward that you should prioritize life gain once you have it. Another strength of this deck is that all of these cards are pretty good even with a light life gain theme, so you arent forced to fully commit in order to reap the benefits.

Prioritize removal, creatures with evasion, and creatures with good stats. If you draft a deck with something close to the above ratios and a solid curve, youll do fine in just about any core set, and I expect M19 wont be drastically different. Make sure all the cards you draft affect the board (i.e., are creatures, removal, or combat tricks), and dont worry about getting fancy.

When drafting a deck that doesnt have a strong theme, which is a good place to start, try and aim for the following:

Because life gain has such a strong mix-and-match aspect, and because so many of the cards are perfectly serviceable on their own, this deck isnt too tricky to draft. Itll most often manifest as a white-black deck that happens to have one to three payoffs and two to five enablers, though the more dedicated (and lucky) versions will edge toward five-plus payoffs and eight-plus enablers.

Which enablers you want will depend on which payoffs you have.Ajanis Pridematerewards consistent life gain but doesnt care about the amount, while Nightmares Thirst is at its best when you can gain a lot of life at once.

There are many more themes than these three, but these stood out to me and are a great place to start. Good luck!

3-plus removal spells (as many spells as you can get that stop opposing creatures)

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One of my favorite parts about a new set is trying to figure out whats going on in Limited (as for my success, the jokes make themselves, so go for it). Today, Im going to take a look at some of the themes inCore Set 2019and give you an outline of what to look for when you first hop in. We will start general, then examine some of the louder themes. Lets get to it!

The last deck I want to focus on is the artifact deck. Here, the enablers are all pretty simplethey are simply artifacts. As such, I just pulled out some of the payoffs worth mentioning. This deck rewards you for making small and cheap artifacts, though some of the cards dont care about what artifact you have, as long as you have one.

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Posted inHow to Play Limitedon June 26, 2018

23 combat tricks, miscellaneous spells, and/or Equipment

One similarity all these themes have is that they can fit into decks without taking too much space. Black-red is the most demanding, but all of these themes can be as few as four cards while still very much changing how your deck plays out. That indicates a wide open Draft format, where you have synergy available without it being mandatory. That lines up with previous core sets, and is my favorite kind of Draft format (Dominariafeels this way as well).

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