Divination Cards – The Cartographer The Lich The Hunters Reward and More!

– Magic Prophecy Wand with Dictators mod (75% to 79% Physical Damage and 135 to 169 Accuracy), itemlevel 100

– Magic 1-Handed weapon with Runics roll (75% to 79% Spell Damage), itemlevel 100

– White 6L Body Armor, itemlevel equal to character with cap of 80

Compiled List of 3.3.0 Incursion League Builds

Update 3.3 — Path of Exile: Confusion

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Skill Reveal: Siphoning Trap + 3.3.0 / Incursion Teasers thus far

– Any Unique Prismatic Ring, Corrupted

– Any Rare unID Two-Stone Ring, itemlevel equal to character with cap of 80

– 20% Quality Summon Raging Spirit, level 1

– Really like this batch. Got a 6L, got a Mortal fragment, and one for possibility of Shavronnes Wrappings.

– Unknown Card called The Fool with Flavor Text: Under the sea, you fall up.

Divination Cards – The Cartographer, The Lich, The Hunters Reward and More!

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– White Prismatic Ring, itemlevel equal to character with cap of 80

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– Magic Armor with Seraphims roll (51% to 56% Local Energy Shield +% and 16% to 17%

– Unknown Card called The Key with Flavor Text: Wealth beyond measure lays waiting to be seized; You just have to open the right door.

– Magic Gemini Claw with Celebration mod (26% to 27% Attack Speed), itemlevel 83

– Unknown Card called The Dragon, which redeems for a Unique Item obtained exclusively through a set of Divination Cards

– Magic Eternal Sword with Bloodthirsty mod (110% to 129% Physical Damage), itemlevel 66

– Magic 2H with Merciless mod (170% to 179% Physical Damage), itemlevel 100

– By my count thats 104 / ~250 Divination Cards so far. Were not even halfway yet lol.

– Any 20% Quality Minion Gem, level 1

We have8 new Divination Cardsthat we are ready to share with you! While we dont currently have a firm date for their release, were expecting to include them inthe 2.0.4c patch.If youd like to create your own Divination Card, check out the Highgate Pack.

Divination Cards – The Cartographer, The Lich, The Hunters Reward and More!

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– White 6L Astral Plate, itemlevel equal to character with cap of 80

– Any Rare Amulet, Corrupted, itemlevel equal to character with cap of 80

PCGamer – Path of Exile Re-Review – 90/100

– Any Rare unID Jewelry, itemlevel 79

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