Divination (class

Harry and several of his classmates attendedDivination homework meetingsin the1995-1996 school year.

(clearly, his duel with Lord Voldemort in theLittle Hangleton graveyard). Similarly, whilst they are making up predictions, Ron and Harry foresee that Harry will lose his bet that Ron will win his fight (which he supposedly came off worse in). This also comes true (more or less) again with respect to the Triwizard tournament as it is later revealed thatLudo Bagmanlost his bet that Harry would win the Triwizard tournament outright (which culminated in Harry coming off worse). They also claim they will drown, which nearly happens in the Second Task. Furthermore, although we do not hear any more of their fabricated predictions after that it is noted that they grew steadily more tragic and even predicted their own horrific deaths – eerily enough, later events do steadily grow more tragic and many wizards and witches do die horrifically in the future (particularly in

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Magic Beyond Words: The J.K. Rowling Story

Well honestly…the fates have informed her… Who sets the exam? She does!

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

(the first trial of overcoming adragon); next that he will

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (film)

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AlchemyArithmancyCare of Magical Creatures

Divinationis an elective course taught atHogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. It teaches methods of divining the future, or gathering insights into future events, through various rituals and tools. The magic taught in this class, as well as the ability to say prophetic things is a branch of magic referred to asDivination.

Divination ClassroomDivination staircaseSybill Trelawneys officeClassroom 11

Academy of Broom FlyingCharm SchoolEuro-Glyph School of Extraordinary LanguagesMerge School of Under-Water SpellageWizarding Academy of Dramatic Arts

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1

Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them

Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince

Albus DumbledorehiredSybill Trelawneyto become the Divination teacher circa1979. Originally, Dumbledore plotted to scrap the subject altogether, and only gave Sybill an interview for the sake of her esteemed heritage. To his disappointment, she showed none of the prestige hercelebrated ancestordid. As he was prepared to let her down gently, Trelawney entered a trance and madea prophecyregarding tothe Dark Lords downfall. Dumbledore immediately hired her, mostly to protect her from theDark Lord, but also in hopes of hearing another genuine prophecy. Sybill, however, did not know this, due to the trance she was in.

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1 (video game)

Draco Malfoy, and his croniesCrabbeandGoylewere never mentioned to have taken the subject in the book, but they can be seen during the Divination scenes in the thefilm adaptationof

,J. K. Rowlinghad originally devised Divination to be compulsory from the first year.

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire

Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince

despite them not taking the subject in thefilm adaptationof

Firenzehad been kicked out of his group in theForbidden ForestBanehad accused him of serving humans, and banished him. He decided to work as a professor inHogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, as he couldnt set foot in theForbidden Forestbecause he would be trampled to death by the Centaur herd.

Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them

While her lessons were relatively safe, Professor Trelawney was renowned for predicting the death of a student each year. These prophecies never came true, although Lavender Browns did find out that her pet rabbit had died on the predetermined date Professor Trelawney dictated on her first day of class. Also, she had predicted thatNeville Longbottomwould break a cup from her china tea set.

Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone

Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince

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Harry Potter Page to Screen: The Complete Filmmaking Journey

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (film)

AstronomyCharmsDefence Against the Dark ArtsHerbologyHistory of MagicPotionsTransfiguration

Given the above (as well as the nature ofSybill Trelawneys gift) it may be that – with respect to the art of Divination – true talent does not lie in making accurate predictions, but in

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

CalchasCassandra VablatskyCassandra TrelawneyInigo ImagoMopsusProfessor MopsusUnidentified Canadian SeerUnidentified female SeerUnidentified male Seer

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban


Sybill then began teaching Divination circa 1979, and was still teaching until1998. Her beginners class relied heavily on the art ofscrying; however, Trelawneys teaching style did not go over well with most students. Only studentsLavender BrownandParvati Patilseemed to really take to the subject. Others fell asleep in her heavily-incensed and stifling classroom or considered the class to be a joke.Hermione Grangerdecided to quit the class for good, as Trelawney told her that she had not the Inner Eye, and because she thought Trelawneys predictions were inaccurate, and the few accurate ones are due to mere chance. Not many students liked her because they thought she was mad.

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(Ron, his best friend, whom he will have to recover from theMerpeople); then get stabbed in the back by someone you thought was a friend (his D.A.D.A. professor); and finally

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince

The classroom located in the North Tower is accessible through a circular trapdoor. The room is described as looking like a cross between somebodys attic and an old-fashioned teashop. TheDivination Stairwellleads to this classroom, connected to the rest of the castle by along corridor.

Sybill Trelawneytalking to the class about Divination

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban

Writing by J.K. Rowling: Hogwarts School Subjectsat

The fates have informed me that your examination in June will concern the Orb, and I am anxious to give you sufficient practise.

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Starting in1995Firenzebegan teaching Divination after Professor Trelawney was viciously fired by. Firenzes lessons took place inClassroom Eleven, on the ground floor, because he is acentaurand could not climb up a ladder that led in to Professor Trelawneys stifling classroom. His classes focused mainly onAstrologyand a method of Fire-omens. He continued to teach the subject in 1998.

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2

Muggle StudiesStudy of Ancient Runes

LEGO Harry Potter: Characters of the Magical World

First year examsSecond year examsThird year examsFourth year examsOrdinary Wizarding LevelNastily Exhausting Wizarding Test

Divination is an elective subject available beginning in a studentsthird year. Students study a myriad of ways to scry information about the future, includingtea dregs, crystal balls, visions, and Astrology and horoscope charts. Other methods of divining the future include smoke patterns, dreams, tarot cards, and the interpretation ofprophecies, though the latter is quite rare. Guides and textbooks allow students of Divination to discern or translate what observed symbols intend to mean.

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban

Harry Potter and Ron Weasley bored in Divination class

Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone

AstrologyCartomancyCatoptromancyCrystal-gazingCrystal ballDream interpretationFire-omensHeptomologyIchthyomancyPalmistryOrnithomancyTarot cardsTessomancy

Because the subtle science of Divination is not exact, andwoolly,Hermione Grangerhad great difficulty with, and disdain for, it. After consulting with ProfessorMinerva McGonagall, who shared Hermiones scepticism for Divination, and then being insulted by Professor Trelawney about how she lacked the requirements for Divination, Hermione dropped out of the class altogether with dramatic flair to concentrate onAncient RunesandArithmancy. Also so she could have less time using her Time-Turner.

It is interesting to note that when Harry and Ron begin making up predictions in their Divination homework in

, they happen to predict, exactly, the dangers that await Harry in theTriwizard Tournament: first that he will be

Her rather ineffective teaching methods made her a primary target forHogwarts High Inquisitors negative evaluations, being bombarded with questions and demands during probation, and eventually, Trelawney was dismissed for inadequate performance. She was reinstated at the end of the year.

had originally decided that this course should no longer be taught at Hogwarts, it being considered obscure and inaccurate to most. However, seeing the applicant for the teaching post was the famous great-great-granddaughter of acelebrated Seer, Dumbledore decided to give her a chance. When she made aProphecythat impressed Dumbledore, she was granted the position (though the true reason was to protect her fromLord Voldemort, who was desperate to hear the rest of the prophecy).

Some students, such asHarry PotterandRon Weasley, also could not achieve any success in this course, and regretted ever taking it. In order to scrape a pass in the course, they merely made up plenty of things when it comes to predicting the future, not taking the work seriously. They usually added plenty of tragedies, so Professor Trelawney would be satisfied, despite the false predictions could be far-fetched. They would also make fun out of the class whenever possible, as when Ron saw nothing but thick white swirl in thecrystal ball, he joked about foreseeing a very foggy night, to which his friends laughed.

Albus Dumbledore never took this subject himself.

Students of this class convene in one of two places:Sybill Trelawneyclassroomin theNorth Tower, orClassroom Elevenwhere Firenze taught, which is on the ground floor of the castle.

ApparitionAdvanced Arithmancy StudiesAncient StudiesArtFlyingFrog ChoirGhoul StudiesHogwarts orchestraMagical TheoryMuggle ArtMuggle MusicMusicXylomancy

Some of theHogwartsstudents attending Divination class in1995

Professor Trelawney andHermione Grangerin Divination

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire

So you have chosen to study Divination, the most difficult of all magical arts. I must warn you at the outset that if you do not have the Sight, there is very little I will be able to teach you. Books can take you only so far in this field…

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets

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