
it alone. Conquering Fear of Surviving.

D:Thrives on the Power of passing on private

to help those who are in need.L:Makes You aware that Someone or

D:Projecting any image that serves your

D:Manipulating others through Duplicity.L:Learning the Transcendent Nature of

D:Playing the Victim for Positive feedback in the

Positive Guiding Light within a Tribal unit.

claim to liberate. Ignoring legitimate constraints.L:Innocence, Purity and Redemption.

over imparting Spiritual insight.L:Humility and Devotion to Knowledge.

Engenders social awareness and empathy.

Listed is both theLightandDarkattribute of each card.

Talent for designing resolutions to common dilemmas.

reciprocate. Keeps the rescued one needy.L:Passion to serve others by repairing the Body, Mind

that transcends all time and space. As Our Journey in this remarkable sphere develops, these

D:Embracing negative causes or committing

D:Blames all Dysfunctional relationships on

for the Help You offer.L:Highlights Your Fear of self-empowerment

things in Life. Celebrates the Beauty in Yourself.

D:Rejects legitimate authority out of Anger.

form of Pity. Inability to maintain Personal boundaries.L:Determination to remain Young in Body, Mind

D:Trading Ethical principles for Victory at any cost.

with the Divine Spirits of Nature Eternal.

Spiritual systems that do not serve inner needs.

D:Fear of facing your own demons.L:Fearlessly revealing emotion. Helping people

beliefs. Releasing Negative thought patterns.

D:Exaggerated belief that you are the only

Humility, Compassion and Self-esteem.

D:Smothering or abandoning children. Instilling

in Life and in Your own Treasured Self.

D:Inability to grow up and be responsible. Extreme

D:Obsessive passion that harms others.

to others. Willingness to proclaim a Vision

the fair and equal distribution of Power.

All to Gold. Delight in sharing Lifes riches.

beyond the five senses. Inspiring others to

Suggests a special connection with the Divine.

D:Becomes arrogant when authority is

Acts out of Love with no expectation of reward.

D:Feelings of Abandonment that stifle Maturation.

Rulership without restraint.L:Loyalty, romance, and chivalry.

Self-Sacrifice in Conquering the Ego.

things. The Knowledge that Everything is Possible.

D:Taking advantage of those who need

D:Waiting for a Knight to provide for you.

D:Negotiating with an Ulterior motive or hidden

D:Violates the Trust of your Spiritual Community.

D:Using the lack of money as an excuse

addictive pattern to have authority over your inner Spirit.L:Inspires you to put Compassion into action.

that come through Spiritual practise.L:Romantic Charm and potential for Power.

D:Pessimism, Depression, disbelief in Miracles. Believing

Destroying others Dreams and Potential.L:Sheds Light on the potential Wealth

of others. Honouring Trust of Self and Others.

Preparing for a new Life of fresh breath.

The only real danger that exists is man himself. He is the great danger, and we are pitifully unaware of it. We know nothing of man, far too little. His psyche should be studied, because we are the origin of all coming evil.

inner Life. Serves personal Creativity.

D:Delusional rapport with the Divine.L:Accentuates the Challenge of surviving without

within You that can never be stolen.

benevolent authority to protect others.

, more prevalent, asking of our own

Seeking inappropriate Surrogate families.L:Highlights Your tendency to intimidate others.

D:Excessive feelings of entitlement.

Seduced by your own Spiritual role.L:Benevolence and Compassion. Recognizing

D:Acting innocent or angelic to mislead others. Falsely claiming to be in touch with angelic guidance.L:Dedication to transcending physical limits,

Seduction by romantic illusion.L:Great powers of observation and intuition.

D:Allegiance to a destructive ruler or

D:Withdraws from Society out of Fear or

D:Dependence on others to the exclusion of effort.L:Preserving Knowledge and Information.

. Each of these voices is a character unto itself, holding sway a vast library of

and Spirit. Ability to help transform Pain into Healing.

TheArchetype Collectionas illustrated by the renownedCaroline Myss.

Spreads fear and falsehood.L:Passion for doing and creating

Business, Legal or Criminal authority.L:Awakens Compassion and desire to serve other

Wounded Children. Opens learning Path of Forgiveness.

D:Pretension to much Deeper Knowledge

out of Fear of making your Own Choices.L:Ability to Communicate Knowledge,

D:Pursues Pleasure to the Detriment of Health.

Your Heart when Your dependency is rejected.

Attachment to money and Power.L:Seeing the Potential for Sacred Beauty in All

D:Giving your willpower to an external authority

Helps You confront the inner Fears that bully You.

the Eternal Force within Yourself and Others.

Self-destructive devotion.L:Serving humanity with Humility.

negotiating the Power of Your Divine Spirit.

Something is Draining Your Life force..

not to move forward with Life.L:Skill at navigating through the different levels of Consciousness. Ability to see the potential in All.

in forming the shape of our lives. Becoming conscious of these unique characteristics, helps in maintaining the all important dialogue with our own

Guilt in children for becoming independent.L:Entrepreneurial and Creative ability to turn

D:Intoxication with Destructive Power.

Respect for both sides of an argument.

Indifference to the Suffering inflicted on others.L:Radiates the Regal feminine. Uses her

Serves as a channel of Spiritual energy.

D:Selling insights to the highest bidder. Compromising

Negative judgements of others. Refusing

D:Making up tales that harm others.L:The feminine expressed through Wisdom.

D:Misuse of confidence and loss of individual identity.L:Passing on wisdom and serving as a guide.

D:Manipulating or abusing Students. Teaching

and Secret information. Betraying confidences.L:Willingness to follow intuition

Childhood wounds. Resisting moving forward

D:Arrogance in the pursuit of Destructive

D:Turns a Lyric gift to Negative or Destructive effect.L:Gift for negotiating fairness and Strategy

and Spirit. Ability to see Life with fresh eyes.

D:Conveys information only for personal gain.

Professional. Alerts You to the danger of

D:Despotism and Cruelty. Using Power

D:Using power of romantic attraction

D:Inability to Commit to a Path once found.L:Desire to balance the Scales of Justice.

D:Depleting Others for Your Psychic Survival.

D:Exacting Appreciation and Recognition

personal willpower and Strength of Spirit.

D:Offering only Destructive criticism. Misusing

Your Vision to make it more acceptable.L:Challenges authority to effect Social change. Rejects

D:Reliance on mechanistic solutions without

Posing as the starving Artist to elicit pity.L:Talent for Creating and Supporting Life.

survival. Awakens the Spiritual authority of

D:Induces Self-Destructive behaviour or

for private agendas.L:Ability to give Creative energy a practical expression.

Righteousness on the behalf of Society and Oneself.

which cumulate into the form of the

D:Using humour to wound rather than liberate.

becoming Superficial in Your pursuits.

D:Compromises integrity and honesty. Allows an

Physical world. Excess piety.L:Friendships with Animals. Communication

D:Escapism and a false Sense of Heroism.L:Maintaining Symbolic Purity of Heart and Spirit.

than You actually possess.L:Inspires Creative energy to embrace the Good

and the changes it would bring to Your Life.

D:Misuse of athletic ability for selfish ends.

D:Imposing Your own Tyranny over those You

D:Using Talent as an excuse to mistreat others.

appreciation of someone or something.

D:Stealing money, Creative ideas, affection,

D:Places material considerations and

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