Strongbox guide get most out of them

Blacksmiths Strongbox contains weapons. As for artisans strongbox, I personally do not ever use any currency other than Orb of Transmutation on it.

Got +19 quality on blue gemcutter box. Good stuff

PoE Currency Guide Currency exchange ratios

gemsJanuary 27, 2015Guides5 Comments

: Heres one of the upcoming microtransaction armour sets – Celestial Armour.

Gemcutters Strongbox contains skill gems. These are quite good strongboxes to use currency on if you want a lottery you can get very lucky and roll gems have increased quality mod, although it is really rare. I myself mostly do not use a lot of currency on these boxes, but if you got some, you can try.

Love this guide. Got a lot of good orbs because of this. ?

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Artisans Strongbox contains quality increasing currency (Armorers scraps, Blacksmiths whetstones, Cartographers chisels and Gemcutters Prisms). I myself mostly do not bother using currency on these boxes. If I find it normal quality, I throw one Orb of Transmutation on it and thats it not worth using Orbs of Alteration on Artisans box.

Would be nice if we could know what maps have a high chance of spawning a strongbox/

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Chemists Strongbox contains flasks. I do not ever use any currency on these boxes as you can get flasks very easy from just playing the game.Update: These have been removed in Awakening expansion

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Treat strongboxes as items you can use almost all currency on them except for some pieces, whetstones, chisels or scraps for example. If you are already in merciless difficulty, my advice would be carry stack of Orbs of Alteration, Orbs of Transmutation, Orbs of Augmentation, Scrolls of Wisdom for strongboxes. I will go more in detail further in the guide. For more in-depth explanation about currency, check thisguide.

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Strongbox contains all kinds of items. Strongboxes are one of the most common boxes in the game. Look for increased item quantity, contains additional items mods on these boxes..

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Large Strongbox contains all kinds of items. Large strongboxes have more loot in them by default. I like to roll for increased quantity using Orbs of Alteration on these boxes.

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Strongbox guide get most out of them

I USED TO have currency problems. Now I dont.

Cartographers Strongbox contains maps. I really like finding this type of strongbox. It is pretty rare, so I choose what currency to apply on it depending on map level I am in. If cartographers strongbox is in area under level 72, I just use Vaal Orb on it corrupting all the maps inside it. Worth noting, that corrupted map bosses dropSacrifice Fragments and Vaal Skill gems. In higher level maps, I try to roll cartographers boxes with orb of alchemy and after that with orbs of chaos until I get desired mods on it. Good mods to look for are contains additional items, increased item quantity and contains mirrored items.

While wandering through Wraeclast, you have definitely seen different kinds of strongboxes. They had various rarites, types and some of them contained different stuff than others. What new players might now know, they have potential to yield great items if your approach is right. In this Strongbox guide, I will tell you, what kind of currency to use on every kind of strongbox, which mods to look for and when to use Vaal Orbs on strongboxes.

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Jewelers Strongbox contains rings/belts/amulets. These are good boxes to use Vaal Orb on. Corrupted jewelry and belts inside the box has good chance to turn into rare item with 6 affixes, which could yield you some pretty nice loot. Good mods to look for on the box are contains additional items, increased item quantity or contains additional rare items.

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Strongbox spawns are not map dependent, they are completely random ?

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Diviners Strongbox contains divination cards. These are pretty rare, so far I have encountered only 1 of these still got pretty good amount of divination cards (a bit more than 10). Mods you want on this strongbox is increased quantity or additional items use chaos orbs to roll these.

Armorers Strongbox contains armor items. This is the best strongbox to use Vaal Orb on (applying vaal orb to a strongbox corrupts all the items inside it). Before using Vaal Orb on this box, you should definitely have one of these mods on the strongbox:increased item quantity/contains additonal items/contains 3 additional rare items.Corrupted Armorers strongboxes are the easiest way to obtain a 6-linked item sure, it will be corrupted, but you will be definitely able to sell it for some decent amount of currency.

Arcanists Strongbox contains only currency. You can find every kind of currency in these boxes, even the rarest pieces. These, in my opinion, are one of the best strongboxes to apply currency on. If they are normal rarity, I like to apply Orb of Alchemy. If the strongbox does not have at least 50% item quantity or contains 5 additional items mod after turning rare, I reroll it, depending how much currency I have. It is also a good idea to just roll it with Orbs of Alteration for additonal items mod.

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Path of Exile gems is website made in 2014 with goal to help new Path of Exile players understand the game. You can find tutorials, build guides and other useful information on this website.

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Strongbox guide get most out of them

There are currently 11 different types of strongboxes:

Ornate Strongbox contains all kinds of items. Ornate strongboxes have increased item rarity in them by default. Good mods to look for is increased item quantity, contains additional items.

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