Standard League Price Guide

Meginords Vise: 1-5 chaos // [corrupted: +1 to level of socketed gems 1-3 ex, curse enemies with level xx vulnerability 8 ex]

Greater Multiple Projectiles: [1/20 20-30c] [20/20 1ex] [corrupted 20/20 30-40 c] [20/23 2-4 ex] [21/20 3-5 ex]

Split Arrow: [1/20 20-30c] [20/20 1ex] [corrupted 20/20 30-45 c] [20/23 2-3 ex] [21/20 6-8 ex]

Ball Lightning: [1/20 20-30c] [20/20 1ex] [corrupted 20/20 30-45 c] [20/23 2-3 ex] [21/20 8-10 ex]

T2: arcade map, cemetery map, channel map, mountain ledge map, sewer map, thicket map, wharf map

Goldwyrm: 5-10 chaos // [corrupted: +1 to level 3-5 ex // chance to dodge 30-40 chaos // frenzy charge 10 chaos // cannot be knocked back 15-20 chaos] : Legacy 1 ex [corrupted: +1 to level 4-6 ex // chance to dodge 30-40 chaos // frenzy charge 10-20c // cannot be knocked back 15-20 chaos]

Cast When Damage Taken: [1/20 20-30 chaos] [20/20 50 chaos to 1ex] [corrupted 20/20 20-30 chaos] [20/23 1-1.5 ex] [21/20 2-3 ex]

Poison Arrow: [1/20 20-30c] [20/20 1ex] [corrupted 20/20 30-45 c] [20/23 2-3 ex] [21/20 8-12 ex]

Life Leech: [1/20 20-30 chaos] [20/20 50 chaos to 1ex] [corrupted 20/20 20-30 chaos] [20/23 1-1.5 ex] [21/20 2-3 ex]

Windscream: 10-20 chaos // [corrupted: +1 to level 8-10 ex // chance to dodge 40-50c // frenzy charge 30-40c // cannot be knocked back 1 ex]

Sadimas Touch: non legacy 1 chaos // [corrupted: +1 to level of socketed gems 1 ex] // Legacy 3-7 ex

Lightning Coil: non legacy 15 chaos-1 ex // 5L 2-5 ex // 6L 15-20 ex // [corrupted: +1 to gems 15 ex] // Legacy ?? // 5L 5-10 ex // 6L 25-40 ex // [corrupted: +1 to socketed gems 6 link 230ex+]

Windripper: New Version 30-40 chaos // 5L 1-2 ex // 6L 15-20 ex // [culling strike 100 ex+ // additional arrow 80 ex+]

Price Check Standard League Price Guide

Lesser Multiple Projectiles: [1/20 20-30c] [20/20 1ex] [corrupted 20/20 10-20 c] [20/23 1-3 ex] [21/20 3-5 ex]

Essentia Sanguis: legacy 1-2 ex // Current version 10c-1ex // [life leech 5ex / +1 to wep range 2 ex]

Tornado Shot: [1/20 20-30c] [20/20 1ex] [corrupted 20/20 30-45 c] [20/23 2-3 ex] [21/20 8-12 ex]

Facebreaker: Legacy 800-949% more unarmed physical damage 1-5 ex // 950-995% 10-30 ex // 995-999% 30-60 ex // 1000% 100-170 ex

Chin Sol: 1alc/ 1fuse /1scour // 5L 1 ex // 6L 8-10 ex // [additional arrow 50 ex // culling strike 60 ex// power charge 20 ex]

Rise of the Phoenix: 10c for 8% to all elemental resist // 3-5 ex for 16% to all elemental resist // [8% and +1 to level of socketed gems-3ex]

Increased Critical Strikes: [1/20 20-30c] [20/20 1ex] [corrupted 20/20 30-45 c] [20/23 1-2 ex] [21/20 2-3 ex]

Legacy starting 20 ex+ // 5L 25-30 ex // 6L (35-40 ex for low roll) (40-50 ex very good roll) (70-100 ex perfect roll) // [additional arrow 200 ex+// Culling strike 350 ex+]

Physical Projectile Attack Damage: [1/20 20-30c] [20/20 1ex] [corrupted 20/20 30-40 c] [20/23 1-2 ex] [21/20 4-6 ex]

Voltaxic Rift: 30-40 chaos // 5L 1-2 ex // 6L 15-20 ex // [additional arrow 70 ex+ // culling strike 100 ex+// power charge 40 ex]

Increased Area of Effect: [1/20 20-30c] [20/20 1ex] [corrupted 20/20 30-45 c] [20/23 1-2 ex] [21/20 2-3 ex]

Hypothermia: [1/20 20-30c] [20/20 1ex] [corrupted 20/20 30-40 c] [20/23 1-2 ex] [21/20 3-5 ex]

Quill Rain: 1alc/ 1fuse /1scour // 5L 1 ex // 6L 10-15 ex //[additional arrow 100 ex+ // culling strike 150 ex+// power charge 20 ex]

Added Chaos Damage: [1/20 20-30c] [20/20 1ex] [corrupted 20/20 30-45 c] [20/23 1-2 ex] [21/20 2-3 ex]

Astramentis: none legacy 2-8 ex depending on rolls 2 ex being 16/80, 8 ex being 16/100 // legacy 20/20 25-30 ex

Volls Protector: 1-2 chaos // 5L 1-2 ex // 6L 15-18 ex // [corrupted: +1 to level of gems 125 ex+]

Daressos Defiance: 10-20 chaos // 5L 2-3 ex // 6L 15-20 ex // [+1 to level of socketed gems 220ex]

Item Quantity: [lvl 1 0% qual 1 ex] [1/20 2 ex] [20/20 corrupted 2 ex] [20/20 none corrupted 3-4 ex] [20/23 8-10 ex] [21/20 6-8 ex]

Increased Critical Damage: [1/20 20-30c] [20/20 1ex] [corrupted 20/20 30-45 c] [20/23 1-2 ex] [21/20 4-5 ex]

Aegis Aurora: non legacy 2-4 ex // [corrupt % to block spells 40-50 ex] // Legacy 19-45 ex // [corrupt % to block spells ??]

Freezing Pulse: [1/20 20-30c] [20/20 1ex] [corrupted 20/20 30-45 c] [20/23 2-3 ex] [21/20 8-10 ex]

Belly of the Beast: 20-40 chaos // 5L 2-3 ex // 6L 20-30 ex // [corrupted: 70-85 ex socketed skills get a 95% mana multiplier]

Lochtonial Caress: 1 chaos // [corrupted: curse enemies with level xx elemental weakness 3-4 ex]

Power Siphon: [1/20 20-30c] [20/20 1ex] [corrupted 20/20 30-45 c] [20/23 2-3 ex] [21/20 5-7 ex]

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Melee Physical Damage: [1/20 20-30 chaos] [20/20 50 chaos to 1ex] [corrupted 20/20 20-30 chaos] [20/23 1-1.5 ex] [21/20 2-3 ex]

Weapon Elemental Damage: [1/20 20-30 chaos] [20/20 50 chaos to 1ex] [corrupted 20/20 20-30 chaos] [20/23 1-1.5 ex] [21/20 2-3 ex]

Atziris Step: 1-5 chaos 50-65 max life // 10-20 chaos 70-80 max life // [corrupted: +1 to level 1-2 ex // chance to dodge 1-2 ex // frenzy charge 1 ex // cannot be knocked back 10-20 chaos]

Incinerate: [1/20 20-30c] [20/20 1ex] [corrupted 20/20 30-45 c] [20/23 4-5 ex] [21/20 10-12 ex]

Immortal Call: [1/20 20-30 chaos] [20/20 50 chaos to 1ex] [corrupted 20/20 20-30 chaos] [20/23 1-1.5 ex] [21/20 2-3 ex]

Winds of Change: 1-4 ex // [corrupted: curse enemies with level xx temporal chains raise by a couple of ex]

Crest of Perandus: non legacy 1c // [corrupt % to block spells 1-2 ex] // Legacy 1-10c // [corrupt % to block spells 3-6 ex]

Ice Crash: [1/20 20-30 chaos] [20/20 1-2 ex] [20/20 corrupted 50 chaos to 1 ex] [20/23 2-3 ex] [21/20 8-10 ex]

Soul Taker: legacy 175-200 ex // Current version 2-4 ex // [corruption – culling strike 40-70ex – +1/+2 weapon range 25-50ex – 3 white sockets 20-25ex]

Cloak of flame: 1-2 chaos // 5L 1-2 ex // 6L 20-25 ex // [corrupted: 10 ex +1 to level of socketed gems]

Reduced Mana: [1/20 20-30 chaos] [20/20 50 chaos to 1ex] [corrupted 20/20 20-30 chaos] [20/23 1-1.5 ex] [21/20 2-3 ex]

MultiStrike: [1/20 20-30 chaos] [20/20 50 chaos to 1ex] [corrupted 20/20 20-30 chaos] [20/23 1-1.5 ex] [21/20 2-3 ex]

Purity of Elements: [1/20 20-30c] [20/20 1ex] [corrupted 20/20 10-20 c] [20/23 1-2 ex] [21/20 3-5 ex]

T4: arena map, overgrown shrine map, promenade map, phantasmagoria map, shore map, spider forest map, tunnel map

Doomfletch: 1alc/ 1fuse /1scour // 5L 1 ex // 6L 8-10 ex // [additional arrow 50 ex // culling strike 60 ex// power charge 20 ex]

Curse on Hit: [1/20 20-30c] [20/20 1ex] [corrupted 20/20 30-45 c] [20/23 1-2 ex] [21/20 2-3 ex]

Concentrated Effect: [1/20 20-30c] [20/20 1ex] [corrupted 20/20 30-45 c] [20/23 1-2 ex] [21/20 2-3 ex]

Kinetic Blast: [1/20 20-30c] [20/20 1ex] [corrupted 20/20 30-45 c] [20/23 1-2 ex] [21/20 8-10 ex]

Cast on Critical Strike: [1/20 20-30c] [20/20 1ex] [corrupted 20/20 30-45 c] [20/23 1-2 ex] [21/20 3-4 ex]

Added Fire Damage: [1/20 20-30 chaos] [20/20 50 chaos to 1ex] [corrupted 20/20 20-30 chaos] [20/23 1-1.5 ex] [21/20 2-3 ex]

Enlighten: [lvl 1 5-10 c] [lvl 2 1 ex] [lvl 2 corrupted 40-50c] [lvl 3 2-3 ex] [lvl 3 corrupted 1 ex] [lvl 4 22-24 ex]

Power Charge on Critical: [1/20 20-30c] [20/20 1ex] [corrupted 20/20 30-45 c] [20/23 2-3 ex] [21/20 5-7 ex]

Blood Magic: [1/20 20-30 chaos] [20/20 50 chaos to 1ex] [corrupted 20/20 20-30 chaos] [20/23 1-1.5 ex] [21/20 2-3 ex]

Prism Guardian: double leg 12-15 ex // [corrupt +1 to level of socketed gems 50-60ex] // Legacy 1ex // Non legacy 1ex // [corrupt +1 to level of socketed gems 30 ex]

Bronns Lithe: *There is a legacy version, but current is better: 1-10 chaos // 5L 2-4 ex // 6L 20 ex

Ethereal Knives: [1/20 20-30c] [20/20 1ex] [corrupted 20/20 30-45 c] [20/23 2-3 ex] [21/20 8-12 ex]

* Quivers worth 1-2 ex more if corrupted with adds an additional arrow unless listed otherwise *

Molten Strike: [1/20 20-30 chaos] [20/20 50 chaos to 1ex] [corrupted 20/20 20-30 chaos] [20/23 1-1.5 ex] [21/20 2-3 ex]

Nulls Inclination: 1 chaos // 5L 1-3 ex // 6L 12-15 ex // [additional arrow 60 ex // culling strike 80 ex// power charge 30 ex]

Faster Attacks: [1/20 20-30c] [20/20 1ex] [corrupted 20/20 30-45 c] [20/23 1-2 ex] [21/20 3-4 ex]

Spell Totem: [1/20 20-30 chaos] [20/20 50 chaos to 1ex] [corrupted 20/20 20-30 chaos] [20/23 1-1.5 ex] [21/20 2-3 ex]

3rd gen(20% all res + 40-60 mana, 140-180% max es) price: 10-20 chaos [corrupted: +1 to level 10-15 ex]

Cloak of Defiance: non legacy 1 chaos // 5L 1 ex // 6L 5-6 ex // [corrupted: +1 to level of gems 70 ex+] // Legacy 20 chaos // 5L 1 ex / 6L 10-15 ex // [corrupted: +1 to level of gems 100 ex+]

Shavronnes Wrappings: non legacy 5-9 ex // 5L 10-30 ex // 6L 32-60 ex // Legacy no link ??? // 5L 300 ex // 6L 300 ex – 4 mirrors

Herald of Ice: [1/20 20-30c] [20/20 1ex] [corrupted 20/20 30-45 c] [20/23 2-3 ex] [21/20 5-7 ex]

Vaal Caress: 20-30 chaos // [corrupted: +1 to level 125 ex/+1 to level vaal gems 15-20 ex/+2 level vaal gems 160ex+]

Flicker Strike: [1/20 20-30c] [20/20 1ex] [corrupted 20/20 30-45 c] [20/23 1-2 ex] [21/20 2-3 ex]

Maligaros Virtuosity: non legacy 1 ex // [corrupted: +1 to level of socketed gems 3-7 ex] // Legacy 10-20 ex // [corrupted +1 to level of socketed gems 65-70 ex]

Doryanis Invitation: cold/lightning/physical 20 chaos-1 ex // fire 1-2 exalts // [corrupted: +1 Maximum Endurance Charge – 5 ex for cold/physical/lightning // 10 ex for fire]

The Blood Dance: ?? // [corrupted: +1 to level 1 ex // chance to dodge 10-20 chaos // frenzy charge 6-10 ex // cannot be knocked back 10-20 chaos]

** A special thanks to all those who helped to put this guide together for the community **

Rainbowstride: 1st gen (20% all res + 80-100 max mana, 150-200% max es) price: 5-10 ex [corrupted: +1 to level 150 ex+]

Lightning Arrow: [1/20 20-30c] [20/20 1ex] [corrupted 20/20 30-45 c] [20/23 1-2 ex] [21/20 3-4 ex]

Enhance: [lvl 1 5-10 c] [lvl 2 1 ex] [lvl 2 corrupted 40-50c] [lvl 3 2-3 ex] [lvl 3 corrupted 1 ex] [lvl 4 8-10 ex]

Darkscorn: 1alc/ 1fuse /1scour // 5L 1 ex // 6L 5-8 ex // [additional arrow 40 ex // culling strike 50 ex// power charge 15 ex]

Atziris Splendour: 2 ex // 5L 4 exs // 6L 30-40 ex // [corrupted: +1 to level of gems 80-140 ex]

Asenaths Gentle Touch: 5 chaos // [corrupted: +1 to level of socketed gems 7 ex / curse enemies with level xx vulnerability/elemental weakness 20 ex]

Redblade Tramplers: 1-3 ex // [corrupted: +1 to level 5-10 ex // chance to dodge 3-5 ex // frenzy charge 1 ex // cannot be knocked back 1 ex ]

Deerstalker: 1 alc/fuse-1 chaos // [corrupted: +1 to level 30-40 chaos // chance to dodge 30-40 chaos // frenzy charge 30-40 chaos // cannot be knocked back 15 chaos]

Added Lightning Damage: [1/20 20-30c] [20/20 1ex] [corrupted 20/20 30-45 c] [20/23 1-2 ex] [21/20 2-3 ex]

Physical to Lightning: [1/20 20-30c] [20/20 1ex] [corrupted 20/20 30-45 c] [20/23 2-3 ex] [21/20 5-7 ex]

Divination Distillate: New Version 1-2 ex low roll 10 ex+ high roll – Legacy 8-10 ex low roll 20-30 ex high roll

Deaths Oath: 5-10 chaos // 5L – 2-3 ex // 6L 10-20 ex // [Corrupted: 45 ex +1 to socketed gems]

Lioneyes Glare: 20-30 chaos // 5L 1-1,5 ex // 6L 10 ex // [culling strike 80ex+ // additional arrow 50ex+// power charge 30 ex]

Cybils Paw: legacy 2c-2ex // [corrupted – culling strike 3 ex / % to block while,dual wielding 3ex] // Current version 2c-2ex / [culling strike 5ex / % to block while dual wielding 3ex]

Deaths Harp: 1alc/ 1fuse /1scour // 5L 1 ex // 6L 5-10 ex // [additional arrow 30 ex // culling strike 30 ex// power charge 10 ex]

Infernal Mantle: non legacy 1-5 chaos // 5L 2ex // 6L 18-20 ex // [corrupted: +1 to socketed gems 5 link 25 ex / 6 link 120-200 exs] // legacy 1-5 chaos // 5L 5-10 ex // 6L 20-40 ex

Herald of Ash: [1/20 20-30 chaos] [20/20 50 chaos to 1ex] [corrupted 20/20 20-30 chaos] [20/23 1-1.5 ex] [21/20 2-3 ex]

Hyrris Ire: non legacy 5 chaos // 5L 2 ex // 6L 15-20 ex // Legacy 10 chaos-1ex // 5L 2 ex // 6L 10-15 ex

Daressos Courage: 1-10c // [corrupt % to block spells, +1 to level of socketed gems – both 1 ex]

Carcass Jack: 10-30 chaos // 5L 1-2 ex // 6L 14-18 ex // [corrupted: +1 to level of gems 90 ex+]

Culling Strike: [1/20 20-30c] [20/20 1ex] [corrupted 20/20 30-45 c] [20/23 1-2 ex] [21/20 3-4 ex]

Kaoms Roots: 8-12 chaos // [corrupted: +1 to level 30-40 chaos // chance to dodge 30-40 chaos // frenzy charge 1 ex // cannot be knocked back 1 ex]

Faster Casting: [1/20 20-30c] [20/20 1ex] [corrupted 20/20 30-45 c] [20/23 1-2 ex] [21/20 2-3 ex]

Fortify: [1/20 20-30 chaos] [20/20 50 chaos to 1ex] [corrupted 20/20 20-30 chaos] [20/23 1-1.5 ex] [21/20 2-3 ex]

Item rarity: [1/20 20-30c] [20/20 1ex] [corrupted 20/20 30-45 c] [20/23 1-2 ex] [21/20 5-7 ex]

Lightning Tendrils: [1/20 20-30c] [20/20 1ex] [corrupted 20/20 30-45 c] [20/23 2-3 ex] [21/20 5-7 ex]

Bloodseeker: legacy 5c-1ex [+2 to wep range 3ex] – Current version 5c-1ex [+2 to wep range 3ex]

Auxium: 5 chaos-3 ex (20%) // legacy – max roll 30% 30-40 exalts // [corrupted: +1 Maximum Endurance Charge non legacy 10-20 exalts]

Static Strike: [1/20 20-30 chaos] [20/20 50 chaos to 1ex] [corrupted 20/20 20-30 chaos] [20/23 1-1.5 ex] [21/20 2-3 ex]

Hyaons Fury: double legacy 15c // Legacy 30-50c // [corrupt +2 weapon range 20 ex] // Current version 1-2ex // [corrupt +2 weapon range 20 ex]

ephemeral Edge: legacy 1-10c // [corrupt – culling strike 7-10 ex] // Current version 1-10c // [corrupt – culling strike 7-10 ex]

Saffells Frame: non legacy (70-80% block applied to spells) (+4 max res)2-20c // Legacy (100-120% block applied to spells) (+5 max res) 10-15ex

Empower: [lvl 1 5-10 chaos] [1/20 20-30 chaos] [lvl 2 1 ex] [lvl 2 corrupted 20-30 chaos] [lvl 3 2-3 ex] [lvl 3 corrupted 1 ex] [lvl 4 22-24 ex]

2nd gen (8% all resistance, 80-100 max mana, 150-200% max es) price: 10-20 chaos [corrupted: +1 to level 5-10 ex]

Assassins Mark: [1/20 20-30c] [20/20 1ex] [corrupted 20/20 30-45 c] [20/23 1-2 ex] [21/20 2-3 ex]

Herald of Thunder: [1/20 20-30c] [20/20 1ex] [corrupted 20/20 10-20 c] [20/23 2-3 ex] [21/20 8-10 ex]

Molten Shell: [1/20 20-30 chaos] [20/20 50 chaos to 1ex] [corrupted 20/20 20-30 chaos] [20/23 1-1.5 ex] [21/20 2-3 ex]

Spectral Throw: [1/20 20-30c] [20/20 1ex] [corrupted 20/20 30-45 c] [20/23 1-2 ex] [21/20 3-4 ex]

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