Unique Diviners Strongbox = Divination Cards nerf?

Its not you get a diviner and then it decides if its a unique.

If you get a rare box, theres a second roll to see if its a diviners.

Because it is a real PitA The only thing worse than using it is editing it.Wraeclast: Where no one smokes but everyone dies.

If you get a white box, theres an independent chance for it to be a diviners.

They are uniques.I am the light of the morning and the shadow on the wall, I am nothing and I am all.

So GGG sold out… And what? Would u dont sell if u get good offer??

Unique Diviners Strongbox = Divination Cards nerf?

Worst diviners EVER! Literally you could open a white one and get more cards! I just opened one:

why dont you add the missing information then?

Ive had two uniques this week. They both had crap mods such as Only cards with stacks of x. And in both of those I only got like 4 cards…

There is only one true god in PoE and that is Greed…

Ive seen 1 diviner so far and no unique so I guess u r t lucky one here;)

I barely see unique strongboxes. Ive found 5 exalts, yet Ive only seen 3 unique boxes this league. Found the unique divenrs and sadly it game me shit, so Ill agree with you there.

If you get a unique box, theres a second roll to see if its the diviners.

The PoE wiki is really a piece of shit. If you look up unique strongbox the list is incomplete like 90% of the other content on the site.

Wraeclast: Where no one smokes but everyone dies.

why dont you add the missing information then?

Honestly its probably just rng lol. Ive been playing this entire season have multiple characters around 90 and farmed every tier and I havent seen one legendary diviners yet.

The PoE wiki is really a piece of shit. If you look up unique strongbox the list is incomplete like 90% of the other content on the site.

Those unique diviners have given me junk and I have had maybe 2 of those vs 3 or 4 regular ones. You do raise a good point: diviners are so rare that unique spawn chance cant be that far off regular. I wonder if they roll strongbox type before unique/rare/magic/normal? If so might explain a relatively high occurrence rate of unique diviners vs non unique.

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