PoE Trivial Item Filter

Save as PoE_TIF_v1_1_1.filter in My Documents\My Games\Path of Exile folder.

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BaseType Mirror of Kalandra

Class Hybrid Flask Mana Flask Life Flask Ring

PoE Trivial Item Filter by DajDwaZlote v1.1.1 2016-01-29 Save as PoE_TIF_v1_1_1.filter in My Documents\My Games\Path of Exile folder. In game: Options – UI – List of item lifters: PoE_TIF_v1_1_0 – Reload Items by Type Show BaseType Talisman SetBorderColor 204 152 255 Show Class Ring SetBorderColor 102 0 204 Show Class Hybrid Flask Mana Flask Life Flask Ring Quality 0 SetBorderColor 102 0 204 Show Class Utility Flasks Quality 0 SetBorderColor 127 0 0 Show Class Map SetBorderColor 255 255 255 SetBackgroundColor 55 55 55 Show Class Jewel SetBorderColor 63 255 63 Show Class Divination Card SetBorderColor 124 81 50 SetBackgroundColor 62 40 25 PlayAlertSound 2 300 Items by Value Show Class Fishing Rod SetBorderColor 255 0 255 Show Class Flask Quality 0 SetBorderColor 127 0 0 Show Class Gem Quality 0 SetBorderColor 255 0 0 sockets Show LinkedSockets 5 SocketGroup RGB SetBorderColor 255 0 0 Show LinkedSockets = 5 SetBorderColor 255 0 0 SetBackgroundColor 127 0 0 127 Show Sockets 6 SetBorderColor 255 0 0 currency Show BaseType Orb of Alchemy Orb of Scouring SetBorderColor 95 0 0 Show BaseType Chaos Orb Vaal Orb Regal Orb Divine Orb Gemcutters Prism SetBorderColor 127 0 0 Show BaseType Exalted Orb SetBorderColor 255 0 0 Show BaseType Mirror of Kalandra SetBorderColor 255 0 0 SetBackgroundColor 127 0 0 127

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BaseType Orb of Alchemy Orb of Scouring

In game: Options – UI – List of item lifters: PoE_TIF_v1_1_0 – Reload

Dedicated Server HostingbySteadfast

BaseType Chaos Orb Vaal Orb Regal Orb Divine Orb Gemcutters Prism

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